S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details |
1. | Hadoop Hortonworks | 18-01-2017 | 21-01-2017 | 5days | Hadoop Hortonworks |
2. | Data Science and Big Data Analytics | 05-12-2016 | 12-12-2016 | 5days | Data science and big data analytics |
3. | FDP on PHP and MySQL | 22-12-2015 | 23-12-2015 | Two Days | Two Days FDP on PHP and MySQL conducted by Dept of CSE, KLNCE with ICTACT Tamilnadu. |
4. | Two Week ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms | 25-05-2015 | 30-05-2015 | Two Weeks | Workshop on Introduction to Design of Algorithms under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) from dates 25/05/2015 to 30/05/2015 in the Thiagarajar College of Engineering – Madurai, |
5. | FDTP on OOAD | 15-12-2014 | 22-12-2014 | 15-22 Dec 2014 | Anna University Sponsored FDTP at KLN College of Engineering |
6. | Research Methods in Educational Technology | 02-02-2013 | 09-02-2013 | February 02 and 09, 2013 | IIT Bombay sponsored at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology |
7. | Cloud Computing and its Applications | 01-02-2013 | 01-02-2013 | February 01 2013 | Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore |
8. | Open Source Software | 27-09-2012 | 27-09-2012 | September 27, 2012 | Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore |
9. | Neural Networks and its Applications | 22-09-2012 | 22-09-2012 | September 22, 2012 | Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore |
10. | Neural Networks and its Applications | 22-09-2012 | 22-09-2012 | September 22, 2012 | Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore |
11. | Need Based Approach for Effective Teaching | 21-06-2011 | 21-06-2011 | 21-06-2011(1day) | Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore |
12. | The Journey To Private Cloud with EMC | 09-04-2011 | 09-04-2011 | 9th April 2011 | PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
13. | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques for problems in Bioinformatics | 24-03-2011 | 25-03-2011 | 24, 25 March 2011 | Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore |
14. | Computer Network Design, Security and Management | 22-06-2009 | 04-07-2009 | 22-06-2009 to 04-07-2009 | Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal |