S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details |
1. | Fine grained opinion extraction and recommending products from online reviews. | 01-07-2016 | 29-07-2016 | 6 months | Advances in Natural and Applied Science, Volume 10, No. 10, pp: 242 – 248, July, 2016 |
2. | Disease Assessment Approach to De-Escalate the Discrepancy in Health Aspirant -Clinician Conversation | 01-07-2016 | 30-09-2016 | 6 months | Advances in Natural and Applied Science, Volume 10, No. 10, pp: 255 – 260, July, 2016 |
3. | A survey on methods that restrict the consistency in online health seeker-clinician intercourse | 02-11-2015 | 30-11-2015 | 5 months | International journal for innovative research in science and technology , Volume 2, issue 6, pp: 13 - 16, November, 2015 |
4. | A survey on disease inference to limit medical verbiage discrepancy between online health seeker and provider | 01-10-2015 | 30-10-2015 | 4 months | International journal for research in applied science and engineering technology, Volume 3, Issue 11, pp: 235 - 239, November, 2015 |
5. | Diversity Controlled Self Adaptive Differential Evolution based design of non-fragile multivariable PI controller | 01-09-2015 | 30-09-2015 | 2015-2016 | Engineering ApplicationsofArtificial Intelligence, Volume 46, Part A, pp: 209 – 222, September, 2015 |
6. | Surrogate assisted-hybrid differential evolution algorithm using diversity control | 03-08-2015 | 31-08-2015 | 2015-2016 | Expert Systems, Volume 32, Issue 4, pp: 531-545, August, 2015 |
7. | An Integrated Message Hiding and Message Extraction Technique for Multimedia Content Using Invisible Watermarking Technique | 04-05-2015 | 29-05-2015 | 5 months | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, pp: 2702-2706, May 2015 |
8. | Various Leveled Prediction and Context Adaptive Coding for Lossless Color Image Compression | 02-02-2015 | 27-02-2015 | 5 months | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, Volume No.4 Issue No.2, pp : 91-93, February, 2015 |
9. | Protein structure prediction using diversity controlled self-adaptive differential evolution with local search | 01-07-2014 | 31-07-2014 | 2014-2015 | Soft Computing – Methodologies and Applications, Springer, Volume 19, Issue 6, pp: 1635-1646, July, 2014 |
10. | SVM Based Network Traffic Classification Using Correlation Information | 02-06-2014 | 30-06-2014 | 6 months | International Journal of Research in Electronics and Communication Technology
11. | Naive Bayes Based Network Traffic Classification Using Correlation Information | 03-03-2014 | 31-03-2014 | 4 months | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
12. | Parameter adaptation in Differential Evolution based on diversity control | 02-12-2013 | 30-12-2013 | 2013-2014 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8297, pp: 146-157, December, 2013 |
13. | Fuzzy logic based diversity controlled self adaptive Differential Evolution | - | - | 2011-2012 | Engineering optimization, Taylor and Francis |
14. | Design of robust optimal fixed structure controller using self adaptive differential evolution | - | - | 2010-2011 | SEMCCO international conference 2010, LNCS, Springer |