| DR. R.S. BALASENTHIL [16220005] Associate Professor 1 Master of Business Administration |  | |
Research Work |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Services Marketing - Strategies and Prospects with reference to Life Insurance Sector | 18-04-2007 | 22-04-2011 | 4 years | Ph.D. in Business Administration from Madurai Kamaraj University; [ Registered. on 18/4/2007; Viva-voce -28/09/2015; Award/Convocation- 12/02/2016] | 2. | An Entrepreneurial Analysis Of The Effect Of Advertisements For a New Brand of Consumer Product | 01-05-1998 | 30-04-1999 | One year | M.Phil. Dissertation submitted to Madurai Kamaraj University. |
Paper Publication (International) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | "EXPLORING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN USING THE INDUSTRIAL METAVERSE TO EMPOWER RURAL ENTREPRENEURS IN INDIA DIGITALLY" | 04-07-2024 | 04-07-2024 | Bi-annual issue | "International Journal of Business and General Management ( IJBGM ); ISSN Print: 2319-2267; ISSN Online: 2319-2275; VOL-13, ISSUE-2; Jul--Dec2024; Impact Factor(JCC)-2023: 7.9864; ICV:2017: 50.29; NAAS Rating: 3.51; Impact Factor(Research Bib):.7983 / 2012;". https://www.iaset.us/archives?jname=32_2&year=2024&submit=Search https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fa9SweS6VeBfxFOysVfgNo7cuMmo4uAz/view?usp=sharing | 2. | Assessing the Impact of Green Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior - A Comparative Analysis of ITC, HUL, WIPRO, and TATA Groups | 01-02-2024 | 01-02-2024 | Feb 2024 | Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, 11(S2), 94–99. https://doi.org/10.34293/sijash.v11iS2-Feb.7429 E-ISSN: 2582-0397 ; P-ISSN: 2321-788X | 3. | A study on investors’ awareness & preference towards Mutual Funds | 01-08-2017 | 01-08-2017 | Quarterly | ROOTS international journal of multidisciplinary researches. Vol:4 No:1 August 2017 ISSN:2349-8684 Impact factor 3.487 UGC Ajpproved Journal no.48991 | 4. | MUTUAL FUND SELECTION PROCESS-WITH REFERENCE TO EQUITY FUNDS | 01-07-2017 | 31-08-2017 | July to August 2017 | Shanlax International Journal of Management;Vol 5; Issue no.1(July 2017); ISSN 2321-4543 | 5. | Innovative investment strategies in Gilt Funds | 19-10-2015 | 19-10-2015 | one day | PUBLISHED IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION MANAGEMENT (IM 2015), ANNA UNIVERSITY, BIT CAMPUS, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI. | 6. | Fuzzy Logic Modeling for decision making processes using MATLAB | 16-07-2014 | 16-07-2014 | one day | Advanced Materials Research
Vols. 984-985 (2014) pp 425-430
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.984-985.425 Dated;2014/Jul/16
| 7. | Evaluation of Quality Dimensions in Life Insurance Market: Customer Segmentation Analysis | - | - | June 2008 | Published in 'Journal of insurance & risk management' (ISSN 0972-7620) volume vi ,issue 12 in june 2008 ;
Publisher : Birla institute of management technology, India | 8. | Critical success factors of agents in life insurance services | - | - | 2009 February | Published in "Global management review" - vol.3, issue.2.-ISSN 09739947. Publisher:Sona school of management | 9. | Service Quality:A Base for Marketing Strategies-An Empirical Study in Life Insurance Market | - | - | June 2009 | International Journal of Management Research and Technology; Vol 3:Number 1 : January-June 2009 issue: Page149-166 (serials publication, New Delhi) |
Paper Publication (National) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Adoption And Implementation Of Fintech Solutions In Indian Banking Sector | 02-01-2024 | 02-01-2024 | January 2024 | Journal of Inventive and Scientific Research Studies, 1(2). https://www.jisrs.com
Vol: I Issue: 2 January 2024
JISRS- E ISSN: 2584-0630 (Online) | 2. | Yesterday's High/Low Breakout Trading Techniques in MCX Crude oil | 20-04-2018 | 20-04-2018 | one day | Journal publication(national) | 3. | TQM in higher eduaction | 23-02-2017 | 24-02-2017 | Two days | Published in the proceedings of UGC sponsored national seminar on 'TQM in higher education' organised by the Dept. of Business Administration, Sri meenakshi govt. arts college for women, madurai. ISBN 978-81-933316-8-2 Edition 2017, Publisher:Shanlax publications | 4. | Financial Risk Analysis of Index Funds Vs. Diversified Equity Funds | 01-01-2016 | 30-06-2017 | Bi-Annual | PSNA Journals of Business And System, Volume-VI, Issue-I, Jan-Jun 2016,pp 14-24, ISSN:2319-2909, RNI No:TNENG/2011/36418 | 5. | Gilt funds - A safe way of investment with inclusive growth | 01-10-2015 | 01-10-2015 | one day | published in conference proceedings titled "Indian world - class Manufacturing - The Road Ahead" organised by Fatima College, Madurai. Publisher "World literature books centre and publisher pvt. Ltd. - ISBN: 978-81-93023-488 | 6. | Stock Market Strategies using Fundamental Analysis - with special reference to stock option | 01-04-2015 | 01-04-2015 | one day | Shanlax International Journal of Management;Vol 2; No.4; April 2015; ISSN 2321-4643 | 7. | Innovative financial management policies for sustainable growth and currency stability | 28-11-2013 | 28-11-2013 | 28-11-2013 | Journal of 'Golden Research Thoughts', special edition, ISSN 2231-5063,Vol.1, Pg.85-88; GISI Impact Factor:1.2018 |
Book Publication |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Advanced Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management | 13-08-2024 | 13-08-2024 | Life time | Publisher Leilani Katie Publication, 2024
ISBN 936348971X, 9789363489714
https://www.flipkart.com/advanced-investment-analysis-portfolio-management/p/itm1d489b9b6032a?pid=9789363489714 | 2. | Statistics for Management | 01-07-2024 | 01-07-2024 | July 2024 | Publisher:Shanlax Publications; ISBN 9361631551, 9789361631559
Length:253 pages; https://books.google.co.in/books/about?id=m8kVEQAAQBAJ | 3. | SPSS - A Crash Course in 1 Day | 27-08-2017 | 27-08-2017 | --- | International/Global Edition ISBN-10: 1549602500 ; ISBN-13: 978-1549602504 ; Self Published on: 27th August 2017.Available as paperback in Amazon global platforms www.amazon.com/dp/1549602500 and as an e-book in Amazon kindle.www.amazon.com/dp/B0754LC3JL
| 4. | STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT - For Anna Univ MBA | 25-05-2017 | 25-05-2017 | 2017 May | RKS Publications - ISBN:978-93-5268-395-6 Pages:250 ; Copyright @ Balasenthil- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pzaAeUpsRkczGdF_Pt57F0CHF9eIkXtO/view?usp=sharing |
Resource Person |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Research Methodology Using SPSS | 24-01-2014 | 24-01-2014 | 24-01-2014 | AICTE sponsored workshop for Researchers, at Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai. | 2. | SPSS Training Programme | 20-01-2014 | 20-01-2014 | 20-01-2014 | For the Faculties of Fatima College,Madurai | 3. | Research Methodology for Management Researchers | 21-12-2013 | 21-12-2013 | 21-12-2013 | Trained the application of SPSS in the above FDP organised by the Dept. of Management Studies, Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. | 4. | FDP on SPSS | 18-05-2013 | 19-05-2013 | 18-05-2013 To 19-05-2013 | Resource person in the Two Day Residential Programme on 'Usage of SPSS in Management Research' at KPR School of Business, Coimbatore. | 5. | FDP on SPSS | 02-04-2013 | 02-04-2013 | 2-04-2013 | Resource person for the Topic 'Usage of SPSS for Social Research' in the National workshop at Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi,Coimbatore Dt. | 6. | FDP on SPSS | 18-10-2012 | 19-10-2012 | 18-10-2012 To 19-10-2012 | Resource person in the FDP on 'SPSS an esplanade for modern Research Paradigms' at SRM University, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai. | 7. | spss workshop | 09-05-2012 | 09-05-2012 | 9-05-2012 | conducted one day session on 'Application of statistical tools in Research' for the students at Kalaignar Karunanidhi Inst. of Tech., Coimbatore. | 8. | SDP - SPSS WORKSHOP | 23-04-2012 | 23-04-2012 | 23-04-2012 | served as Resorce person (for SPSS session)in the AICTE sponsored National Level Staff Development programme on 'Innovative practives in business management' organised by the MBA dept. of VHNSN college. | 9. | SPSS workshop | 06-04-2012 | 07-04-2012 | 6-04-2012 To 7-04-2012 | conducted workshop on 'Application of SPSS in Research Methodology' for Final year MBA students, at Gnanam Business School,Tanjoor,Tamil nadu. | 10. | FDP on SPSS | 25-11-2011 | 26-11-2011 | 25-11-2011 To 26-11-2011 | Acted as a Resource Person in the Faculty Development Programme on Statisical Package on Social Science , organised by the Department of commerce and international business, Saraswathy Thiagarajar College, Pollachi, Tamilnadu. | 11. | SPSS workshop | 13-06-2011 | 14-06-2011 | 13-06-2011 To 14-06-2011 | conducted SPSS workshop for two days for MBA students at Kaliswari college, Sivagasi, Tamilnadu. | 12. | FDP on SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Science | 19-04-2011 | 19-04-2011 | 19-04-2011 | In FDP on 'Application of SPSS in Research' ,at 'PSNA college of Engg & Technology, Dindigul' - Sponsored by Anna University of Technology, Madurai. | 13. | SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Science | 23-03-2011 | 24-03-2011 | 23-03-2011 to 24-03-2011 | For MBA students at Kalaignar Karunanidhi Inst. of Tech., Coimbatore | 14. | SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Science | 25-02-2011 | 25-02-2011 | 25-02-2011 | 'worksop on SPSSS' for MBA students at Gnanam Busiess School, Tanjoor, Tamil Nadu. | 15. | SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Science | 12-02-2011 | 12-02-2011 | 12-02-2011 | 'worksop on SPSS' for MBA students at SVN College, Madurai. | 16. | FDP on SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Science | 01-10-2010 | 01-10-2010 | 01-10-2010 | FDP on 'Data Analysis in Research - Using SPSS', Organised by the MBA Dept, KLNCE. | 17. | MATERIALS MANAGEMENT | 15-06-2010 | 15-06-2010 | 15-6-2010 | Lecture on MATERIALS MANAGEMENT in MBA Dept of St.Michael College of Engg. & Tech., Sivagangai District | 18. | Teaching through case study | 17-02-2006 | 17-02-2006 | 17-2-2006 | In FDP on Management Education and Case Method as a Pedagogy- organised by KLNCE MBA dept |
Awards / Achievements |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Exploring challenges and opportunities in using the industrial metaverse to empower rural entrepreneurs in India digitally. | 22-07-2024 | 22-07-2024 | July-Dec 2024 | BEST PAPER AWARD.-International Journal of Business and General Management.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yDfSAdEIKwYQ5Z75-voffaImKz6qC4aT/view?usp=sharing | 2. | Editorial Board Committee Member - International Journal | 19-07-2024 | 19-07-2024 | Life time | Editorial Board Committee Member - Shanlax International Journal Management - https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/editorial_board | 3. | Member of Board of Studies of MBA Dept, Sourashtra college (Affiliated to Madurai Kamarj University)on 9/3/2024 | 09-03-2024 | 09-03-2024 | 1 Days | Subject Expert Member | 4. | Yesterday's High/Low Breakout Trading Techniques in MCX Crude oil | 20-04-2018 | 20-04-2018 | one day | National Conference on Sustainable Business Practices. BEST PAPER AWARD | 5. | NISM Series V-A: Mutual Fund Distrubutor Certification | 28-09-2017 | 28-09-2017 | Validity period - 3 years | NISM - National Institute of Securities Market - Education wing of Securities Exchange Board of India. | 6. | NISM Series V-B: Mutual Fund Foundation Certification | 19-09-2017 | 19-09-2020 | Validity period - 3 years | Awarded by National Institute of Securities Markets (Authorized Education and certifying body of SEBI ) through online test.This certification is mandatory to distribute selected Mutual Funds of low risk | 7. | Long service award in KLNCE | 01-01-2015 | 01-01-2015 | NA | Award in appreciation of 10 years of long service, since 3rd Feb 2004 as MBA faculty in KLN-CE | 8. | UGC-NET | 29-06-1998 | 29-06-1998 | JUNE 1998 | Qualified at the UGC NET examination for Lectureship, held in June 1998 in the Subject- MANAGEMENT
Paper Presentation |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Assessing the Impact of Green Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior - A Comparative Analysis of ITC, HUL, WIPRO, and TATA Groups | 13-03-2024 | 13-02-2024 | 1 Day | Title of the conference: Climate Advocacy, Resilience and Ethics
Organizer: Bishop Heber College, Trichy.
Date : 12&13 Feb 2024.
| 2. | Yesterday's High/Low Breakout Trading Techniques in MCX Crude oil | 20-04-2018 | 20-04-2018 | one day | National conference on sustainable business practices | 3. | TQM in higher eduaction | 23-02-2017 | 24-02-2017 | Two days | Paper titled ' TQM in higher education institutions' - UGC sponsered national seminar - organised by sri meenakshi govt. arts college for women,Madurai | 4. | Financial Risk Analysis of Index Funds Vs. Diversified Equity Funds | 29-04-2016 | 29-04-2016 | one day | National conference - Beat 2016 on Big Data & Analytics for Business ; Organised by MBA Dept., PSNA College of Engg. & Tech., Dindigul | 5. | Innovative investment strategies in Gilt Funds | 19-10-2015 | 19-10-2015 | one day | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION MANAGEMENT (IM 2015), ANNA UNIVERSITY, BIT CAMPUS, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI. | 6. | Gilt funds - A safe way of investment with inclusive growth | 01-10-2015 | 01-10-2015 | one day | published in conference proceedings titled "Indian world - class Manufacturing - The Road Ahead" organised by Fatima College, Madurai. Publisher "World literature books centre and publisher pvt. Ltd. - ISBN: 978-81-93023-488 | 7. | Fuzzy logic modeling for decision making using MAT Lab | 08-03-2014 | 08-03-2014 | 8-03-2014 | International conference on recent advances in mechanical engineering and interdisciplinary developments -in association with IEEE at Ponjesly college of Engineering, Nagercoil | 8. | Innovative financial management policies for sustainable growth and currency stability | 28-11-2013 | 28-11-2013 | 28-11-2013 | Presented in the National conference on 'Innovation for sustainable growth of business' organised by the Dept. of Management studies, Chennai. | 9. | Supply Chain Management | 13-02-2012 | 14-02-2012 | 13-02-2012 to 14-02-2012 | Internatinal conference on contemporary emerging trends in management - organised by Anna University of technology , Madurai & Fatima Michale college of engineering and technology. | 10. | A studey on awareness & perception of 'Students assesment system' | 11-01-2010 | 12-01-2010 | 11th & 12 th Jan 2010 | Two days International conference on "Paradigm shift in contemporary management education" organized by the Dept. of Mgt. studies, Fatima College. | 11. | Foreign Direct Investment through MNC's in India | 21-11-2008 | 21-11-2008 | 21-11-2008 | National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business Strategies & Information Systems, at Thiagaragar School of Management, Madurai | 12. | Oppurtunities for IT outsourcing in India | 16-02-2008 | 16-02-2008 | 16-02-2008 | presented in the National Conference on Information Technology and Management, organied by the Dept. of Management Studies, PSNA college of engineering & technology, Dindigul. | 13. | Marketing Strategies in Life Insurance Sector | 19-12-2007 | 19-12-2007 | 19-12-2007 | Presented in the 'one day state level seminar' on 'Emerging Trends In Functional Management In Corporate Sector In India' , organised by the Department of Business Administration, Sourashtra College,Madurai | 14. | IT in commerce world | 25-09-2007 | 25-09-2007 | 25-09-2007 | Prsented in the National Level Seminar on 'Recent Developments In Commerce' orgaised by the School of Commerce of RVS College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. | 15. | Technology Management and R&D as a Strategy | 16-03-2007 | 17-03-2007 | 16-03-2007 & 17-03-2007 | Presented in the 'National Conference on Strategic Management For Competitive Advantage', organised by the Dept. of Management Studies ,KLN College of Engineering. | 16. | Impact of e - commerce in banking sector | 17-02-2007 | 17-02-2007 | 17-02-2007 | Presented in the 'National Conference on Emerging Issues & Challenges In Management', organised by the Dept. of Management Studies,PSNA college of engg.& technology, Dindigul. | 17. | A STUDY ON RETAILER SATISFACTION TOWARDS COCO-COLA - at Madurai | 27-01-2007 | 28-01-2007 | Two days | Presented in the National Seminar On Management Research, organised by GRG School of Management Studies,PSGR Krishnammal College For Woman, Coimbatore.
| 18. | Knowledge Management - Beyond IT | 06-10-2006 | 06-10-2006 | 06-10-2006 | Presented in the National Seminar on 'Perspectives In Knowledge Management', organised by the School of Management,VLB Janakiammal College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. | 19. | HR learning through Knowledge Management | 24-02-2006 | 24-02-2006 | 24-02-2006 | Presented in the National Seminar on 'HR Practices in The Knowledge Management Era',organised by the Dept. of Management Studies, Karpagam College of Engg.,Coimbatore. | 20. | Rural Markets - The Way Ahead | 01-10-2005 | 01-10-2005 | 01-10-2005 | Presented in the 'National Conference on Strategic Planning for Rural Markets',organised by the Dept. of Management Studies, PSNA college of Engg.& Technology,Dindigul. | 21. | Children As Advertisement Personalities | 07-02-1998 | 07-02-1998 | 07-02-1998 | Presented in the seminar on managerial skills-'Manager-98', organised by the PG Dept. of Business Administration, K.S.Ranagasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode. |
Conference |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Climate Advocacy, Resilience and Ethics | 12-02-2024 | 13-02-2024 | 2 Days | Organizer: Bishop Heber College, Trichy.
Paper presented: Assessing the Impact of Green Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior - A Comparative Analysis of ITC, HUL, WIPRO, and TATA Groups;
E-ISSN: 2582-0397 ; P-ISSN: 2321-788X
| 2. | Online Certification Programme on Business Analytics for Managers | 27-07-2015 | 30-01-2016 | 6 Months | Programme offered by SPSS South Asia Pvt Ltd.Bangalore. Particiants are MBA 2nd year students and all Facutly members of KLNCE MBA Dept. | 3. | National Conference on 'Innovative Business Strategies In Management' | 18-04-2013 | 18-04-2013 | 18-04-2013 | COORDINATOR for this Program. Organized by the MBA Dept. of KLNCE | 4. | MILAN2K12 - MBA Students' Management Meet | 19-10-2012 | 19-10-2012 | 19-10-2012 | COORDINATOR for this program | 5. | Data Analaysis in Research - Using SPSS | 01-10-2010 | 01-10-2010 | 01-10-2010 | One day FDP, organised by the MBA dept., KLNCE. | 6. | National conference on "Organisational Strategies for Current Economic Scenario 2009" | 25-09-2009 | 25-09-2009 | September 25th 2009 | CO-ORDINATED this conference , organised by the MBA DEPT. of KLN College of Engg. |
Seminars |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Cyber Law | 25-11-2019 | 25-11-2019 | Half a day | organised by the MBA Dept. for students | 2. | Stock trading and technical analysis | 28-10-2017 | 30-10-2017 | 3 days | stock market training | 3. | Time Series and Panel Data Analysis | 13-09-2017 | 16-09-2017 | 4 Days | National level workshop (FDP) conducted by Kongu Engg. College, Erode in association with The Indian Econometric Society(TIES) | 4. | Multivariate Analysis using SPSS & AMOS | 11-08-2017 | 13-08-2017 | 3 days | National level workshop (FDP) on Structural Equation Modelling using AMOS. | 5. | Managerial leadership - Making a difference | 07-01-2017 | 07-01-2017 | one day | International seminar organised by the Dept. of Management Studies, Anna University Regional Campus Madurai | 6. | Quality Publications | 16-07-2016 | 16-07-2016 | one day | Technical symposium - Organised by Shanlax International Journals, Madurai. | 7. | Effective teaching | 14-03-2016 | 14-03-2016 | one day | WORKSHOP was organised by the 'Quality circle- Quality education' of KLNCE | 8. | Intellectual Property Rights & Innovations | 04-03-2016 | 04-03-2016 | One day | Conducted by Quality Circle - Advanced Research and Development of KLN College of Engineering in association with Anna University. Chennai. | 9. | Securities & the Common Man | 01-08-2015 | 01-08-2015 | 01/08/2015 | SEBI BSE Investor Protection Fund - Regional Investors Seminar | 10. | Business Analytics for Managers | 27-07-2015 | 30-01-2016 | 6 Months | Conducted and awarded by IBM-SPSS South Asia through SPSS online training portal. | 11. | TEXT ANALYTICS & MODEL FORMULATION | 15-12-2014 | 17-12-2014 | 15-12-2014 to 17-12-2014 | workshop on Research methods & multivariate statistical tools for management research at VIT Business School, VIT Universty , vellore. | 12. | Data Analysis & Business Modeling | 10-01-2014 | 11-01-2014 | Two days | Workshop organised by MBA Dept., Rajalakshmi Engg. college, Chennai | 13. | Application of Financial Econometrics | 10-11-2013 | 15-11-2013 | 10-11-2013 to 15-11-2013 | SIX DAY national workshop organised by the Dept. of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchy. | 14. | Lean manufacturing practices | 03-10-2013 | 04-10-2013 | 3-10-2013 To 4-10-2013 | Workshop organised by the Dept. of Mech. Engg, KLN College of Engg | 15. | Structural Equation Modeling-SEM- using IBM SPSS AMOS | 17-08-2013 | 17-08-2013 | 17-08-2013 | At VIT Vellore | 16. | Research analysis wiith SPSS & AMOS software packages | 04-08-2013 | 04-08-2013 | 04-08-2013 | At Institute for Statistics and Analytical Research, Chennai | 17. | SEM - Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS | 20-05-2013 | 21-05-2013 | 20-05-2013 To 21-05-2013 | Two day workshop on Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS at VIT Business School, Chennai | 18. | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & ITS ENGINEERING APPLILCATIONS | 02-09-2010 | 03-09-2010 | 2-9-10 To 3-9-10 | Two days Workshop - organised by EEE Dept., KLN college of Engg. | 19. | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp | 02-12-2009 | 04-12-2009 | 2-12-09 To 4-12-09 | 3 days camp organised by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development sponsored by Ministry of Science & Technology at MBA dept,KLN college of Engg. | 20. | SPSS 17.0 | 31-01-2009 | 31-01-2009 | 31-01-2009 | FDP in spss 17.0 organised by spss south asia & Thiagarajar school of mgt. madurai
Duration: one day | 21. | DBMS & its Business Applications | 17-12-2008 | 19-12-2008 | 17-12-2008 To 19-12-2008 | FDP - Faculty Development Program @ CSE Dept.,KLN College of Engg. for 3 days | 22. | Research Design and use of Statistical tools in Management Research | 27-06-2008 | 28-06-2008 | June 27 & 28, 2008 | Duration:2 days
Organiser:Sona School of Management, Salem, TamilNadu
| 23. | Structural Equation Modelling | 20-04-2008 | 20-04-2008 | 20-04-2008 | WORKSHOP organised by Tiruchirappalli Institute of Social Science Laboratory- in association with SPSS at Madurai | 24. | Vision:TN Southern Districts | 14-03-2008 | 14-03-2008 | 14-03-2008 | SESSION organised by the Cofederation of Indian Industry - Madurai Zone | 25. | Research Methods & Statistical Analysis | 24-11-2004 | 27-11-2004 | 24-11-2004 To 27-11-2004 | FDP organised by GRG School of Management Studies, PSGR Krishnammal College for women , Coimbatore.
Duraion:4 days | 26. | Spiritual Wisdom for a Value-Based Society | 06-11-2004 | 07-11-2004 | 06-11-2004 To 07-11-2004 | International Conference organised by , The centre for yoga studies, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar (Education wing of Brahma Kumaris Vidyala)
Duration:2 days | 27. | Team Buiding | 31-07-2004 | 31-07-2004 | 31-07-2004 | One day program organised by ISTE staff chapter of KLN College of Engg. | 28. | Professional Ethics | 10-06-2004 | 12-06-2004 | 10-06-2004 To 12-06-2004 | FDP organised by the Dept. of Automobile Engg., of KLN College of Engg.
Duraion: 2 days | 29. | Teaching Methodologies | 11-05-2004 | 16-05-2004 | 11-05-2004 To 16-05-2004 | QIP conducted by the Technical Teachers' Trainning Institute,Chennai (Ministry of HRD) . Organised by KLN college of Engg.
Duration:6 days | 30. | Technology Management | 21-02-2004 | 21-02-2004 | 21-02-2004 | NATIONAL WORKSHOP organised by the Dept of Management Studies, Karpagam College Of Engg., Coimbatore. |
Workshop |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | ERP-Finance | 27-02-2024 | 10-03-2024 | 10 Days | Finance Students of MBA 2nd year were trained by IQ-Infotech solutios,Madurai with a certificate | 2. | Finata 22 - Workshop on Capital Market | 14-12-2023 | 14-12-2023 | 1 Day | Resource persons:
1)Mr.Suresh Kumar, Associate Director – zebu share
2)Mr.Kumaresh- Associate –UK – BNP Paribas
Orgnised for 120 participants from KLNCE | 3. | Stock trading and technical analysis | 28-10-2017 | 30-10-2017 | 3 days | Workshop | 4. | Financial planning for young investors | 28-08-2017 | 28-08-2017 | one day | SEBI sponsored Investors educational progrmme. |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | “Application of Python, OBIEE and Power BI in real time Business Decisions” | 19-08-2024 | 24-08-2024 | 6 Days | Participated in this One Week National Level Online Faculty Development Program, Organised by Department of Management Studies, SJB INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, An Autonomous Institute under VTU,Bengaluru
https://drive.google.com/file/d/17mYzqP-Clnpa7XlfkCD2pq1auGsjauFf/view?usp=sharing | 2. | Stress Management | 24-07-2024 | 26-07-2024 | 3 Days | 3 days FDP Organised by ICT academy ; Hosted by KLNCE at KLNCE campus https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HZP_yoeTX_Pa2qqIdL-uUhU3EYnAasvb/view?usp=sharing | 3. | International FDP on Outcome Based Education | 01-07-2024 | 05-07-2024 | 5 Days | Organised by Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai in association with Allana Instituter of Management Science, Pune.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rxkHbKl7zHtDuenNkc-ZbUbdfPqeQhgq/view?usp=sharing | 4. | Circular Economy and Business Models To Achieve Sustainable Business Goals. | 19-02-2024 | 24-06-2024 | 6 Days | AICTE-ATAL sponsored FDP - Organiser: Thiagarajar School of Mgt., Madurai | 5. | Empowering Educators:Advancements in Computing Pedagogy. | 12-02-2024 | 17-02-2024 | 6 Days | one week Online FDP- Organised by Vishwakarma Inst of Tech, Pune. | 6. | MASTER CLASS FOR RESEARCH PAPER PUBLICATION, MANUSCRIPT WRITING & RESEARCH GRANTS | 05-02-2024 | 10-02-2024 | 6 Days | Online FDP Organised by :
(Affiliated to Bengaluru City University (BCU)
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India | 7. | Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Associate | 26-06-2023 | 01-07-2024 | 5 Days | Organiser: PSNA College of Engg & Tech.
Short Term Course |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Tally cert. course | 04-09-2023 | 08-12-2023 | 3 Months | Organised for all First Semester students of MBA. |
Training Course |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Mutual Fund Distribution | 25-07-2017 | 26-07-2017 | Two days | SEBI-NISM-Mutua Fund Distributors, Series 5A, Certification training, to get placement in Banks and Financial institutions. | 2. | Securities Operations & Risk Mangement | 12-07-2017 | 12-07-2017 | One Day | Training to prepare the SEBI - NISM-Securities operations & Risk Management - Series 7 certification exam, to get placement in Stock Broking firms. |
Consultancy Work |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Management consultancy service at Kyanite corporate | 02-04-2024 | 04-04-2024 | 2 Days | Management consultancy service |
Expert Talk |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | BUSINESS LAW | 19-10-2019 | 19-10-2019 | Half a day | organised by the MBA dept. for students | 2. | E Banking | 10-08-2019 | 10-08-2019 | one day | Awareness program on payment banking to the faculty members of KLNCE-organised by MBA dept. | 3. | Impact of GST in Industries | 07-07-2017 | 07-07-2017 | Half Day-FN | Impact of GST on material billing, purchase & tax implications; Job opportunities in this field , were explained in the event. |
Value Added Course |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Inbound Marketing | 02-01-2024 | 04-01-2024 | 3 Days | Students of MBA 2nd year were trained through Brand Monk Academy,
Others |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | IPR - Intellectual Property Rights | 27-11-2019 | 27-11-2019 | Half a day | organised by MBA Dept with IIPC sponsorshio Rs.2000/- | 2. | National Management day celebrations | 21-02-2017 | 21-02-2017 | one day | Golden jubilee celebration of madurai mgt. association at Fortune pandian Hotel, Madurai | 3. | Accompanied 2nd year MBA students for a Seminar | 01-08-2015 | 01-08-2015 | 01/08/2015 | Regional investors seminar on 'Securities and the common man' organised by SEBI BSE-IPF at Sivangangai. | 4. | Industrial Training | 11-05-2015 | 16-05-2015 | one week | Undergone training on Technical Analysis of Stock Market at V3 Analytics, Madurai | 5. | Industry visit | 08-05-2015 | 08-05-2015 | one day | Accompanied first year MBA students to Ramco Industries, Viruduanagar. | 6. | AREA OF SPECIALISATION | - | - | From 2004 | Quantitaive Techniques (Statistics , Operations Research) and Producion Management | 7. | MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL BODIES | - | - | since 2011 | 1) Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, Membership no.0/9247-2010
-------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Operational Research Society of India, Kolkata,Madurai chapter
Membership no.1944/R/11/MO
3) Quality Circle Forum of India, Madurai chapter.(Life Member) 4) Madurai Management Association(Body of AIMA)
5) Research Forum of KPR School of Business, Coimbatore |
Patent |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Computer device for financial Metrics | 26-09-2024 | 26-09-2024 | Life time | Certificate of Registration for a UK Design PATENT- DESIGN NUMBER: 6391129 - GRANT Date: 26 September 2024 - Registration date: 14 September 2024
| 2. | AN INNOVATIVE HYBRID APPROACH TO STOCK SELECTION AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT | 24-07-2024 | 02-08-2024 | 2024 August | Publication Number 31/2024
Publication Date 02/08/2024
Publication Type INA
Application Number 202441056242
Application Filing Date 24/07/2024
https://iprsearch.ipindia.gov.in/PublicSearch/PublicationSearch |