Paper Publication (International) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Implementation of a grid-tied wind power HER-inverter | 06-12-2020 | 01-01-2021 | 1 | SSRG International journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(SSRG-IJEEE)ICIMEH-2020 | 2. | Design of efficient converter for wind energy conversion | 02-12-2020 | 06-01-2021 | 1 | SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 3. | Automatic Gate Control and Track Crack Prediction in Railways | 26-10-2018 | 26-10-2018 | October 26, 2018 | American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering 2018; Vol. 5, No. 5, 2018, pp. 147-153"Automatic Gate Control and Track Crack Prediction in Railways "Received: July 19, 2018; Accepted: October 9, 2018; Published: October 26, 2018
| 4. | FPGA IMPLEMENTATION OF DIP BASED ONLINE CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEM | 05-05-2010 | 05-05-2010 | 05 May, 2010 | Participated in the International Conference on “COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY – ’10" organized by EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, TIRUNELVELI held on 05 May, 2010 |
Paper Publication (National) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Fault Location Scheme of Smart Grid Based on Wireless Sensor Networks using Data Acquisition” | 01-04-2018 | 01-04-2018 | 1 day | Journal published in SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – Special Issue ICRTECITA-2018- April 2018 “Fault Location Scheme of Smart Grid Based on Wireless Sensor Networks using Data Acquisition” | 2. | Globally Accessible Robotic ARM | 25-02-2017 | 25-02-2017 | one day | The paper presented titled as "Globally Accessible Robotic ARM" ISTE sponsored National Conference on "Innovations in Engineering and Technology" at Karpagam College of Engineering held on 25th February 2017. | 3. | FPGA IMPLEMENTATION OF DIP BASED ONLINE CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEM | 31-03-2010 | 01-04-2010 | 31 March and April 1 2010 | Participated in the National Conference on “ADVANCED TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES – ’10" organized by K.L.N. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,SIVAGANGAI held on 31 March and April 1 ,2010 |
Book Publication |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Multimedia Technologies in the internet of things environment-springer | 08-12-2020 | 08-12-2020 | 1 | Springer Nature Singapore pte Ltd 2021 |
Resource Person |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Electronic Devices and Circuits Oscillator and Amplifiers | 09-09-2015 | 09-09-2015 | 1 Day | Delivered a guest lecture on 09.09.15 at “K.L.Nagaswamy Memorial Polytechnic College” on the topic of “Electronic Devices and Circuits Oscillator and Amplifiers”. |
Conference |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | AUTOMATIC GATE CONTROL AND TRACK CRACK PREDICTION IN RAILWAYS | 16-03-2018 | 17-03-2018 | 1-Days | National conference on RECENT TRENDS IN COMPUTING, COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY”RECANT – 2018 on 16th & 17th March 2018 organised by Organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology P.S.R Engineering College, Sivakasi– 626 140 Virudhunagar (Dist)-Tamilnadu,"AUTOMATIC GATE CONTROL AND TRACK CRACK PREDICTION IN RAILWAYS" | 2. | Fault Location Scheme of Smart Grid Based on Wireless Sensor Networks using Data Acquisition | 20-02-2017 | 20-02-2017 | 1 day | Participated in the International Conference on“ Recent Trends in Engineering, Computers, Information Technology and Applications (ICRTECITA-2017)" Fault Location Scheme of Smart Grid Based on Wireless Sensor Networks using Data Acquisition”Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at P.S.N.A Engineering College. | 3. | Applications & Troubleshooting of Electronic devices Linear & Digital ICs, | 08-09-2015 | 08-09-2015 | One day | One Day Workshop for II year EEE students Resource Person: M. Ganesh, MD, Magesh Electronic Co, Madurai Total Students attended : 122, Applications & Troubleshooting of Electronic devices Linear & Digital ICs, 08/09/2015 (Tuesday) | 4. | Electroplating for commercial applications | 25-06-2015 | 25-07-2015 | half day | Organized IIPC sponsored Expert talk - Guest Lecture for II year EEE A&B Resource person : E. Vigneshwaran, V.I.K. Bright industry, Madurai Total strength : 120/1, 25/07/2015(Saturday), electroplating for commercial applications |
Seminars |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Internet of Things and it's Applications | 10-05-2017 | 12-05-2017 | Three Days | Attended Three Days National Workshop on "Internet of Things and it's Applications "at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College organized by Department of Information Technology. | 2. | Tenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics and Image Processing | 18-12-2016 | 22-12-2016 | Five Days | Attended the "Tenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics and Image Processing"From Dec-18th to Dec 22,2016 organised at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,Assam,India. | 3. | Anna University Sponsored Seven Days FDTP on-EE6302 – Electromagnetic Theory | 06-06-2016 | 12-06-2016 | 7 Days | Anna University Sponsored Seven Days FDTP on-EE6302 – Electromagnetic Theory-06.06.2016-12.06.2016.
Velammal College of Engineering & Technology,Madurai. | 4. | VI Microsystems Pvt. Ltd sponsored FDP on “EC6711- Embedded Laboratory” | 17-05-2016 | 18-05-2016 | 2 Days | VI Microsystems Pvt. Ltd sponsored FDP on “EC6711-Embedded Laboratory”17.05.2016&18.05.2016, Francis Xavier Engineering College,
Tirunelveli. | 5. | Power Electronics in polymer product manufacturing | 05-05-2016 | 06-05-2016 | Two Days | I have attended this IEEE sponsored seminar organized by EEE department of K.L.N college of Engineering. | 6. | TEQIP Sponsored Workshop on “ Industrial Automation” | 08-01-2016 | 09-01-2016 | 2 Days | TEQIP Sponsored Workshop on “Industrial Automation”08.01.2016-09.01.2016,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. | 7. | Synthetic Aperture Radar Image processing | 07-08-2015 | 08-08-2015 | Two days | “Synthetic Aperture Radar Image processing”,7th and 8th August,2015
[2 days TEQIP Sponsored National Workshop], Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai.
| 8. | HARMONICS And POWER QUALITY-CONTEMPORARY ISSUES AND SOLUTION | 22-04-2015 | 05-05-2015 | 12 days | PARTICIPATED IN AICTE SPONSORED FDP PROGRAMME ON "HARMONICS And POWER QUALITY-CONTEMPORARY ISSUES AND SOLUTION"AT THIAGARAJAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MADURAI. | 9. | Seminar and Poster Session Emerging Antenna Technologies & Applications | 04-04-2015 | 04-04-2015 | 04-04-2015 | Participated in the 'Seminar and Poster Session Emerging Antenna Technologies & Applications' on 04-04-2015 at Thiagarajar college of Engineering,Madurai. | 10. | ANNA UNIVERSITY FDP PROGRAMME ON "DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING" | 02-12-2013 | 08-12-2013 | 7 days | ATTENDED ANNA UNIVERSITY FDP PROGRAMME ON "DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING"AT "SYED AMMAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE" FROM 02.12.13 TO 08.12.13. | 11. | CURRENT NEEDS OF ENGLISH FOR EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS | 25-11-2011 | 26-11-2011 | 25-11-2011 TO 26-11.2011 | K.L.N COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,POTTAPALAYAM-630611.
DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH. | 12. | TWO DAYS WORKSHOP ON TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS | 29-06-2011 | 30-06-2011 | 29.6.11 to 30.06.11 | This workshop is organized by K.L.N College of Engineering,Pottapalayam | 13. | LabVIEW SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE | 21-08-2009 | 22-08-2009 | 21st & 22nd August 2009 | DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING, FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | DESIGN OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS | 01-07-2018 | 01-10-2018 | 12 WEEKS | NPTEL-AICTE FDP ON "DESIGN OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS" FROM IISC BANGALORE. | 2. | AICTE-ISTE SPONSORED ONE WEEK TRAINING IN CREATIVE LEARNING AND INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODOLOGIES | 23-04-2018 | 29-04-2018 | 7 DAYS | - | 3. | Digital Twin Technology Foe Quality and process Improvement in Industries | 06-11-2017 | 12-11-2017 | 7 Days | AICTE QIP Sponsored one week short term course on"Digital Twin Technology Foe Quality and process Improvement in Industries"organized by Industrial Engineering Group,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Thiagarajar Engineering college Madurai during 06.11.2017 to 12.11.2017 |
Value Added Course |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | BRIDGE COURSE FOR THEORY AND LABORATORY PRACTICE | 03-12-2018 | 08-12-2018 | 6 DAYS | BRIDGE COURSE FOR THEORY AND LABORATORY PRACTICE FOR II YEAR A & B SECTION (BATCH- 2017-2021)R-2017,FROM 03.12.18 TO 08.12.18 (6 DAYS) AT KLNCE. |
Others |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | DESIGN OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS | 01-07-2018 | 01-10-2018 | 12 WEEKS | NPTEL ONLINE CERTIFICATION FOR THE SUBJECT " DESIGN OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS" FROM INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE BANGALORE-JUL-OCT 2018(12 WEEK COURSE) | 2. | DIGITAL CIRCUITS | 01-07-2018 | 01-10-2018 | 12 WEEKS | NPTEL ONLINE CERTIFICATION FOR THE SUBJECT"DIGITAL CIRCUITS"-ELITE CERTIFICATE FROM IIT KHARAGPUR. | 3. | Microprocessor and Microcontroller | 03-07-2017 | 03-10-2017 | 12 WEEKS | NPTEL ONLINE CERTIFICATION FOR THE SUBJECT " MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER" FROM INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL-OCT 2017(12 WEEK COURSE) | 4. | Visited Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. (Industrial Visit) | 31-01-2016 | 31-01-2016 | 1 Day | Visited Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. (Industrial Visit) -31.03.2016 | 5. | Visited EID-Parry Ltd, Distillery Unit, Sivagangai. (Industrial Visit) | 14-01-2016 | 14-01-2016 | 1 Day | Visited EID-Parry Ltd, Distillery Unit, Sivagangai. (Industrial Visit)-14.01.2016 | 6. | ASSOCIATE MEMBER IN THE INSTITUTION OF ENGIINEERS(INDIA) | 31-08-2013 | 31-08-2013 | - | SELECTED AS ASSOCIATE MEMBER IN IEI (AM149343-7). |