Paper Presentation
Knowledge is waste unless spread, likewise ideas are waste unless presented ! Presentation is key to make even a small idea into phenomenal one!! We provide you the hotspot.. Are you ready ?
- Embedded systems
- Digital Image Processing
- Digital Signal Processing
- Satellite Communications and
- Other innovative topics are accepted.
Event Rules
- Maximum of two participants are allowed.
- The paper should contain not more than 6 pages.
- The paper shold be in IEEE format with font as Times new romans, size as 12 pts and line spacing as 1.5 pts.
- The paper should contain an abstract not more than 300 words.
- Students should send their paper to
- Subject Of mail should read like this: REF12#XXXX - TITLE OF PAPER ( XXXX is 4 digit allotted unique id)
Important dates
Last date for sending Paper is 20-9-12.
Date of Intimation is 25-9-12.