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Associate Professor 1
Computer Science and Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(CSE), M.E. (CSE), (PH.D)
Experience :18.3 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Research Work1
Paper Publication (International)3
Paper Publication (National)1
Training Course2

Research Work
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Oracle Certification on Java Fundamentals04-12-201706-12-20173 Days3 days Oracle training

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Multifailure analysis using GiFT Tool01-07-201701-07-2017vol 3 issue 7Journal Publication
2. An Improved Genetic Algorithm optimization of multi objective criteria in hybrid flow shop scheduling01-06-201701-06-2017Vol 4 issue 10International Journal
3. Semi Supervised learning method for classifying and segmenting the spatial and spectral information ICEMAS 201509-04-201510-04-20152 daysemi Supervised learning method for classifying and segmenting the spatial and spectral information ICEMAS 2015 MNSK College of Engineering

Paper Publication (National)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Automatic Detection of Retinal Hemophrage based on GABOR WAVELET & Hybrid KNNSVM Algorithm for Fundus images06-03-201406-03-20141 dayAt SNS College of engineering

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Multi core programming09-03-201111-03-201109-03-2011 To 11-03-2011Multi core programming conducted by ICTACT in saranathan Engineering College, Trichy
2. FTPA Implementation for Multi failures in parallel computing05-04-201005-04-201005-04-2010Present the paper of national Conference in Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering & Technology
3. FTPA Implementation for Multi failures in parallel computing05-03-201005-03-201005-03-2010Present the paper of national Conference in RVS Engg College Dindigul
4. Lecture on Computer Architecture and Data structures & fundamendals in C23-11-200927-02-201023.11.2009 To 27.02.10Lecture for Infosys Campus Connect programme in KLNCE
5. Paper Presented on Secure Communication using Quantum Protocol03-04-200903-04-20091 day(03.04.2009)Attended one day National Conference in Pavendhar Bharathidhasan College of Engineering and Technology(PABCET) on 03.04.2009
6. Lecture on analysis of algorithms for Infosys campus connect programme05-12-200806-12-20082days(05.12.08&06.12.08)Lecture on analysis of algorithms for Infosys campus connect programme at KLNCE
7. Fundamentals of Computing & programming15-09-200815-09-20081 day(15-09-08)attened FDP on 15-09-08 in Trichy Anna University,

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Effective Teaching14-03-201614-03-20161 dayone day workshop attended - KLNCE
2. workshop22-12-201523-12-20152 daysIntroduction to PHP Programming - KLNCE
3. TTT FA4.0 by Infosys29-10-201531-10-20153 daysTrain the Trainer Programme by Infosys
4. workshop25-09-201526-09-20152 daysWorkshop on”Eucalyptus,cloudsim, hadoop,open nebula”(ECHO)
5. ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms by IIT Khargpur27-04-201530-05-20151 monthISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms by IIT KhargpurTCE Madurai
6. CS2353 object oriented analysis and Design15-12-201422-12-20147 daysOrganized by Centre for Faculty Development, Anna University Chennai from 15.12.2014 To 22.12.2014
7. Cloud Infrastructure and sdervices28-07-201401-08-20145daysEMC 2 Certification
8. Cloud Infrastructure and Services28-07-201401-08-20145 daysFDP Conducted by ICT academy of Tamilnadu from 28.07.2014 To 01.08.2014
9. Research Challenges in Space science and Remote Sensing23-04-201424-04-20142 daysOrganized by Sethu Institute of Technology sponsored by ISRO
10. Emerging Challenges and Research opportunities in cloud Computing13-08-201314-08-201313.08.2013 To 14.08.2013organized by Department of CSE- KLNCE
11. FDP on Internet Computing and Web Services28-07-201129-07-201128.07.2011 To 29.07.20112 days FDP in KLM College of Information Technology Sponsored by Anna university Madurai
12. Datamining and its Applications22-02-201122-02-201122-02-2011One day National seminar in PSNA College of Engineering & Technology
13. Core java & J2EE11-08-201019-08-201011-08-2010 To 19-08-2010Attended in KLN College of Engineering
14. Middleware Technologies29-07-201030-07-201029-07-2010 To 30-07-2010Attended in KLN College of Informaion Technology
15. Business intelligence & XML applications Development04-12-200905-12-20094.12.2009 to 5.12.2009Attended 2 days workshop in KLNCE
16. Data Mining and Data Warehousing24-07-200925-07-200924.7.2009 to 25.7.2009Attended 2 days workshop on "Data Mining and Data Warehousing" in M.Kumarasamy college of engineering,Karur
17. Innovative teaching and learning methods22-12-200824-12-200822/12/08 to 24/12/08attended in KLN College of Engineering

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Python Programming04-09-201709-12-20176 DaysThiagarajar college of Engineering
2. Python Programming04-09-201709-12-20176 DaysThiagarajar college of Engineering
3. Introduction to Internet of Things03-07-201704-07-20172 daysAt Kalasalingam University
4. Research Paper Writing23-02-201724-02-20172 daysTEQIP II sponsored FDP

Training Course
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Oracle Certification on Java Fundamentals and Java Programmming09-10-201713-10-20175 days5 days Industrial Training
2. Database Programming using PL/SQL22-05-201727-05-20176 DaysAt Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Awareness program - Outcome based NBA Accreditation05-05-201406-05-20142 daysOrganized by KLNCE
2. Automatic Detection of retinal hemorrhage based on GABOR wavelet & Hybrid KNNSVM Algorithm for Fundus images03-02-201403-02-20142011International Science and Research Journal
3. Guest lecture on Programming in C and C++27-07-201127-07-201127.7.2011Conducted by department of Mechanical Engineering in KLNCE
4. IBM Certification23-03-201123-03-201123 March 2011Certified IBM TIVOLI Directory Server V6.1
5. Monograph Published - Middleware technologies01-11-201001-11-2010-KLNCE
6. C Fundamendals and Placement training08-10-201008-10-201008-10-2010Guest lecture for Final year Mechanical Students.
7. Certification On IBM DB2 9 Fundamentals24-02-201024-02-201024.02.2010Conducted by IBM
8. Lecture on Foundation program Infosys Campus Connect23-11-200927-02-201023.11.2009 To 27.02.2010organized by KLNCE
9. Guest lecture-Placement Training for Mechanical Students--2011Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering KLNCE
10. IBM Certification--2011IBM Certified Exam LOTUS NOTES

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