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Computer Science and Engineering
Qualification :B.E.,(CSE) M.E., (CSE)., PH.D.
Experience :30.7 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Research Work2
Paper Publication (International)6
Book Publication3
Resource Person2
Awards / Achievements4
Paper Presentation 15
Training Course1

Research Work
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Ph.d. Completion15-07-201615-07-2016July 2009 - July 2016Secure and Efficient Key Generation in New Multiparty Key Agreement Protocol
2. ph.d registration--during july 2009@aut,trichy course work & comprehensive viva-voce completed

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. EFFICIENT KEY GENERATION IN NEW MULTI-PARTY KEY AGREEMENT PROTOCOL30-06-201930-06-2019----Intl. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019, ISSN-2349-5162
2. Mobile Data Gathering with Load Balanced Clustering and Dual Data Uploading in Wireless Sensor Networks01-08-201601-08-2016----International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology EISSN : 2319-8753, ISSN: 2347-6710 Special issue, pp. 100 – 106, 2016 Wireless Sensor Network SUBANIDHA P
3. Performance Improvement in UWSN using HASSLE Subjection01-07-201601-07-2016---Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences ISSN:1995 - 0772, EISSN : 1998 – 1090 Special 10 (10), pp. 261-267 , 2016 Wireless Sensor Network DHIVYAJOTHI M
4. Certificateless sequential signature scheme in new multi-party key agreement protocol01-04-201501-04-2015---International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10/No. 7/ pp. 17283-17290 / 2015 Co-author: Dr.K.Bommanna Raja
5. Modeling of Adaptive Pixel pair matching with KBRP31-01-201531-01-20152015International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 / Vol.10 / No.1/ pp.890-894 / 2015 Co-Author: R.Selveeswari
6. SECURE KEY EXCHANGE IN NEW MULTI-PARTY IDENTITY-BASED AUTHENTICATED KEY AGREEMENT PROTOCOL30-06-201430-06-201430th June 2014.Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol. 64 No.3

Book Publication
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Fundamentals of Computing--August 2004Annai Velu Publishers, Madurai
2. Data Structures--Jan. 2005Sri Krishna Publications, Chennai
3. Computer Laboratory--Feb. 2008Balaji Publications, Chennai

Resource Person
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology06-04-201607-04-20162 daysSession Judge on 07.04.2016
2. Object Oriented Analysis and Design’15-12-201422-12-20141 weekAU sponsored FDP by CSE dept., KLNCE

Awards / Achievements
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Women of Distinction08-03-201608-03-20161 dayEmpowerment for Women Viwa International Foundation Chennai
2. Best SPoC award01-02-201601-02-20161 dayfor more no. of batches rolled out (Infosys CC ) Infosys DC, Chennai
3. Inspire award(Bronze)01-01-201631-12-20162 weeksInfosys Campus Connect training program
4. Infosys Inspire award 2014 - Bronze29-06-201529-06-20151 day@Infosys DC, Chennai

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Performance Improvement Using Pressure Routing In UWSN06-11-201506-11-20151 dayIntl. Conf. on Design And Application Of Structures, Drives, Communicational And Computing Systems(ICDASDC) 2015 K.L.N. COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Area: Wireless Sensor Network Co-author:DHIVYAJOTHI M
2. Energy Efficient Gathering Of Data In Wireless Sensor Network Using Sencar 06-11-201506-11-20151 dayIntl. Conf. on Design And Application Of Structures, Drives, Communicational And Computing Systems(ICDASDC 2015) K.L.N. COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Area: Wireless Sensor Network Co-author: SUBANIDHA P
3. Advanced embedding Method with encryption and Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching09-04-201510-04-20152 daysInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence-2015 Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai Area: Image Processing Co-author: R.Selveeswari
4. Secure Data Embedding using Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted Images19-03-201520-03-20152 daysIEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication systems (ICIIECS)2015 Karpagam College of Engineering Area: Image Processing Co-author: R.Selveeswari
5. Scheduling algorithm based interactions and data transfers in the multi-agent system09-01-201510-01-20152 daysIEEE Sponsored 9th international conference on intelligent systems and control Karpagam College of Engineering Area : Network Security Co-author: T.Gayathri
6. Modeling of Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching with KBRP09-01-201510-01-20152 daysIEEE Sponsored 9th international conference on intelligent systems and control Karpagam College of Engineering Area : Image Processing Co-author: R.Selveeswari
7. A Strategy for Protected and Trusty Storage Space Services in Cloud Computing using Security algorithms01-04-201301-04-20131 dayInternational Conf. on Advances in Computer and Communication (IIST -2013) Sun College of Engineering and Technology Area : Cloud Computing Co-Author : O.G.Harini Vardhan
8. A survey on Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network21-12-201222-12-20122 daysIntl. Conf. on Design and Application of Structures, Drives, Communicational and Computing Systems, K.L.N. College of Information Technology, Sivagangai Area : Wireless Networks Co-authors : R.Mohana Sundari, P.Kavitha and B.Janani
9. Performance Analysis of RSA and ECC in Identity Based Authenicated New Multiparty Key Agreement Protocol24-02-201224-02-201224.02.2012Intl. conf. on Computing, Communication and Applications 22-24 Feb., 2012 @ PSNA, Dindigul (published in ieeexplore)
10. A variant 2-party DH based Encrypted Key Exchange Protocol19-02-201119-02-201119-02-2011National Conference on "System Design and Information Processing" Organized by Excel College of Engineering for Women, Komarapalayam
11. XOR MACs scheme in n-party key authentication and key agreement protocols18-02-201018-02-201018.02.2010national conference on systems dsign and information processing - 2010 @excel college of engineering for women, komarapalayam
12. Non-invasiveness and AOP from OOP Design Principles05-04-200705-04-2007Apr. 5, 2007@ VMKV Engg. College, Salem
13. Security in Electronic Payment System via Aspect Oriented Programming09-03-200610-03-2006Mar. 9-10,2006National Conference on “Wireless Information and Networking in Global Systems” @ KLNCE
14. Quantum Teleportation04-01-200606-01-2006Jan. 4 -6, 2006International Conference on “Resource Utilisation and Intelligent Systems” @ Kongu Engg. College, Perundurai
15. Electronic Payment System06-01-200507-01-2005Jan. 6 -7, 2005National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Communication Networks and Internet Applications” @ Adhiyaman College of Engineering and Technology, Hosur

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. FDP on Security Laboratory (Self-supported)29-06-201630-06-20162 daysCo-ordinator
2. Infosys CC Training FP 4.025-05-201505-06-20152 weeks2017 batch B.E. / B.Tech No. of Students : 178
3. FDP on "Network Protocols"27-01-201128-01-201127-01-2011 & 28-01-2011Co-ordinator, Venue: KLNCE
4. Case Tools Application19-05-200831-05-200819-31 may, 2008co-coordinator AICTE sponsored Staff devalopment program @klnce
5. women's day celebrations02-04-200802-04-20082.4.08co-ordinator
6. Rational Robot AutomationTesting Tool -Training (for prefinal year students)03-03-200829-03-200803.03.2008 - 29.03.2008Co-ordinator venue:IBM COE Lab, KLNCE
7. IBM Rational Testing Tools26-12-200729-12-200726 - 29 Dec., 2007Co-ordinator (Organized by CSE)
8. IBM Rational Tools11-07-200712-07-200711.07.2007 & 12.07.2007Co-ordinator (Organaized by CSE)
9. Graphics and Multimedia04-01-200706-01-200704.01.2007 - 06.01.2007Co-ordinator (Organized by CSE)
10. Wireless Information and Networking in Global Systems (WINGS 2006)09-03-200610-03-200609.03.2006 & 10.03.2006Organizing Secretary (Organized by CSE & MCA)

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Salesforce21-07-201721-07-2017Half dayMeet
2. Real Time Data Analytics09-03-201715-03-20171 weekTEQIP - II sponsored workshop @TCE, Madurai
3. R Programming23-03-201623-03-20161 day@Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
4. Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations04-03-201604-03-20161 day@KLNCE
5. Effectiveness workshop for SPoC29-06-201529-06-20151 day@ Infosys DC, Chennai
6. How to write research papers and get published in Journal21-11-201421-11-20141 day@ VIT, Chennai
7. Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Techniques06-11-201320-11-20132 weeksAICTE sponsored Dept. of Mech. Engg., KLNCE
8. Language based Formal methods and Verification Techniques for Security02-08-201303-08-201302-08-2013 & 03-08-2013DRDO, New Delhi Sponsored Two days National Seminar @ NEC, Kovilpatti
9. OOAD using UML with essentials of Rational Software Architect19-11-201222-11-201219-11-2012 to 22-11-2012@cse dept./ klnce resource person from IBM
10. National Seminar on Salient Aspects of New Accreditation System (Washington Accord)03-02-201204-02-201203.02.2012 to 04.02.2012Organized by Dept. of I&C , SIT, Madurai
11. recent trends in cloud computing17-12-201117-12-201117-12-2011iet sponsored national seminar @national college of engineering, maruthakulam,tirunelveli
12. Nptel workshop29-07-201129-07-201129.07.2011@mepco schlenk engg. college
13. research methodologies in engg. and tech.24-09-201025-09-201024.09.2010-25.09.2010mech dept., klnce
14. Certification on IBM RFT19-08-201022-08-201019.08.2010-22.08.2010cse dept.,klnce test on 14.09.2010 (score - 100%)
15. research funding and patent methodologies in engineering and technology04-03-201005-03-201004.03.10 & 05.03.10workshop organized by dept. of ece, klnce
16. Certification Program on RAD18-09-200920-09-200918.09.09-20.09.09(3 days)Certification exam conducted on 15.10.09 ;secured 98.18%
17. Advanced Developer Technologies06-04-200906-04-20096.4.09organized by Microsoft @ Mookambigai college of engineering,kalamavur
18. IBM Rational Testing Tools (Rational Robot & TestManager)26-12-200729-12-200726 - 29 Dec., 2007venue : IBM Rational CoE @ KLNCE ( 4 days)
19. S/w testing tools13-10-200713-10-200713 Oct., 2007( 1 day) Venue: Anna University, Trichy
20. IBM Rational S/w development conference -200723-08-200724-08-200723 & 24 Aug. 2007(2 days) Venue: B'lore
21. Software Quality Management09-02-200710-02-200709 & 10 Feb., 2007(2 days) Venue: National Engineering College, Kovilpatti
22. IBM course on WSAD13-12-200416-12-200413.12.2004 to 16.12.2004(4 days) Venue: KLNCE
23. Student Guidance and Counselling27-08-200429-08-200427.08.2004 – 29.08.2004(3 days) Venue: KLNCE
24. “Computer Architecture”09-06-200313-06-200309.06.2003 - 13.06.2003(5 days) Venue: Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
25. “Object Oriented Distributed Computing and CORBA Technology”13-11-200025-11-200013.11.2000 – 25.11.2000(13 days) Venue: Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai
26. “HTML, Java Script, Java Programming & VC++”01-12-199928-12-199901.12.1999 - 28.12.1999(28 Days) Venue : KLNCE

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Group Discussion - Do27-08-201627-08-20161 dayCo-ordinator Resource Person : Mr.Jaydip Das, Project Manager, Infosys Ltd., Chennai

Training Course
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Introduction to R26-05-201827-05-20182 daysOnline certification

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Reviewer for for Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal19-07-201831-12-2018from july 2018(ISSN: 2415-6698)
2. Infosys Inspire award 2015 - Bronze30-06-201630-06-20161 day@ Infosys DC, Chennai
3. Project Evaluation and Certificate Distribution20-02-201320-02-201320-02-2013Chief Guest Vikaasa school, Madurai
4. Session Chair19-02-201119-02-201119-02-2011National Conference on "System Design and Information Processing" DST sponsored, Organized by Excel College of Engg. for Women, Komarapalayam
5. C++01-12-200901-12-200901.12.2009for Aricent Placement trg. pgm. for final yr. IT students
6. Client-server computing06-03-200907-03-20096,7 Mar. 2009Infosys Campus connect program (MCA)
7. Client-server computing11-12-200811-12-200811.12.2008infosys campus connect program (eee,mech & auto- III Yr.)
8. Software Project Management12-03-200812-03-200812.03.2008Guest Lecture at KLNCIT
9. Lecture on "User Interface Design"19-12-200719-12-200719 Dec., 2007Infosys campus Connect Program @ KLNCE
10. Lecture on "Client - Server technology"17-12-200717-12-200717 Dec., 2007Infosys Campus Connect Program @ KLNCE
11. Guest Lecture on IBM Rational Unified Modeling06-09-200713-09-200706.09.2007 & 13.09.2007TGMC workshop, KLNCE
12. Practicals using Rational Rose enterprise edition12-07-200712-07-200712 July, 2007workshop on "IBM rational tools" @KLNCE
13. System Software01-01-200701-01-2007Jan. 2007Monograph
14. Object Oriented Analysis and Design01-01-200701-01-2007Jan. 2007Monograph
15. Lecture on "Client - Server technology & User Interface Design"27-12-200629-12-200627 & 29 Dec. 2006Infosys Campus Connect Program @ KLNCE
16. Guest Lecture on "System Software"22-10-200522-10-200522.10.2005@ KLNCIT
17. Guest Lecture on "WSAD - web Application development"--00.00.0000IBM- WSAD workshop, KLNCE

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