| DR. R.SELVARANI [18115001] Associate Professor 2 Mathematics |  | Qualification | : | M.SC (MATHS).,M.PHIL (MATHS). PH.D.(MATHS) | Experience | : | 21.9 (Y.M) | Email ID | : | selvaklnce@gmail.com |
Paper Publication (International) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | knot Matrix, Intern.J. Fuzzy Mathematical Archive Vol 15, No2, 2018, 253-262: IssN-2320-3242(P), 2320-3250(on line) | 19-10-2017 | 19-10-2017 | one day | nil | 2. | 2-Knot Symmetric Algebras | 01-10-2016 | 01-10-2016 | one day | International Research Journal of Pure Algebra, Volume 5, Issue5, May 2015, 2248-9037, 63-74 | 3. | Edge Crossing Matrix | 01-10-2016 | 01-10-2016 | one day | Global Journal of Pure and Applied Algebras, Volume12, Number 2 (2016), 0973-1768 | 4. | Generalized Knot Symmetric Algebras in Z* | 06-03-2015 | 06-03-2015 | one day | Volume6, Issue3, March 2015, 2229-5518, 73-80 |
Resource Person |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Lamda Calculus | 18-05-2015 | 18-05-2015 | one day | I year M.E CSE with specialization in Networks organized by Department of Information Technology at KLN College of Engineering. | 2. | State Machine | 26-03-2015 | 26-03-2015 | One day | I year M.E CSE with specialization in Networks organized by Department of Information Technology at KLN College of Engineering. | 3. | Logic and Logic Programming | 24-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | one day | I year M.E CSE with specialization in Networks organized by Department of Information Technology at KLN College of Engineering. |
Awards / Achievements |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | MCA entrance in TANCET-2014 | 05-03-2014 | 06-03-2014 | 2 | As a resource person of " A two days MCA entrance in TANCET -2014 at K.L.N. College of Engineering |
Paper Presentation |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Edge Crossing Matrix | 26-02-2016 | 27-10-2016 | 2 days | First National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and its Applications, at SRM University, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai | 2. | Generalized Knot Symmetric Algebras in Z* | 02-01-2015 | 03-01-2015 | 2 days | Seventh National Conference on Mathematical techniques and its Applications , at SRM University, Chennai. | 3. | New Approach to Cinditional Expectation and trace on 2-Knot Symmetric Algebras | 06-01-2014 | 07-01-2014 | 2 days | Sixth National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and its Applications, at SRM university, Chennai. | 4. | Semisimplicity of 2 knoy Symmetric Algebras | 06-09-2013 | 07-10-2016 | 2 days | National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, at K. S. Rangasamy college of arts and Science, Tiruchengode. | 5. | A different approach of knots in generalized knot symmetric Algebras. | 11-03-2013 | 12-03-2013 | 11.03.2013 To 12.03.2013 | presenting a paper in the two day national seminar on Algebra , Topology and their Applications at ANJAC, Sivakasi | 6. | A Different approach of knots in Generalized knot Symmetric Algebras | 11-03-2013 | 12-03-2013 | 2 days | Two day National Seminar on " Algebra, Topology and their Applications" , at ANJAC, Sivakasi | 7. | 2-knot multiplication in symmetric algebras. | 01-03-2013 | 02-03-2013 | 01.03.2013 to 02.03.2013 | presenting a paper at National conference on Mathematical Techniques and its Applications at SRM University, Chennai |
Conference |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Graph theory and Applications | 30-09-2016 | 30-09-2016 | one day | one day workshop arranged for III Yr CSE & IT Students | 2. | Engineers for Mathematics | 12-09-2016 | 12-09-2016 | half day | Expert talk arranged for II and III Yr of EEE, ECE & EIE students | 3. | Technical Festival | 09-02-2016 | 09-02-2016 | one day | Conducting a Sudoku Competitions and puzzle solving competitions for I yr B. E & B. Tech Students | 4. | Association Rule Minning | 09-02-2016 | 09-02-2016 | half day | Guest lecture | 5. | Engineering Mathematics through MAT LAB | 06-11-2015 | 06-11-2015 | one day | one day Workshop arranged for I Yr , II Yr M. E., Students and Faculty members | 6. | Graph theory and its Applications | 18-09-2015 | 18-09-2015 | half day | EXPERT TALK | 7. | Understanding creativity and Innovation | 10-09-2014 | 10-09-2014 | 2 hours | Guest lecture | 8. | ODYSSEY (Maths Club) | 01-07-2014 | 01-06-2015 | one Year | AS Coordinator of Maths Club Conducting Various events for Gate coaching class, Aptitude class, Aptitude test , Paper presentation, Quiz Programme for IYr B. E/ B. Tech & II Yr B. E/ B. Tech for conducting events Gate coaching class, Aptitude class, Mock Interview, Creation of Math Model. | 9. | ODYSSEY (Maths Club) | 03-06-2013 | 01-07-2014 | one Year | AS Coordinator of Maths Club Conducting Various events for Gate coaching class, Aptitude class, Aptitude test , Paper presentation, Quiz Programme for IYr B. E/ B. Tech & II Yr B. E/ B. Tech for conducting events Gate coaching class, Aptitude class, Mock Interview, Creation of Math Model. | 10. | National seminar on Mathematical modeling, Approximate Analytical and Numerical methods. | 27-12-2012 | 28-12-2012 | 27.12.2012 to 28.12.2012 | Coordinator for CSIR and DRDO sponsered National seminar on Mathematical Modeling , Approximate Analytical and Numerical Methods. |
Seminars |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | " Intellectual Property rights and Innovations | 04-03-2016 | 04-03-2016 | one day | One day workshop, At K.L.N. College of Engineering in association with Anna University, Chennai | 2. | Recent Developments on Emerging Fields in Pure and Applied Mathematics | 12-03-2015 | 13-03-2015 | 2 days | Two days UGC sponsored National Conference ,at Thiagarajar College, Madurai | 3. | " Out come based NBA Accrediation | 05-05-2014 | 06-05-2014 | 2 days | A two days Awarness Programme, at K.L.N. College of Engineering. | 4. | National Seminar on ALGEBRA NUMBER THEORY & DISCRETE MATHEMATICS | 28-11-2012 | 30-11-2012 | 28.11.2012 To 30.11.2012 | Govt. College, Kattappana, Kerala | 5. | fuzzy mathematical modelling and optimization techniques | 27-07-2011 | 28-07-2011 | 27.07.2011 to28.07.2011 | Anna university of technology, tiruchirappalli. | 6. | Advancement of Mathematics and its Applications 2010 | 19-11-2010 | 20-11-2010 | 19.11.2010 to 20.11.2010 | Vickram Engineering College, Poovanthi | 7. | Recent Trends in Graph Theory | 11-08-2010 | 11-08-2010 | 11.08.2010 | E.M.G Yadava Womens College, Madurai | 8. | current trends and applications of Resource Managemnt in Engineering and Technology | 24-05-2010 | 05-06-2010 | 24.05.2010 to 05.06.2010 | Mepco, Schlenk Engineering college, sivakasi |