Latest News
- October 9th & 10th ,2012
- Date of Workshop
- Poster
- To download poster click here.
- Workshop Rules & Details
- To download Rules click here.
Welcome Robolovers!
We the, K.L.N.College Of Engineering are proud to present as a Zonal Center for the National Level Workshop "I-ROBOTRICKS, Robotryst'13" to be held here, on October 9th and 10th, 2012.
Workshop Details
- This is a 3 Stage Event as detailed below:
Stage 1:
1) The Workshop will be delivered by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt.Ltd.
2) During the workshop 'Robotic Kits' will be supplied by Sponsors of this event to a Group of 4-5 Participant at free of Cost. -
Stage 2:
1)Just after the workshop a Mega Competition (Prelims Rounds) of RoboTryst-2013 will be held.
2)Winners will be awarded Certificate of Merit,and are required to participate in Final Rounds which will be held at IIT-Delhi & Date of championship will be announced later. -
Stage 3:
1.Winners of Prelims are required to participate in the Final Round of RoboTryst-2013 at IIT-Delhi.
2.Winner of this Final Round will win The RoboTryst-2013 Championship and will be awarded and honored by IIT-Delhi.
3.A Certificate of Excellence will also be awarded to the Winning Team. -
Registraion Charges
1) Registration Charges Rs. 1550 per head.
2) The fee includes workshop training,certification,and Event registration and a free Robotics Kit to each team of 4-5 members.