Industry Department Collaboration Activities (IDCA)
The objective of the IIP Cell (IIPC) is to reduce the gap between Industry expectations (practice) and Academic offerings (Theory) by direct involvement of industry to attain a symbiosis.

IIP Cell has been established under grant-in-aid scheme (Rs14.50 Lakhs) of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) New Delhi in 2013.

IIPC helps to promote various industry related activities of the department through Industry Department Collaboration Activities. (IDCA).

*Expert Talk *Industrial Visit *Technical Festivals *Competency Development Program / Student Research Workshop *Personality Development Program *In Plant Training *Internship *Student Academic Project at Industry *Industrial Research (Student / Faculty) *Software & Application Development for Industry / Organization *Projects funded by Industry /Organization (Staff /Students) *Submission of Projects / Proposals to Funding Agency *MoU signed and activities carried out *Knowledge Transfer / Training Classes by KLNCE Faculty to Industry *Consultancy Work *Faculty Training at Industry *Patent *Product display in Project Exhibition (Industry / Organization) *Establishment of Laboratory in association with Industry / Organization *Awards received from Industry / Organization

Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC)