Reflechir 2012

Let your ideas reflect and reverberate

Paper Presentation

Knowledge is waste unless spread, likewise ideas are waste unless presented ! Presentation is key to make even a small idea into phenomenal one!! We provide you the hotspot.. Are you ready ?


  • VLSI
  • Embedded systems
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Satellite Communications and
  • Other innovative topics are accepted.

Event Rules

  1. Maximum of two participants are allowed.
  2. The paper should contain not more than 6 pages.
  3. The paper shold be in IEEE format with font as Times new romans, size as 12 pts and line spacing as 1.5 pts.
  4. The paper should contain an abstract not more than 300 words.
  5. Students should send their paper to
  6. Subject Of mail should read like this: REF12#XXXX - TITLE OF PAPER ( XXXX is 4 digit allotted unique id)

Important dates

Last date for sending Paper is 20-9-12.

Date of Intimation is 25-9-12.