The most creative ideas



1.Paper presentation:


Paper should be in original and should not be copied from any other sources.

Maximum of two Authors are permitted to present and publish the paper.

Two authors must register to get certificates.

Maximum of 5 minutes is allocated for presentation and 2 minutes for queries.

Authors are instructed to adhere to the time schedule without fail.

Only 10 papers will be selected for oral presentation.

Students can send any number of papers from the same college.

The  authors  of the selected papers should send  their  powerPoint Presentation(PPT)  within 5 days before the commencement of the symposium.

Paper should be submitted on or before 01.09.2014 to the mailid

All paper should be strictly in original.

The  paper should be in IEEE format.

The schedule is tentative.

Presentation aids like white board, OHP, LCD Projector will be provided.

Selected candidates will be announced on or before 08.09.2014





Preliminary test will be conducted for all the students who wish to participate in quiz contest.

The 20 teams will be selected for the first round.

5 teams will be eliminated from the first round.

Finally, 3 teams will be elected from 5 team.



3.Just a minute


The complete event will be in  Tamil language.

Student has to talk for one minute in Tamil on the given topic without gap.

The forbidden keywords should not be used by the students during their speech.

They should not use the same word repeatedly.

No third party language (Multi-Linguistic) words allowed in the speech.

It should be a logic oriented speech.

There may be further rounds based on the outcome of the results.


3.Ad and act


Preliminary tests will be conducted to elect final teams.

A maximum of 5 students permitted for a team.

5 minutes are assigned for performing the events. (3 min. for Action and 2 min for query).

Product title will be given to the students only 5 minutes before to the commencement of the event taken by the students.





(The papers should be prepared in any one of the following areas)

  • Cloud computing.
  • Bigdata
  • Network security.
  • Recent trends in information
  • Cluster computing
  • Nano technology
  • Gesture recognition
  • E-wallet
  • Plassmonics
  • Zig bee technology
  • Hadoop technology
  • Artificial intelligence and global risk
  • Image processing
  • Swarn intelligence
  • Data mining/data warehousing
  • I-cloud
  • Brain finger print
  • Fuzzy logic
  • Ethical hacking
  • Green world/green computing
  • Bluejacking
  • Isphere
  • li-fi technology