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Associate Professor 1&Campus Maintenance Incharge
Mechanical Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(MECH.ENGG.)M.E.(INDUSTRIAL ENGG.) PH.D.,
Experience :19.1 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Paper Publication (International)6
Resource Person2
Awards / Achievements4
Paper Presentation 8

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Demonstrating the importance of using total time balance instead of route balance on a multi-objective vehicle routing problem with time windows18-06-201818-06-2018Online: June 2018Paper published in "International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology" (AU, Annexure I, Springer, Impact factor: 2.601), Vol: 98, No: 5-8, pp: 1287-1306, (2018), DOI: //
2. Multi-objective vehicle routing problem with time windows: Improving customer satisfaction by considering gap time02-05-201702-05-2017Online: June 2015Paper published in "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture" (AU, Annexure I, Sage, Impact factor: 1.445), Vol: 231, No: 7, pp: 1248-1263, (2017), DOI: 10.1177/0954405415586608
3. Improving the Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Rate of Boilers at TVS SRICHAKRA Ltd.,01-05-201701-05-2017Online: May 2017Paper published in "International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology", Vol: 3, (2017), ISBN 978-81-904760-9-6
4. Design and Fabrication of Automatic Dishwasher Machine01-02-201701-02-2017Online: Feb 2017Paper published in "International Journals SSRG", pp: 26-30, (2017), E-ISSN: 2348 – 8360
5. Solving Multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows by FAGA30-12-201430-12-2014Online: Dec 2014Paper published in "Procedia Engineering" (AU, Annexure II, Elsevier), Vol: 97, pp: 2176-2185, (2014), DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.12.461
6. A New Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm: Fitness Aggregated Genetic Algorithm (FAGA) for Vehicle Routing Problem16-07-201416-07-2014Online: July 2014Paper published in "Advanced Materials Research" (AU, Annexure II, Trans Tech Publications), Vols: 984-985, pp: 1261-1268, (2014), DOI: 10.4028/

Resource Person
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. 3rd IEI Tamilnadu State Centre Students & Technicians Convention and All India Seminar on "Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Economy"17-03-201718-03-20172 DaysActed as Session Chair for Paper Presentation
2. Faculty Development Programme on "Heat and Mass Transfer"03-12-201210-12-20123.12.12 to 10.12.12Act as Internal Resource person for the FDP organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L.N.College of Engineering, Madurai and sponsored by Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.

Awards / Achievements
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Outstanding Faculty Award01-07-201730-06-20181 YearReceived Outstanding Faculty Award on 07.07.2018 from Venus International Foundation, Chennai for the contributions and achievements in the field of Mechanical Engineering for the academic year 2017-2018
2. Appreciation Award01-06-201731-05-20181 YearReceived Appreciation Award and certificate from Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) for the contributions towards ISHRAE Student Chapter Activities during the academic year 2017-2018.
3. Best Paper Award07-03-201408-03-20147th - 8th, March, 2014Won best paper award in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014], Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
4. Long Service Certificate13-07-200713-07-201710 YearsReceived Long Service Certificate and Award for working in KLNCE for 10 years

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Design and Fabrication of Tooth Shape Bolt and Nut Protector18-01-201820-01-20183 DaysPaper presented in International Conference on Contemporary Design and Analysis of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Systems (CDAMIES-2018), Organized by Department of Production Engineering, NIT, Trichy
2. Improving the Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Rate of Boilers at TVS SRICHAKRA Ltd.,02-04-201702-04-20171 DayPaper Presented in International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering, organized by Jawahar Engineering College, Chennai
3. Design and Fabrication of Automatic Dishwasher Machine17-02-201718-02-20172 DaysPaper Presented in International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Sustainable Technology, organized by Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode
4. Solving Multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows by FAGA08-12-201410-12-20148th-10th, December, 2014Paper Presented in Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management (GCMM-2014), Organized by School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India.
5. Multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Route Balance Using Fitness Aggregated Genetic Algorithm (FAGA)10-04-201411-04-201410th - 11th, April, 2014Paper presented in International Conference on Modelling, Optimization and Computing (ICMOC-2014), Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Noorul Islam University, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
6. A New Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm: Fitness Aggregated Genetic Algorithm (FAGA) for Vehicle Routing Problem07-03-201408-03-20147th - 8th, March, 2014Paper Presented in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014], Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
7. Multi objetive optimization for Vehicle Routing Problem using Fitness Aggregated Genetic Algorithm (FAGA)06-01-201408-01-20146.1.14 to 8.1.14Paper presented in International conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications ICAIEA 2014, organized by Department of Industrial Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
8. Design,Analysis and Fabrication of Disc Brake using MMC30-03-201130-03-201130.03.2011Paper presented in the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anjali Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilvenni, Tamilnadu, India.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Seminar on "Outcome Based ducation (OBE) - National Accreditation"13-01-201813-01-20181 DayOrganized by Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE - Staff Chapter) in association with Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLNCE
2. One Day Faculty Development Programme on "Change Management for Success"11-01-201811-01-20181 DayOrganized by Department of Management Studies, KLNCE in association with HCL Technologies, Madurai
3. All India Seminar "URJAVARAN 2017-18"28-10-201728-10-20171 DayOrganized by Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE Madurai Chapter), Madurai
4. All India Seminar "URJAVARAN 2016-17"17-12-201617-12-20161 DayOrganized by Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE Madurai Sub Chapter), Madurai
5. One Day Workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations"04-03-201604-03-20161 DayOrganized by QC-ARD, K.L.N. College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
6. A Two Day Awareness Program on Outcome Based NBA Accreditation05-05-201406-05-20145th - 6th, May, 2014Organized by K.L.N. College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
7. Two days Workshop on "Writing Technical Articles Using LaTex"08-11-201309-11-20138.11.13 to 9.11.13Organized by MCA Department, K.L.N.College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
8. National workshop on "Multi Objective Evolutionary Optimization for Engineering Applications"30-08-201331-08-201330.8.13 to 31.8.13Organized by JCT college of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
9. Two week Faculty Development Programme on Teaching Methodology for Machine Design29-04-201312-05-201329.4.13 to 12.5.13Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L.N.College of Engineering, Madurai and Sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi, India.
10. Three Day Workshop on "Automation Engineering"21-09-201123-09-201121.9.11 to 23.9.11Conducted by ICT Academy in Association with National Instruments (NI,Bangalore) at Kamaraj college of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India.
11. One Day Workshop on "Role of Composite Materials in Mechanical Engineering"22-10-201022-10-201022.10.10Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ultra college of Engineering and Technology for Women, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
12. One day Seminar on "Energy Conservation"29-07-200929-07-200929.07.2009Organized by MADITSSIA, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
13. Two day workshop on "Population based Evoloutionary Techniques in Design and Manufacturing".11-05-200912-05-200911.05.2009 to 12.05.2009Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
14. Two day workshop on "Optimization Techniques"03-04-200904-04-200903.4.2009 to 04.04.2009Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Madurai, India.
15. STTP on "Recent Trends in Optimization Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing Systems".16-06-200820-06-200816.06.2008 to 20.06.2008Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.S College of Engineering, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India.
16. Two days orientation programme on "Teaching Methodologies"24-08-200725-08-200724.08.2007 to 25.08.2007Organized by K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Two Day Skill Development Programme on "Addiive Manufacturing"01-09-201602-09-20162 DaysCoordinator for the Programme and 64 participants get benefited by this programme
2. One Day Workshop on "Mechanical Drives - A Practical Approach"01-03-201201-03-20121 DayCoordinator for the Workshop and 99 participants get benefited by this Workshop
3. One Day Workshop on "Recent Trends in Thermal Engineering"29-01-201029-01-20101 DayCoordinator for the Workshop and 78 participants get benefited by this Workshop
4. Two Day Workshop on "Graphical System Design in Robotics and Machine vision Applications"22-01-201023-01-20102 DaysCoordinator for the Workshop and 84 participants get benefited by the Workshop

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. IMPELZ - 201419-09-201419-09-20141 DayCoordinator for a National level Technical Students Symposium "IMPELZ - 2014", organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L.N. College of Engineering. Number of Participants = 121.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Member in Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE Madurai Chapter)15-08-201523-11-2017Till dateMISHRAE, Membership Number: 22507
2. Member in The Institution of Engineers (India)13-06-201523-11-2017Till dateMIE, Memership Number: M-151599-8

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Monograph--2011Prepared Monograph for the subject GAS DYNAMICS AND JET PROPULSION

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