Paper Presentation



              All the great innovations we see today began as a simple idea in the minds of their inventor. The Tata Nano design for example had its origins in a doodle drawn by Ratan tata during one of his board meetings. If you think you have one of those ideas that might just end up being revolutionary, pack your bags for the paper presentation event of Propelz'12.


       •  Maximum of two members per team.

       •  All the members of the team should register online. Only registered candidates papers will be considered for selection.

       •   No limit on the number of participations from an institution.



       •  Participants should submit the soft copy of the full paper, preferably in IEEE format (abstract alone will not be accepted) by  with

          email to Paper Presentation as subject.

       •  Paper should be submitted as a MS word document (.doc or .docx) only.

       •  Paper should not exceed ten pages

       •  Details of the team members: name, department, mail id, contact number,and institution name should be sent along with the paper


Deadline for submission: On or before 25.02.2012



       •  Shortlisted teams will be intimated through email on or before 28.02.2012

       •  Presentation (in .ppt format) should be for duration of 8 minutes (maximum) followed by 3 minutes question time

       •  Teams are requested to bring two hard copies of the paper on the day of event



       •  Emerging fuels and fuel cells

       •  Autotronics

       •  Robotic applications

       •  NVH and cabin comfort

       •  Emission reduction and after treatment

       •  Manufacturing process improvement

       •  Composite and smart materials

       •  Automotive saftey

       •  Power assisted systems(hydraulic and pneumatic)

       •  Advance engine technologies

       •  FEA and CFD in automotive application



        Papers on topics other than those mentioned above are also welcome, if they come under the purview of the Automobile and Mechanical stream.


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