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Associate Professor 1
Computer Science and Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(CSE), M.E. (CSE)., PH.D
Experience :15.9 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Paper Publication (International)2
Awards / Achievements4
Paper Presentation 3
Expert Talk1

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Opinion Based Quality Evaluation Using Social User’s Context by Aspect Rating31-03-201731-03-2017march 2017International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) presented paper on "Opinion Based Quality Evaluation Using Social User’s Context by Aspect Rating"
2. Diversified Ranking Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Concept for Large Graphs21-03-201422-03-2014Two daysInternational journal of innovative research in science,enginnering and technology (IJIRSET),volume 3,special issue 3,march 2014.

Awards / Achievements
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Appreciation--April 2010100% pass in EVSE subject- anna university trichy
2. appreciation--Nov/Dec 2010100% pass in TQM subject - anna university trichy
3. appreciation--Nov/Dec 2011100% pass in TQM subject -anna university trichy
4. appreciation--2011-2012 (even)CS1355- OOAD subject- secured first rank 89.23 % in feedback on faculty by students

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. A technical overview on preprocessing methods for web usage mining11-05-201812-05-2018Two daysInternational Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Industrial Applications (ICIEIA ’18) presented paper on"A technical overview on preprocessing methods for web usage mining"
2. Opinion Based Quality Evaluation Using Social User’s Context by Aspect Rating31-03-201731-03-2017onedayNational conference on Innovations in electronics, communication and computing in Velammal college of engg & Tech,Madurai
3. Diversified Ranking Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Concept for Large Graphs21-03-201422-03-2014Two daysInternational conference on innovations in enginering and technology(ICIET’14)

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. A technical overview on preprocessing methods for web usage mining11-05-201812-05-2018Two daysInternational Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Industrial Applications (ICIEIA ’18) paper presented on"A technical overview on preprocessing methods for web usage mining"

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. IIPC Sponsored Technical festival on “Seminar cum mini-project contest “Techno-Waves ’19”09-02-201909-02-2019one dayIIPC Sponsored Technical festival on “Seminar cum mini-project contest “Techno-Waves ’19”
2. CSIR sponsored national level seminar on “Role of Machine learning in IOT”18-08-201719-08-2017two days“Role of Machine learning in IOT”
3. IEEE Workshop on “IOT Using OpenCV platform and Raspberry Pi”22-02-201723-02-2017two daysTEQIP sponsored IEEE Workshop on “IOT Using OpenCV platform and Raspberry Pi” at TCE Madurai
4. FDP on “CS6801 Multi – Core Architectures and Programming”05-01-201706-01-2017two daysFDP on “CS6801 Multi – Core Architectures and Programming” at KLNCE madurai.
5. Computational Intelligence for Big Data Analytics17-11-201618-11-2016Two daysDST-SERB Sponsored Two day workshop on "computational intelligence for Big Data Analytics" at TCE from 17-18 November 2016.
6. Data Science Analytics using R Tool (DSAR03-03-201604-03-2016Two daysTwo days national level workshop on"Data Science Analytics using R Tool (DSAR'16)" held in srividhya college of engineering at virudhunagar.
7. Eucalyptus, Cloudsim, Hadoop and Open nebula (ECHO)25-09-201526-09-2015Two daysnational level hands on workshop on " Eucalyptus, Cloudsim, Hadoop and Open nebula (ECHO) " in srividya college of engginering
8. National seminar23-04-201524-04-2015Two daysRESEARCH CHALLENGES IN SPACE SCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING
9. seminar11-02-201511-02-2015One Dayone day national seminar on intelligent data engineers at psna college
10. workshop19-11-201222-11-2012Four DaysObject oriented analysis and design using UML with essentials of rational software architect
11. workshop25-01-201125-01-2011One DayTechnology as a vehicle for development
12. workshop01-09-200902-09-2009Two daysworkshop on teaching and learing process

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. TEQIP-III Sponsored two days workshop on"Festival of learning IOT and Cloud"15-11-201816-11-2018Two daysTEQIP-III Sponsored two days workshop on"Festival of learning IOT and Cloud"
2. Research Problem Identification and Technical Paper Writing22-09-201723-09-2017two days2 days workshop on Research Problem Identification and Technical Paper Writing

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Introduction to Python Programming28-12-201829-12-2018Two daysICTACT-FDP "Introduction to Python Programming"
2. FDP on “Firewall installation, configuration and management”20-07-201724-07-2017five daysfive days, FDP on “Firewall installation, configuration and management”
3. FDP10-02-201211-02-2012Two daysResearch issues and optimization in cloud computing

Expert Talk
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. IIPC Sponsored Expert Talk on “ Introduction to Android and iOS ”14-03-201914-03-2019one dayIIPC Sponsored Expert Talk on “ Introduction to Android and iOS ”

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