| DR. P.LOGANTHURAI [10220004] Associate Professor 1 Electrical and Electronics Engineering | | Qualification | : | B.E. (EEE)., M.E. (APPLIED ELECTRONICS), PH.D., | Experience | : | 22.6 (Y.M) | Email ID | : | loganthuraip@gmail.com |
Research Work |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | ENERGY AUDITING and CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES | 02-04-2012 | 28-10-2012 | SIX MONTHS | Energy consumption,Load variation and Time of use of Major Equipment and Sequence of operation are studied through detailed energy audit in various Granite industries.
Optimization technique are applied to minimize the Maximum Demand of granite industries.
This work is published in the international journal, ELSEVIER-Energy Conservation and Management 86(2014) p-p 809-817. ISSN 0196-8904 ,as 'Optimization of operating schedule of machines in granite industry using evolutionary algorithms' | 2. | Energy Saving Measures | 08-02-2007 | 18-02-2007 | 11 Days | a project carried out on the above topic for MADITSSIA Ideal home Exhibitions at Tamukam Ground , Madurai and saved 1100 liters of Diesel | 3. | Electrical Energy Saving, Safety and Load Distribution | 06-02-2004 | 16-02-2004 | 11 Days | Electrical Energy Saving, Safety and Load Distribution project rolled out for MADITSSIA in Ideal home exhibitions at Tamukam ground, Madurai and saved 1300 liters of Diesel |
Paper Publication (International) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | CONTROLLING BUILDING FIRE AND SMOKE EVACUATION USING IOT | 05-03-2017 | 05-03-2017 | One day | Published paper in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH
TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJARTET). | 2. | Dwindling of Electrical Energy Consumption in Steel Industries using Digital Camera | 24-08-2016 | 24-08-2016 | One day | Paper Published in the International journal of REVISTA TECNICA DE LA FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA.Vol.39, No.8. p.p 11 - 20, August 2016. | 3. | Evolutionary algorithm based optimum scheduling of processing units in rice industry to reduce peak demand | 15-07-2016 | 15-07-2016 | One day | This paper Published in ELSEVIER-Energy 107 (2016) p-p 419-430. ISSN 0360-5442-8904.Impact factor 4.81 | 4. | Power Factor Improvement in The Rubber Industry using Fuzzy Logic | 12-07-2016 | 12-07-2016 | One day | Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering(GRD journal),2016
vol.26,pp.157-162.e-ISSN: 2455-5703 | 5. | Energy Conservation Possibility in Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning system using fuzzy Logic | 09-01-2015 | 10-01-2015 | January 2015 | Paper published in IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conferrence on Intelligent system and Control(ISCO-2015) at Karpagam College of Engineering,Coimbatore. | 6. | Reduction of KVA Loading in Textile Industry Using Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithm | 04-12-2014 | 05-12-2014 | Nov 2014 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER) Vol.9No.24(2014)pp8326-8333.ISSN 0973-4652. | 7. | Optimization of operating schedule of machines in granite industry using evolutionary algorithms | 01-06-2014 | 01-06-2014 | October 2014 | ELSEVIER-Energy Conservation and Management 86(2014) p-p 809-817. ISSN 0196-8904 | 8. | Modelling of Hybrid Power System with Fuzzy Logic Controller for Voltage Regulation | 21-03-2014 | 22-03-2014 | march 2014 | Paper Published in IEEE International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology ICIET 2014 | 9. | Reduction of Maximum Demand in Textile Industry Using Fuzzy based power factor correction | 01-03-2013 | 02-03-2013 | March 2013 | Paper Published in the International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Instrumentation,Optimization and Signal Processing. pp 1064-1069 | 10. | Energy Conservation Measures in a Technical Institutional Building in Tamilnadu in India | 26-12-2011 | 28-12-2011 | January 2012 | 2011 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE 2011),Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 1181 – 1186,ELSEVIER. | 11. | Harmonic Mitigation in UPS System Using PLL | 26-12-2011 | 28-12-2011 | January 2012 | www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia
2011 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE 2011),Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 873 – 879. |
Paper Publication (National) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Energy Efficient Operation of Rubber Industry to reduce the Production Cost. | 29-01-2016 | 30-01-2016 | 2 days | Published paper in National Conference on Power and Renewable Energy System-'NCPRES 16' at Velammal College of Engineering,Madurai. | 2. | Voltage Requlation of wind energy system using solid state Transformer | 29-04-2014 | 30-04-2014 | April 2014 | Published paper in the National Conference on Issues in Power quality and Renewable Energy System-CIPRES-14.Organised by BIT Campus, Annauniversity,Tiruchirappalli. | 3. | Three Phase Grid Connected Photo Voltaic System to control Real and Reactive Power in Energy Management | 21-02-2014 | 22-02-2014 | Februry 2014 | Paper published in 9th National Conferrence on Cutting Edge Technologies in Power Conversion and Industrial Drives(PCID-2014) Organised by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology. |
Resource Person |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Dc generator, Single phase transformer,Three phase transformer Special Machines PMSM,Linear Induction Motor,AC Servo Motor VRSM | 17-02-2017 | 17-02-2017 | Half a day | Deliverd lectrue on this topic at K.L.N.Polytechnic college,Madurai | 2. | Electric motor rewinding and Energy consumption | 17-02-2017 | 17-02-2017 | Half a day | Deliverd lecture on this topic at Velammal College of Engineering and Technology,Madurai | 3. | TRANSFORMER, GENERATOR, BATTERIES, DC MACHINES | 19-07-2016 | 19-07-2016 | One day | Deliverd guest lecture on this topic for second year EEE students at K.L.N.Polytechnic college, | 4. | Electrical Machines: Dc generator, Single phase transformer, Three phase transformer | 02-09-2015 | 02-09-2015 | Half day | Delivered guest lecture on the topic Electrical Machines: Dc generator, Single phase transformer, Three phase transformer at K.L.N. Polytechnic college. | 5. | Work shop on ‘MATLAB’ | 28-08-2015 | 29-08-2015 | 2 days | Resource person during two days work shop on ‘MATLAB’ at Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli | 6. | Magnetic circuits and basic concept of Electrical Machines | 17-04-2015 | 17-04-2015 | One day | Delivered guest lecture on the topic for second year Electrical and Electronics Engineering students of K.L.N.College of Information Technology. | 7. | Electric Drives in Industrial application | 30-01-2015 | 30-05-2015 | One Day | Guest Lecture Delivered at Kamaraj College of Engineering,Virudhunagar. | 8. | Recent Approach in Energy Management and Saving | 24-02-2012 | 24-02-2012 | One day | Delivered a Lecture on the topic of "Energy Scenario and Roll of every one in energy saving" in Two days workshop on" Recent Approach in Energy Management and Saving" Conducted during 24.02.2012 to 25.02.2012. | 9. | Guest Lecture-ENERGY CONSERVATION | 15-06-2011 | 15-06-2011 | One day | Guest lecture deliverd on the topic of ENERGY CONSERVATION for Electrical & Electronics students of K.L.N.Polytechnic,Madurai | 10. | Guest Lecturers and chief Guest | 25-01-2011 | 25-01-2011 | One day | Guest Lecture given on the topic of Renewable energy source and act as chief guest for Validicatory function for FDP at K.L.N.College of Information technology | 11. | Rotating Machines | 10-03-2010 | 10-03-2010 | One day | Delivered a guest lecture on the above topic at Mount zion College of Engineering, Trichy | 12. | Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy | 22-12-2005 | 22-12-2005 | One day | Delivered a guest lecture on the above topic at K.L.Nagaswamy Memorial Polytechinc college, Kozhimedu ,Madurai | 13. | Electrical Circuits and Machines | 17-08-2004 | 17-08-2004 | One day | Delivered a guest lecture on the above topic at K.L.Nagasamy Memorial Polytechnic college, Kozhimedu. |
Paper Presentation |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Reduction of KVA Loading in Textile Industry Using Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithm | 04-12-2014 | 05-12-2014 | Two days | Paper presented on the international conferenc on 'EMERGING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND CONTROL (ICEECS2014)' on 05-12-2014 at SETHU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. | 2. | State level technical paper presentation contest | 11-01-2013 | 11-01-2013 | One day | Acted as judge for the State level technical paper presentation contest at K.L.Nagasamy Memorial Polytechnic college, Kozhimedu. | 3. | Energy Conservation Measures in a Technical Institutional Building in Tamilnadu in India | 27-12-2011 | 28-12-2011 | Two days | Paper Presented in 2011 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE 2011),at Asia pacific research association,Banbkok,Thailand. | 4. | Reactive power compensation and power factor correction for three-phase four-wire systems using synchronous detection method (SDM) | 27-05-2011 | 27-05-2011 | One day | Paper presented on the international conferenc on 27-05-2011 atE. G. S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam. | 5. | Reactive Power Compensation using DSTATCOM for Power factor correction | 11-02-2011 | 11-02-2011 | One day | Paper presented in the conference of "Electrical Machines and Power System"at Pondichery Engineering College,Pondichery. | 6. | Paper Presentation - Judge | 12-01-2010 | 12-01-2012 | One day | acted as a judge for a State Level Paper Presentation Event at K.L.Nagaswamy memorial Polytechnic college |
Conference |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | HANDS ON WORKSHOP ON FPGA PROGRAMMING IN POWER AND CONTROL APPLICATIONS | 24-02-2017 | 25-02-2017 | Two days | Organized the two days work shop, faculty and student from varios colllge get benifitted | 2. | Paper Presentation - Judge | 06-04-2016 | 06-04-2016 | One day | Acted as judge for the International conference on 'INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY(ICIET)' at K.L.N College of Engineering. | 3. | IEEE International Conference on Power,Energy and Control(ICPEC-13) | 06-02-2013 | 08-02-2013 | Three days | Attended the above International conference at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology. | 4. | National Franchisee training Programme | 21-02-2011 | 23-02-2011 | 3 Days | Conducted Three days workshop on 'National Franchisee training Programme' with TANGEDCO, Madurai | 5. | Emerging Trends in Power Systems | 06-03-2010 | 07-03-2010 | Two days | Co ordinated the above National Level Conference | 6. | Electrical Earhing, Wiring, Winding and Fault rectificaion of home appliances | 07-03-2009 | 07-03-2009 | One day | organized a one day workshop for 3rd year and final year EEE students at KLNCE |
Seminars |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Recent Trends in Optimization Techniques and its application | 05-12-2016 | 09-12-2016 | 2 days | Attended the workshop at MEPCO schlenk Engineering College,Sivakasi
| 2. | Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations | 04-03-2016 | 04-04-2016 | One day | Attended workshop on this topic at K.L.N.College of Engineering. | 3. | STRATEGIC PLANNING ON INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT | 28-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 | One day | Organised by IIPC,Conducted by Dr.D.Brahadeeswaran,Vice President,SEED,Chennai. | 4. | The Smart Grid Vision for India | 14-02-2015 | 14-02-2015 | One day | Organised the One day seminar on the above topics for Electrical and Electronics Engineering students.Experts from TANGEDCO handled the sessions | 5. | Research issues in science and Technology and sucessful Publication in Referred Journals | 17-05-2013 | 17-05-2013 | One day | Attended One days seminar on the above topic at K.L.N.College of Engineering | 6. | Role of Renewable Energy in Energy Conservation | 14-12-2010 | 15-12-2010 | Two days | Attended two days National Seminar on' Role of Renewable Energy in Energy Conservation' at Anna university of Tiruchirapalli | 7. | Energy Conservation | 29-07-2009 | 29-07-2009 | One day | One Day seminar on Energy conservation conducted by MADITSSIA | 8. | Team Building | 31-07-2004 | 31-07-2004 | One day | Attended one day seminar at K.L.N.college of Engineering, Organized by ISTE Staff Chapter. | 9. | Environmental Science and Engineering | 03-06-2004 | 04-06-2004 | Two days | Attended twodays seminar at K.L.N.college of Engineering | 10. | Teaching Methodologies | 11-05-2004 | 16-05-2004 | 6 Days | at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Sponsored by Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Developement |
Workshop |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | INTERNET OF THINGS AND IT’S APPLICATIONs | 10-05-2017 | 12-05-2017 | 3 days | Attended this national level workshop at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College,
(Autonomous)Sivakasi. | 2. | Advanced Softwares for Power System Simulation Studies | 03-05-2017 | 05-05-2017 | 3 Days | Attended three days NATIONAL LEVEL SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAM (STTP) at SSN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Kalavakkam– 603110 | 3. | ART OF WRITING & PUBLISHING EFFECTIVE RESEARCH PAPER IN JOURNALS AND CONFERENCES | 25-07-2015 | 25-07-2015 | One day | Attended one day workshop at Kongu engineering college on the topic of "ART OF WRITING & PUBLISHING EFFECTIVE RESEARCH PAPER IN JOURNALS AND CONFERENCES" | 4. | Energy Audit & Management | 17-07-2015 | 18-07-2015 | 2 days | Attended two days workshop at Thiyagargar college of engineering , on the topic of Energy Audit & Management. | 5. | Energy Management system in microgrid | 17-12-2014 | 18-12-2014 | Two days | Participated in the National Workshop on the above topic conducted by Department of Electrical and Electronics, SSN College of Engineering. | 6. | MATLAB and its Application for Engineering Computation | 05-09-2014 | 06-09-2014 | Two days | Attended the Workshop on the above topic conducted by Department of Information Technology, KONGU Engineering College. | 7. | ENERGY AUDITING and CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES | 18-04-2014 | 19-04-2014 | Two days | Participated in the National Workshop on the above topic conducted by Department of Electrical and Electronics, PSG College of Technology. | 8. | Soft computing Techniques using MATLAB | 13-09-2013 | 14-09-2013 | Two Days | Attended the Workshop on the above topic conducted by Department of Computer Science Engineering, KONGU Engineering College. | 9. | Recent Approach in Energy Management and Saving | 24-02-2012 | 25-02-2012 | Two days | Organized two day's workshop on Recent Approach in Energy Management and Saving. | 10. | MATLAB, PSIM and PowerWorld Simulator | 11-02-2011 | 12-02-2011 | Two Days | Attended a two days workshop on 'MATLAB, PSIM and PowerWorld Simulator' at K.L.N.College of Engineering | 11. | Energy audit and management | 25-09-2010 | 25-09-2010 | One day | Conducted one day workshop on Energy audit and Management at K.L.N.College of Engineering | 12. | Testing and Commisioning of Substation Equipments | 17-05-2007 | 18-05-2007 | Two days | Attended workshop -Organised by TNEB transmission and substation training and developement institute madurai | 13. | Electric Circuits Laboratory Course | 27-12-2004 | 28-12-2004 | Two days | Attended two days workshop at KLNCE | 14. | Power Electronics | 14-06-2004 | 19-06-2004 | 5 Days | Attended five days workshop at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Sponsored by Anna University. | 15. | Power Electromics Laboratory | 09-06-2003 | 13-06-2003 | 5 Days | at KSR College of Technology, Sponsored by Anna University Chennai | 16. | Computer Hardware and Networking | 19-05-2003 | 21-05-2003 | 3 Days | Attended at Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Electrical Distribution System Analysis | 01-08-2018 | 24-11-2018 | 7 days | NPTEL- Course on Electrical Distribution System Analysis | 2. | Recent Development in Modeling,Design and Control of Power Converters and Drives | 13-11-2017 | 25-11-2017 | 14 days | Attended AICTE sponsored FDP. | 3. | ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II | 15-05-2017 | 21-05-2017 | 7 Days | Attended 7 days FDTP on this topic at Anna University, Chennai-600025 | 4. | Power Electronics Application in FACTS and Renewable Energy | 04-01-2016 | 10-01-2016 | 7 Days | Attended FDP on the topic at Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi. | 5. | Future Electrical Energy requirements of India and Solution Methods | 17-11-2008 | 30-11-2008 | 14 Days | Attended workshop at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Sponsored by AICTE | 6. | Hybrid Energy Systems | 29-05-2006 | 11-06-2006 | 14 Days | Attended workshop at Periyar Maniammai college of Technology for Women, Sponsored by AICTE | 7. | Neuro Fuzzy based Control Design | 30-05-2005 | 11-06-2005 | 13 Days | Attended workshop at Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Sponsored by AICTE. | 8. | Role of Solid State Controllers and Embedded Systems in Power Sysems | 07-11-2004 | 20-11-2004 | 14 Days | at Kumaraguru college of Technology, Coimbatore, Sponsored by AICTE/ ISTE |
Project Contest |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Project Review | 07-03-2013 | 07-03-2013 | One day | Reviewed all the final year project of Electrical and Electronics department of K.L.N.College of Information Technology. |
Industrial Visit |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Industrial visit | 11-02-2017 | 11-02-2017 | One day | Arranged and accompained industrial vist to Harihar and Khanha granites for second year EEE student and faculty. | 2. | Industrial Vist | 29-09-2016 | 29-09-2016 | one day | Visited Amman Try & Steel Pvt.Ltd, Trichy | 3. | Industrial visit | 14-01-2016 | 14-01-2016 | One day | EID Parry-sivagangai. | 4. | Industrial vist | 23-04-2015 | 23-04-2015 | One day | Visited Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant on 23.04.2015 with M.E(PSE) students |