S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details |
1. | Efficient Power Saving Routing Mechanism using APSSWS in Wireless Sensor Network | 01-04-2019 | 02-04-2019 | o4/2019 | IJSRD International Journal of Scientific Research and Development, Vol 7, Issue 2.(ISSN: 2321 0613) |
2. | Performance and analysis of Trans multiplexers using Decimator and Interpolator | 01-01-2019 | 02-01-2019 | o1/2019 | Journal of Circuits, systems and Computers(JCSC),World Scientific Publishing Company, Vol.28,No.1,Jan 2019. . ISSN: 0218-1266 (Print): ISSN: 1793-6454 (Online)) (SCI Indexed) (IF:0.481) |
3. | Performance Improvement of Hardware/Software Architecture for Real time Bio Application using MPSOC | 01-08-2017 | 02-08-2017 | 2017 | Special Issue on Soft Computing Techniques for Bio- Medical Signal Processing, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Taylor and Francis, TSI Publisher, USA vol.23,no.16,pp.351-357,ISSN:1079-8587.2017.(SCI Indexed) (IF:0.34) |
4. | Performance Comparison of Quantum Assisted Multiuser Detection with Classical Detection Methods | 01-11-2016 | 02-11-2016 | 2016 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science, American Scientific Publisher, Vol 13,2016. ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): ISSN: 1546-1963 (Online)) (SCI Indexed) (IF:1.343) |
5. | Performance Improvement of Hardware/Software Architecture for Real time Bio Application using MPSOC | 27-09-2016 | 27-09-2016 | 2016 | Special Issue on Soft Computing Techniques for Bio- Medical Signal Processing, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Taylor and Francis, TSI Publisher,USA.(In Press) ISSN: 1079-8587 (Print) ISSN : 2326-005X (Online) (ISI Indexed) (IF:0.34) |
6. | Elegant and practical method of FIR decimation using Comb filters in the field of Digital Signal Processing | 16-05-2016 | 16-05-2016 | 2016 | Journal Circuits and Systems(Scientific Research An academic publisher),2016.(In press) (ISSN: 2153-1285 (Print), 2153-1293 (Online) |
7. | Dynamic Detection and Prevention of Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks | 10-05-2016 | 10-05-2016 | 2016 | Wireless Personal Communications-An International Journal(Springer),DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3357-y,pp1-12, Netherlands, May 2016.(ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print) 1572-834X (Online)) (ISI Indexed) (IF:0.653) |
8. | Design of Low Power Level Shifter Circuit with Sleep Transistor Using MultiSupply Voltage Scheme | 01-05-2016 | 02-05-2016 | 2016 | Circuits and Systems, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 132-1139. ISSN: 2153-1293. DOI: 10.4236/ cs.2016/865071) |
9. | Dynamic Detection and Prevention of Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks | 01-05-2016 | 02-05-2016 | 2016 | Wireless Personal Communications-An International Journal(Springer),DOI:10.1007/s11277-016-3357-y,pp1-12, Netherlands.(ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print) 1572-834X (Online)) (SCI Indexed) (IF:0.653) |
10. | An Efficient MAC management in WSN for Precision Agriculture | 19-04-2016 | 20-04-2016 | 2016 | International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology(ICIET)-2016 organized by K.L.N College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. Apr 2016 |
11. | Low Complexity Quantum Assisted Linear Multiuser Detection for DS CDMA System | 05-04-2016 | 05-04-2016 | 2016 | Asian Journal of Information Technology , Medwell Journals, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pakistan, 2016.(ISSN:1682-3915) (Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.183) |
12. | Fuzzy based Secure Intrusion Detection System for Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks | 15-03-2016 | 15-03-2016 | 2016 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, American Scientific Publisher,2016. (In Press) ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): ISSN: 1546-1963 (Online)) (ISI Indexed) (IF:1.343) |
13. | Performance Comparison of Quantum Assisted Multiuser Detection with Classical Detection Methods | 14-03-2016 | 14-03-2016 | 2016 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, American Scientific Publisher. (In Press) ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): ISSN: 1546-1963 (Online)) (ISI Indexed) (IF:1.343) |
14. | Performance Comparison of Quantum Assisted Multiuser Detection with Classical Detection Methods | 14-03-2016 | 14-03-2016 | 2016 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, American Scientific Publisher. (In Press) ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): ISSN: 1546-1963 (Online)) (ISI Indexed) (IF:1.343) |
15. | Low Complexity Quantum Assisted Linear Multiuser Detection for DS CDMA System | 09-03-2016 | 10-03-2016 | 2016 | Asian Journal of Information Technology ,Medwell Journals, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pakistan, 2016.(ISSN:1682-3915) (Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.183) |
16. | Fuzzy based Secure Intrusion Detection System for Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks | 01-03-2016 | 02-03-2016 | 2016 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science, American Scientific Publisher, Vol 13. ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): ISSN: 1546-1963 (Online)) (SCI Indexed) (IF:1.343) |
17. | Reliable Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network Using SVM based Failure Detection and Loss Recovery | 12-01-2016 | 12-01-2016 | 2016 | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence(Taylor & Francis), DOI:10.1080/0952813X.2015.1132262 England ,Jan 2016.(ISSN: 0952-813X (Print), 1362-3079 (Online))(ISI Indexed) (IF:0.527) |
18. | On Optimal Signal Detection Using Covariance Shaping Method | 05-01-2016 | 06-01-2016 | 2016 | International Journal of Communications, Vol 1,2016.(ISSN: 2367-8887) |
19. | On Optimal Signal Detection Using Covariance Shaping Method | 04-01-2016 | 04-01-2016 | 2016 | International Journal of Communications, Vol 1,2016.(ISSN: 2367-8887) |
20. | Reliable Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network Using SVM based Failure Detection and Loss Recovery | 01-01-2016 | 02-01-2016 | 2016 | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence(Taylor & Francis),DOI:10.1080/0952813X.2015.1132262England .(ISSN: 0952-813X (Print), 1362-3079 (Online))(SCI Indexed) (IF:0.527) |
21. | Evaluating the Technical barriers of large scale Sustainable Wireless Sensor Network | 09-12-2015 | 10-12-2015 | 2015 | Resources Policy-The International Journal (Elsevier Science),England, Volume 46, pp134-141. (ISSN: 0301-4207) (SCI Indexed) (IF:2.288) |
22. | Distributed Defense Mechanism for Clone Attacks based on Gravitational Search Algorithm(GSA) in WSN | 01-12-2015 | 02-12-2015 | 2015 | Technical Journal,published by University of North,Volume 9,Issue 4, Croatia.(ISSN:1846-6168,Online:1848-5588) |
23. | Distributed Defense Mechanism for Clone Attacks based on Gravitational Search Algorithm(GSA) in WSN | 01-12-2015 | 01-12-2015 | 2015 | Technical Journal, published by University of North, Volume 9,Issue 4,Dec 2015, Croatia.(ISSN:1846-6168,Online:1848-5588) |
24. | Evaluating the Technical barriers of large scale Sustainable Wireless Sensor Network | 01-12-2015 | 01-12-2015 | 2015 | Resources Policy-The International Journal (Elsevier Science), England, Volume 46, pp134-141, Dec 2015. (ISSN: 0301-4207) (ISI Indexed) (IF:2.288) |
25. | A 8b 20ms/S 1.2v Digital Ramp Asynchronous SAR ADC Using MTS Algorithm in 0.13nm CMOS Process | 01-11-2015 | 02-11-2015 | 2015 | Revista Cientificafacultad De Ciencias Veterinarias , Venezuela Volume 25, Issue 05, pp. 21-27, ISSN: 0798-2259. (SCI Indexed)(IF:0.139) |
26. | Distributed Defense Mechanism for Clone Attacks based on Gravitational Search Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks | 02-10-2015 | 03-10-2015 | 2015 | Revista Cientificafacultad De Ciencias Veterinarias, Venezuela Volume 25, Issue 05, pp. 10-20, ISSN: 0798-2259. (SCI Indexed)(IF:0.139) |
27. | A 8b 20ms/S 1.2v Digital Ramp Asynchronous SAR ADC Using MTS Algorithm in 0.13nm CMOS Process | 01-10-2015 | 01-10-2015 | 2015 | Revista Cientificafacultad De Ciencias Veterinarias , Venezuela Volume 25, Issue 05, pp. 21-27, ISSN: 0798-2259, 2015. (ISI Indexed)(IF:0.139) |
28. | Distributed Defense Mechanism for Clone Attacks based on Gravitational Search Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks | 01-10-2015 | 01-10-2015 | 2015 | Revista Cientificafacultad De Ciencias Veterinarias, Venezuela Volume 25, Issue 05, pp. 10-20, ISSN: 0798-2259, 2015. (ISI Indexed)(IF:0.139) |
29. | Comparison of Degree based and LEACH clustering technique in WSN | 01-09-2015 | 01-09-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.55, 2015. (Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.130) |
30. | Comparison of Degree based and LEACH clustering technique in WSN | 01-09-2015 | 02-09-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.55.(Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.130) |
31. | Efficient Estimation of Energy Bounds to Ensure Predictability in Clustered Sensor Networks | 27-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 | 2015 | ”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.3 ,2015 .( ISSN 0973-4562) |
32. | Energy Efficient Cluster based Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks | 27-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 | 2015 | The Scientific World Journal ”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, United States ,Article ID: 185198,Volume 2015.(ISSN: Print 2356-6140 & online 1537-744X) (ISI Indexed) (IF:1.73) |
33. | Performance Analysis of Classifier for Brain Tumor Detection and Diagnosis | 27-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 | 2015 | Computers and Electrical Engineering An International Journal (Elsevier Science), Volume 45, pp302-311, England, July 2015.(ISSN: 0045-7906) (ISI Indexed) (IF:0.965) |
34. | An Effective Clustering Approach with Data Aggregation using Multiple Mobile Sinks for Heterogeneous WSN | 27-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 | 2015 | Wireless Personal Communications-An International Journal(Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s11277-015-2998-6, Netherlands, pp1-12, Aug 2015.(ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print) 1572-834X (Online)) (ISI Indexed) (IF:0.653)
35. | Computer Aided Brain Tumor Detection System using Watershed Segmentation Techniques | 27-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology- A Wiley Company, Volume 24,Issue 4,pp297-301, United States. Dec 2015.(ISSN: 1098-1098) (ISI Indexed) (IF:1.301) |
36. | Evaluating the Technical barriers of large scale Sustainable Wireless Sensor Network | 27-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 | 2015 | Resources Policy-The International Journal(Elsevier Science),2015.(In Press)(ISSN: 0301-4207) |
37. | An Effective Clustering Approach with Data Aggregation using Multiple Mobile Sinks for Heterogeneous WSN | 10-08-2015 | 11-08-2015 | 2015 | Wireless Personal Communications-An International Journal(Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s11277-015-2998-6, Netherlands,pp1-12.(ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print) 1572-834X (Online)) (SCI Indexed) (IF:0.653) |
38. | Fault Tolerant Tree Management for Node Failures in Wireless Sensor Network | 03-08-2015 | 03-08-2015 | 2015 | Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 11(4): 440-446, 2015(ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467) |
39. | Fault Tolerant Tree Management for Node Failures in Wireless Sensor Network | 01-08-2015 | 02-08-2015 | 2015 | Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 11(4): 440-446(ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467) |
40. | Various topologies and Interconnect methods of Network on chip: A Survey | 29-07-2015 | 29-07-2015 | 2015 | Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences,Volume 9(5),May,2015.( ISSN:1995-0772). |
41. | Identification and Alleviation of Node Replication Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Study | 24-07-2015 | 24-07-2015 | 2015 | StudyAdvances in Natural and Applied Sciences,Volume9(5), May,2015.( ISSN:1995-0772) |
42. | Distributed Detection Of Clone Attacks In Wirelesssensor Networks Using RED-ABC Algorithm | 20-07-2015 | 20-07-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.5 ,2015 .( ISSN 0973-4562) |
43. | Performance And Analysis Of Task Out-Of-Order Execution In Mpsocs | 16-07-2015 | 16-07-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.5 ,2015 .( ISSN 0973-4562) |
44. | A Survey on Connected Dominating Sets (CDS)Both in the Wireless Sensor Networks and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks | 15-07-2015 | 15-07-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 4 Issue 02, February-2015, (ISSN: 2278-0181)
45. | 3D SRAM Architecture Using Coaxial TSV | 08-07-2015 | 09-07-2015 | 2015 | Indian Journal of Emerging Electronics in Computer Communications,Volume 2,Issue 1,2015.(ISSN: 2393-8366) |
46. | Test against Scan Based Attacks on Secure ICs | 07-07-2015 | 07-07-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.42 ,2015 .( ISSN 0973-4562) |
47. | Survey on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks | 06-07-2015 | 06-07-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Research(IJR),Volume 2, issue 3, March 2015.(ISSN: 2348-6848) |
48. | Computer Aided Brain Tumor Detection System using Watershed Segmentation Techniques | 01-07-2015 | 02-07-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology- A Wiley Company, Volume 24,Issue 4,pp297-301,United States.(ISSN: 1098-1098) (SCI Indexed) (IF:1.301) |
49. | Performance Analysis of Classifier for Brain Tumor Detection and Diagnosis | 01-07-2015 | 02-07-2015 | 2015 | Computers and Electrical Engineering An International Journal (Elsevier Science),Volume 45, pp302-311, England.(ISSN: 0045-7906) (SCI Indexed) (IF:0.965) |
50. | Compliant Data-Centric Network Processing for Energy Economic Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks | 01-06-2015 | 01-06-2015 | 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology,Volume 8,Issue 9,2015.(ISSN:0974-6846(print),0974-5645(online)) |
51. | A Game Theory Based Flexible Reconfigurable MultiprecisionMultiplier | 15-05-2015 | 15-05-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.25 ,2015 .( ISSN 0973-4562) |
52. | Comparision of Degree based and LEACH Clustering Technique in WSN | 04-05-2015 | 06-05-2015 | 2015 | International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology, Syed Ammal Engineering College,Ramanathapuram,Tamilnadu,India, May 2015. |
53. | Various topologies and Interconnect methods of Network on chip: A Survey | 01-05-2015 | 02-05-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, Volume 9(5),Jordan. (ISSN: 1995-0772).(Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.129) |
54. | Identification and Alleviation of Node Replication Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Study | 01-05-2015 | 02-05-2015 | 2015 | Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences,Volume9(5), Jordan.( ISSN:1995-0772) (Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.129) |
55. | In-Network Guaranteed Data gathering scheme for arbitrary node failures in Wireless Sensor Networks | 08-04-2015 | 10-04-2015 | 2015 | ”, International Conference on Engineering Trends and Science & Humanities (ICETSH-2015) organized by Seventh sense research group &Imayam College of Engineering,Trichy,India.(2015) |
56. | Performance And Analysis of Task Out-of-Order Execution In Mpsocs | 01-04-2015 | 02-04-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.5 , India .(ISSN 0973-4562) (Scopus Indexed) |
57. | Distributed Detection Of Clone Attacks In Wireless Sensor Networks Using RED-ABC Algorithm | 01-04-2015 | 02-04-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.5 , India .(ISSN 0973-4562)(Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.130) |
58. | A Game Theory Based Flexible Reconfigurable Multiprecision Multiplier | 04-03-2015 | 05-03-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.25 , India.(ISSN 0973-4562)(Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.130) |
59. | Test against Scan Based Attacks on Secure ICs | 03-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.42 , India.(ISSN 0973-4562)(Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.130) |
60. | Efficient Estimation of Energy Bounds to Ensure Predictability in Clustered Sensor Networks | 03-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol. 10 No.3 , India.(ISSN 0973-4562)(Scopus Indexed) (IF:0.130) |
61. | Compliant Data-Centric Network Processing for Energy Economic Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks | 03-03-2015 | 04-03-2015 | 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 8,Issue 9,India.(ISSN:0974-6846 (print),0974-5645(online)) (Scopus Indexed) |
62. | Survey on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks | 02-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Research(IJR),Volume 2, issue 3,India.(ISSN: 2348-6848) |
63. | Performance Analysis of Multi Channel ADC using Mts Algorithm | 11-02-2015 | 13-02-2015 | 2015 | International Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIDRET) organised by ASDF, Delhi ,India. Feb 2015. |
64. | Enhancement of Energy Efficient Data Gathering Scheme in WSN based on Correlation Techniques | 10-02-2015 | 13-02-2015 | 2015 | ”, International Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIDRET) organised by ASDF, Delhi ,India. Feb 2015. |
65. | 3D SRAM Architecture Using Coaxial TSV | 02-02-2015 | 03-02-2015 | 2015 | Indian Journal of Emerging Electronics in Computer Communications, Volume 2,Issue 1, India.(ISSN: 2393-8366) |
66. | Fuzzy Logic Based Task Out-Of- Order Execution in MPSoCs | 02-02-2015 | 03-02-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology” Volume 34, Issue 34, pp 230-234, ISSN: 2319-2682. |
67. | A Survey on Connected Dominating Sets (CDS)Both in the Wireless Sensor Networks and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks | 02-02-2015 | 03-02-2015 | 2015 | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 4 Issue 02, India (ISSN: 2278-0181) |
68. | Energy Efficient Cluster based Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks | 09-01-2015 | 10-01-2015 | 2015 | The Scientific World Journal ”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, United States ,Article ID: 185198.(ISSN: Print 2356-6140& online 1537-744X) (SCI Indexed) (IF:1.73) |
69. | A Secure 3way Routing protocols for Intermittently connected mobile Ad-hoc Networks | - | - | 2014 | The Scientific World Journal ”,Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014.(ISSN: Print 2356-6140 & online 1537-744X) Annexure –I(7517) |
70. | Design of Virtual Instrumentation for Remote testing of Instruments using Image Processing | - | - | 2006 | ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing” Volume 6,Issue 4,pp 1-6 December 2006.(ISSN: Print 1687-398X & online 1687-3998) |
71. | A Virtual Instrumentation system for on line data acquisition in water treatment plant | - | - | 2006 | WSEAS Transactions on circuits and systems” Issue 6, Volume 5, pp 843-848 June 2006.(ISSN: Print 1109-2734 E-ISSN: 2224-266X)Annexure –II(19194) |
72. | Channel Estimation in DS-CDMA system based on Quantum Constraints | - | - | 2013 | WSEAS Transactions on Communications Volume 12,Issue 10, October 2013. (ISSN: Print 1109-2742 online: 2224-2864). Annexure –II(19195) |
73. | Clustering Technique in WSN – Degree and Weighted Sign Approach | - | - | 2012 | European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 85,Issue 1,pp.117-122.(ISSN: 1450-216X) |
74. | Bit error rate comparison of POMF receiver and Adaptive receivers | - | - | 2013 | Acta Technica ,Volume 58, Year 2013.(ISSN: 0001-7043) Annexure-II(336) |
75. | Spray and Wait Routing with Agents in Intermittently connected MANETs | - | - | 2013 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence”, Volume 6, Number 2 2013.(ISSN: 1994-5450) Annexure-II(9510) |
76. | Comparative analysis of polynomial FIR multirate DSP applications | - | - | 2012 | International Journal of Computer Applications Volume-48-No-15,June 2012.(ISSN: 0975-8887) |
77. | A Comparative Analysis of Routing Techniques in Intermittently Connected MANETs | - | - | 2013 | Asian Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 6, Number 4, 2013.(ISSN: 1992-1454)Annexure-II(1794) |
78. | Agent-Based Intrusion Detection system in Wireless Sensor Networks | - | - | 2012 | International Journal of Systems, Algorithms and Applications(IJSAA), Volume 2,Issue 12,December 2012. (ISSN: 2277-2677) |
79. | A Study of Routing Techniques in Intermittently connected MANETs | - | - | 2013 | International Journal of Research in Computer Science, Volume 3 , Issue 3,March 2013.(ISSN: 2249-8265) |
80. | optimal Quantum Measurement Design on Speech Signal: Blind Minmax Estimator Improving MSE over LS Estimators | - | - | 2012 | International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology” Volume 2 Issue 6,November 2012.(ISSN: 2249-7838) |
81. | A Survey on Algorithms for Cluster Head Selection in WSN | - | - | 2013 | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Volume 2, No 5, May 2013(ISSN: 2278 – 1323) |
82. | Agent based on demand intrusion resistant multipath routing in Mobile Ad-hoc networks | - | - | 2012 | International Journal of Systems, Algorithms &Applications”, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2012.(ISSN: 2277-2677) |
83. | Hybrid Data gathering scheme for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks | - | - | 2013 | International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, Volume 4(1),51-57,Jan-feb 2013.(ISSN: 2229-6093). |
84. | Image Base Crack Identification in real Concrete surface using Watershed Segmentation | - | - | 2010 | CiiT international Journal on Automation and Autonomous Systems, September 2010. (ISSN: Print 0974-9659 online: 0974-9543) |
85. | Distributed detection of Clone attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks using RED-ANT algorithm | - | - | 2013 | Journal of Computer Applications(JCA), Volume VI,Issue 3, 2013. (ISSN: 0974-1925) |
86. | Fault tolerance by Quartiler detection in Wireless sensor and Ad-hoc networks | - | - | 2012 | CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering May 2012. (ISSN: Print 0974-9713 online: 0974-9616) |
87. | S-Spray Routing Protocol for Intermittently connected Mobile Networks | - | - | 2013 | ICTACT Journal of Communication Technology, Volume 04,Issue 03,September 2013. (ISSN: 0976-0091) |
88. | A secure scheme for Denial-of-Service attacks in wireless sensor networks | - | - | 2012 | CiiT international Journal on Networking and Communication Engineering July 2012. (ISSN: Print 0974-9713 online: 0974-9616) |
89. | Performance Analysis of Brain Tumor Diagnosis based on Soft Computing Techniques | - | - | 2014 | American Journal of Applied Sciences (Science Publications)Volume 11,Issue 2,March 2014.(ISSN: 1546-9239)Annexure-II(843) |
90. | Epidemic Routing with Agents in Intermittently Connected MANETs | - | - | 2013 | CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communications” January,2013.(ISSN: Print 0974-9756 online: 0974-9640) |
91. | Effective Ant based Routing Algorithm for Data Replications in MANET’S | - | - | 2013 | ICTACT Journal of Communication Technology, Volume 04,Issue 04,December 2013. (ISSN: 0976-0091) |
92. | Design of Self Repairing Digital Systems Inspired by Endocrine Cellular Communication | - | - | 2014 | Research Journal of Medical Sciences, Medwell Journals Volume 8, Issue 1, 2014.(ISSN:1815-9346). Annexure-II(16248) |
93. | BCR Routing for Intermittently Connected Mobile Ad hoc Networks | - | - | 2014 | International Journal of Engineering and Technology(IJET) ,Volume 6,Issue 1, Feb-Mar 2014.(ISSN:0975-4024) Annexure-II(8187) |
94. | A Novel Distributed and secured IRED protocol for detecting node replication attack in Wireless Sensor Network | - | - | 2013 | Asian Journal of Information Technology ,Medwell Journals, Volume 12, Issue 9, 2013.(ISSN:1682-3915) Annexure-II(1779) |
95. | A Noise Reduction Approach for Speech Signal based on Stein’s Unbiased Risk Estimate | - | - | 2013 | Asian Journal of Information Technology, Medwell Journals, Volume 12, Issue 5, 2013.(ISSN:1682-3915) Annexure-II(1779) |
96. | A Survey on Hierarchical and Hybrid Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network | - | - | 2014 | Asian Journal of Information Technology ,Medwell Journals, Volume 13, Issue 4, 2014.(ISSN:1682-3915)Annexure-II(1779) |
97. | Comparision of Agglomerative and Hausdorff Clustering algorithm in FIR Applications using Multibit flipflop | - | - | 2014 | International Journal of VLSI System design and Communication Systems,Volume 02,Issue 04,June 2014.(ISSN: 2322-0929) |
98. | A Survey and Analysis of Mapping and Scheduling of Processor with performance in NoC | - | - | 2013 | Jokull Journal, Volume 63,No 10,Oct 2013.(ISSN: 0449-0576) |
99. | A High Speed Proficient Power Reduction Method using Clustering Based Flip Flop Merging | - | - | 2014 | IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing(ICCSP’14),Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Tamil Nadu during Apr 03-05,2014 |
100. | Multilevel Data Acquisition for Intelligent Control in Wireless Sensor Networks | - | - | 2012 | Proceedings of International Conference on Design and Application of Structures, Drives, Communicational and Computing Systems(ICDSDC-12), K.L.N College of Information Technology, Madurai during Dec 21-22,2012. |
101. | A Survey on Routing Methodologies for ICMANET | - | - | 2012 | IEEE Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC 2012) MIT, Anna University Chennai during Dec 13-15,2012. |
102. | Optimal quantam measurement design on speech signal: Blind minimax estimator improving MSE over LS Estimators | - | - | 2012 | IEEE Second International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCnt) 26-28 July 2012 organised by Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur, Tamilnadu. |
103. | Multi-Agent In Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) for Distributed Co-Operative Intrusion Detection System | - | - | 2012 | International Conference on Contemporary Emerging Trends in Management on 13th -16th February 2012 pp.566-575,Organized by Dept of MBA, Anna University of Technology Madurai, Madurai |
104. | Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Network Based on Clustering Approach | - | - | 2012 | International Conference on Contemporary Emerging Trends in Management 13th -16th February 2012 pp.1077-1086, Organized by Dept of MBA, Anna University of Technology Madurai, Madurai. |
105. | Effects of a New Type of Denial-of-Service Attack: The Distributed Jammer Network on the Wireless Sensor Network | - | - | 2012 | International Conference on Contemporary Emerging Trends in Management, February 2012 pp.1087-1092, Organized by Dept of MBA, Anna University of Technology Madurai, Madurai. |
106. | Design of Virtual Instrument to Identify the Fault in the surface of the Sheet using Batch process and Line scanning | - | - | 2008 | IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves 2008 in association with IETE,IET,SEE National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences Bangalore Dec 08. |
107. | Design and Implementing of Link Layer Authentication to protect against attacks in a dynamic wireless sensor networks | - | - | 2009 | International conference on Sensors, Security, Software and Intelligent Systems Coimbatore Institute of Technology Coimbatore Jan 09 |
108. | Design of Virtual Instrumentation for Non Destructive Testing method Diagnosing Hidden problems in Bridges | - | - | 2008 | IEEE International conference on RF & signal processing systems RSPS 08 KL College of Engineering Vijay Wada Feb 08. |
109. | Water quality monitoring across the internet: Design of Virtual Instrumentation | - | - | 2007 | 7th International conference on Ground water IGC 07 Tamil Nadu agricultural university during Feb 07. |
110. | Performance Analysis of CDMA Signal Processing System | - | - | 2005 | International conference on pattern regonisation and information processing PRIP 2005 held at CZECH Republic University, United Kingdom during May 2005. |
111. | Design of Virtual Instrument for Water Quality Monitoring across the Internet | - | - | 2005 | International conference on Emerging Technology in Intelligent system & control EISCO-2005 held at Kumaraguru College of technology during Jan 2005 |
112. | Performance Analysis of QWR Structural Electro Optic Switch by Circuit Modeling Approach | - | - | 2004 | 7th International conference PHOTONIX 2004 Cochin University held at Cochin, Kerala during Dec 2004 |
113. | MSRM based Energy Efficient Data Reconstruction for Wireless Sensor Network | - | - | 2014 | Information Journal”,Volume 17,No 09(B),September 2014 |