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Associate Professor 1
Mechanical Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(MECH.ENGG) M.E. (INDUSTRIAL ENGG.) PH.D.,
Experience :21.6 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Research Work2
Paper Publication (International)6
Resource Person5
Awards / Achievements1
Paper Presentation 6

Research Work
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Research Supervisor30-12-201631-12-2026Since December 2016Anna University Chennai recognized as Research Supervisor for Ph.D/MS in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
2. Modelling in Selective Assembly Using Taguchi Concept to Minimize Assembly Variation and Assembly Loss01-01-201029-06-20162010 to 2016Selective assembly with Taguchi concept models are successfully proposed and analyzed to minimize assembly variation, loss in assemblies, surplus parts and also to obtain the assemblies within the required design specification & the best selective group size.

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Performance and Emission Measurement of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Bitter Gourd oil and Diesel Blend01-06-201830-06-2018June 2018Journal of Applied Science and Computations (ISSN NO: 0076-5131), Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2018, pp.136-146.
2. Modelling in selective assembly with symmetrical interval – based Taguchi loss function for minimizing assembly loss and clearance variation01-08-201531-08-2015August 2015Published a paper entitled on ‘Modelling in selective assembly with symmetrical interval – based Taguchi loss function for minimizing assembly loss and clearance variation’, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 288-308. (Annexure II) Impact factor-0.330
3. Artificial Immune System algorithm for multi objective flow shop scheduling problem01-07-201331-03-2014March 2014Published a paper entitled on ‘Artificial Immune System algorithm for multi objective flow shop scheduling problem’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, issue 3, pp. 1391-1395. ISSN No.2319-8753
4. Artificial immune system algorithm for minimizing clearance variation in connecting rod assembly--August 2011Presented a paper entitled on ‘Artificial immune system algorithm for minimizing clearance variation in connecting rod assembly’, in the proceedings of the 1st international conference in south asia on global manufacturing systems & management, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India, 2011 August 1-3, pp. 223-234
5. Tolerance modelling in selective assembly for minimizing linear assembly tolerance variation and assembly cost by using Taguchi and AIS algorithm--August 2014Published a paper entitle on 'Tolerance modelling in selective assembly for minimizing linear assembly tolerance variation and assembly cost by using Taguchi and AIS algorithm’, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 75, no. 5-8, pp. 869-881. (Annexure I) Impact factor-1.779
6. Minimising assembly loss for a complex assembly using Taguchi’s concept in selective assembly--March 2015Published a paper entitled on ‘Minimising assembly loss for a complex assembly using Taguchi’s concept in selective assembly’, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, vol. 15, no. 3, 335-356. (Annexure II) Impact factor-0.751

Resource Person
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Guest Lecture10-03-201711-03-2017Two DaysDelivered a Guest Lecture on the topic “Process Capability Study” in Two days workshop on "Application of Quality Concepts in Manufacturing" at K. L. N. College of Engineering.
2. Guest Lecture11-09-201511-09-2015One DayDelivered a Guest Lecture on the topic “Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines” at Bharath Niketan Engineering College, Aundipatty, Madurai.
3. Judge for Technical Paper presentation session27-03-201528-03-2015Two DaysActed as a Judge for technical paper presentation session in 3rd National Conference on “Modern trends in Automobile engineering-MTAE’15" in Automobile Engineering during 27th to 28th March 2015 at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Sivagangai.
4. Judge for Technical Paper presentation session--2011 To 2012Acted as a Judge for technical paper presentation stream for the technical symposium “TECHTASY’11” organised by SAE India, Automobile Engineering, KLNCE.
5. Judge for Technical Paper presentation session--2011-2012Acted as a Judge for technical paper presentation session for the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering during 02nd to 03rd April 2012 at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Sivagangai.

Awards / Achievements
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Publication Award04-03-201604-03-20162015 to 2016Received the Publication award of Rs. 2000/- for Research publication in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Annexure I)

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Improving Quality and Productivity Through Reduction of High Pressure Fluctuation in Tyre Curing Process06-04-201607-04-20162015 to 2016Has been presented in International Conference on " Innovations in Engineering and Technology" ICIET'16 at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Sivagangai.
2. Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing clearance variation for a Connecting rod assembly--2002 To 2003Has been presented in National Conference on Advance Trend in Mechanical Engineering research and development on 21st Dec 2002 at JNTU college of Engineering, Anantapur, AP.
3. Simulated Annealing for Minimizing Clearance Variation in Selective Assembly--2004 To 2005Has been presented in National Conference on Challenges in Achieving Global Quality during 24th to 25th May 2004 at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, TN.
4. AIS Algorithm for minimizing Clearance Variation in Connecting Rod Assembly--2011 To 2012Has been presented in International Conference on Global Manufacturing System and Management at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,TN.
5. Experimental Study of Replacement of Belt Driven Alternator by Turbo Driven Alternator--2011 To 2012Has been presented in National conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Sivagangai.
6. Design and Fabrication of Vehicles for Differently able people--2012-2013Has been presented in 2nd National conference on "Modern Trends in Automobile Engineering-MTAE 2103" during 3rd and 4th April'2013 at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Sivagangai.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. HR Meet "MANUSH'14" - Realizing the Rural Power13-09-201413-09-201413-09-2014Organized a HR Meet "MANUSH'14" as an Executive member" on 13.09.2014 at KLNCE.
2. IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology21-03-201422-03-201421-03-2104 To 22-03-2014Convenor - Certificate Committee for "IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology" held during 21st and 22nd March 2014.
3. Analysis and Simulation using ANSYS in Advanced Manufacturing Processes22-01-201422-01-201422-01-2014Coordinator for One day Workshop “Analysis and Simulation using ANSYS in Advanced Manufacturing Processes” on 22nd Jan'2014.
4. National Convention, Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)-Madurai chapter21-09-201222-09-201221-09-2012 To 22-09-2012Coordinated the National Convention of QCFI - Madurai Chapter, during September 2012 at KLNCE.
5. National Conference on Modern Trends in Automobile Engineering'201107-04-201107-04-201107-04-2011Coordinator for National Conference on "Modern Trends in Automobile Engineering 2011"
6. Finite Element Analysis04-03-201105-03-201104-03-2011 To 05-03-2011Coordinator for Anna University of Technology Madurai, Madurai sponsored FDP on “Finite Element Analysis” during 04-05, March 2011.
7. Propelz’09 - Symposium03-04-200903-04-200903-04-2009Coordinator for National Symposium on "Propelz'09"

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Awareness on ISO 9001:201508-04-201708-04-2017one dayAttended a workshop on “Awareness on ISO 9001:2015” at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
2. Intellectual Property Rights and innovations04-03-201604-03-20161 DayAttended a one day workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and innovations” at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
3. Outcome Based NBA Accreditation05-05-201406-05-201405-05-2014 To 06-05-2014Attended a Two day Awareness program on “Outcome Based NBA Accreditation” at K.L.N.College of Engineering.
4. Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Techniques06-11-201320-11-201306-11-2013 To 20-11-2013Attended a two weeks AICTE sponsored FDP on “Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Techniques” from 06th to 20th Nov. 2013 at KLNCE, Pottapalayam.
5. Optimization techniques for multicriteria decision making models10-08-201211-08-201210-08-2012 To 11-08-2012Attended a two day workshop on “Optimization techniques for multicriteria decision making models” at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
6. Teaching Methodology for Transmission System Design18-03-201119-03-201118-03-2011 To 19-03-2011Attended a two day workshop on “Teaching Methodology for Transmission System Design” at K.L.N.College of Engineering.
7. Quality through six sigma concept and its implementation14-12-200918-12-200914-12-2009 T0 18-12-2009Attended a Five day short term course on “Quality through six sigma concept and its implementation” at NIT, Trichy.
8. Six Sigma for Productivity Improvement and Customer Satisfaction22-08-200922-08-200922-08-2009Undergone one day workshop on “Six Sigma for Productivity Improvement and Customer Satisfaction” SACS M.A.V.M.M. Engineering College, Madurai.
9. Population Based Evolutionary Techniques in Design and Manufacturing11-05-200912-05-200911-05-2009 TO 12-05-2009Attended a two day workshop on “Population Based Evolutionary Techniques in Design and Manufacturing” @ K.L.N.College of Engineering.
10. Effective Teaching and Learning Methods of Engineering Mechanics03-07-200615-07-20063-07-06 TO 15-07-06Attended a two weeks short-term training program on “Effective Teaching and Learning Methods of Engineering Mechanics” from 3rd to 15th July 2006 at K.L.N.C.E.
11. Strategic Quality Improvement Methods for Achieving Zero Defects06-12-200418-12-200406-12-04 TO 18-12-04Attended a two weeks short-term training program on “Strategic Quality Improvement Methods for Achieving Zero Defects” from 06th to 18th Dec. 2004 at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
12. Design of Jigs and Fixture14-02-200415-02-200414-02-04 TO 15-02-04Attended a two days short term course conducted by Mechanical Engineering Dept. on “Design of Jigs and Fixture” during 14th & 15th Feb. 2004 at K.L.N.C.E.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Achievement & Activities--2003 To 20111.University SIXTH RANK in B.E (Mechanical) 2.Appreciation certificates received for excellent performance in Placement activities. 3.Cash award of Rs. 6,000/- has received for six100% result produced in Anna University Theory Examination 4.Alumni Association – Joint Secretary 5.Infosys campus connect program- Core Member 6.Appreciation certificate received for excellent performance in Infosys campus connect program 7. Appreciation certificate received for best organizer of National Convention,QCFI-Madurai Chapter.

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