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Associate Professor 1
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(ECE)., M.E. (COMMN. SYSTEMS) (PH.D.,)
Experience :30.6 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Research Work4
Paper Publication (International)6
Paper Publication (National)2
Resource Person2
Awards / Achievements3
Short Term Course1
Project Contest1
Industrial Visit1
Value Added Course4

Research Work
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Preserving Anonymity of Location Privacy using REAL algorithm and SDN17-03-201718-03-20172 daysPresented a paper on the title "Preserving Anonymity of Location Privacy using REAL algorithm and SDN" at IEEE sponsored 4th international conference ICIIECS'17 held on 17th & 18th March 2017 organized by Dept of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore
2. Protecting Source Location Privacy against Worm Hole Attack using DAWN in Wireless Sensor Network20-05-201520-05-2015May 2015“Protecting Source Location Privacy against Worm Hole Attack using DAWN in Wireless Sensor Network” was published in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , ISSN 1819-6608 VOL. 10, NO. 9, MAY 2015 pp 3844 -3849
3. Improving Source Location Privacy using effective Localization in Sensor Networks--March 2014Published the paper"Improving Source Location Privacy using effective Localization in Sensor Networks" in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. ISSN(online) : 2319 - 8753 ISSN(Print) : 2347 - 6710
4. Achieving Source Location Privacy using Tree based Routing algorithm in Sensor Networks--May2015International Journal of Applied Engineering Research on the topic " Achieving Source Location Privacy using Tree based Routing algorithm in Sensor Networks" ISSN 0973 - 4562 Vol.10 No.20(2015) p.p 15296 to 15300

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. “ Protecting anonymity of source location using permeability method in WSN”27-04-201627-04-2016One DayPresented a paper on the topic “ Protecting anonymity of source location using permeability method in WSN” at International conference on emerging trends in Information and Communication Technologies on 27-4-16 in association with IETE sivakasi centre at Sethu Institute of Technology
2. Preserving Anonymity of Location Privacy against Eavesdropper18-03-201619-03-2016Two daysPresented a paper on the title " Preserving Anonymity of Location Privacy against Eavesdropper" at the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science held on 18th and 19th March,2016 held at Muthayammal Engineering Institutions, Rasipuram, Namakkal District.
3. Protecting Source and Sink Location Privacy against Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks08-04-201509-04-20152 daysPresented a paper in the 3rd International Conference Hitech Trends in Emerging Computational Technologies 0n 8th and 9th April'15 held at Sethu Institute Of Technology, Kariapatti on the topic "Protecting Source and Sink Location Privacy against Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks"
4. Achieving Source and Sink Location Privacy against Eavesdroppers in Wireless Sensor Networks08-04-201509-04-20152 DaysPresented the paper on the topic "Achieving Source and Sink Location Privacy against Eavesdroppers in Wireless Sensor Networks" in the 3rd International Conference Hitech Trends in emerging computational Technologies on 8th and 9th Apr'2015 held at Sethu Institute of Technology , Kariapatti
5. Protecting Source Location Privacy against Wormhole Attack using DAWN in Wireless Sensor Networks19-03-201520-03-201519-03-2015 to 20-03-2015DDRO sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information,Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIES'15) on 19th and 20th March,2015 organized by Dept od ECE, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore
6. Achieving Source Location Privacy using Tree Based Routing Algorithm in Sensor Networks19-03-201520-03-201519-03-2015 to 20-03-2015DDRO sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information,Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIES'15) on 19th and 20th March,2015 organized by Dept od ECE, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore

Paper Publication (National)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. QOS in VANET for High Speed packet Access Using Bandwidth Map23-02-201323-02-201323-2-2013Presented a paper "QOS in VANET for High Speed packet Access Using Bandwidth Map" in the National Conference - Versatility in Information and communication Engineering held on 23-2-2013 at Mohammed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai.
2. Design and Implementation of Microwave Power Divider/ Combiner using H-plane Horn Antenna.28-02-200728-02-200728-2-2007National conference on Emerging trends in communication held at M/s. Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Peramabalur.

Resource Person
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Infosys Campus Connect Program23-11-200927-02-201023-11-2009 to 27-02-2010Handled Foundation Programme - Infosys Campus Connect sessions for the students of final year B.E/ and MCA between 23-11-2009 to 27-02-10 held at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
2. Innovative Teaching & Learning Methods (Wipro Mission 10X)22-12-200824-12-200822-12-2008 to 24-12-2008Acted as a Resource person in the three days training program on Innovative Teaching & Learning Methods (Wipro Mission 10X) from 22-12-2008 to 24-12-2008 organized by Training and Placement Cell, K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam

Awards / Achievements
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Certificate o Appreciation09-08-201709-08-20171 dayOrganizing DrishTI online contest on 9-8-2017
2. Infosys Campus Connect Fondation Program--2010 to 2013Coordinated the Infosys campus connect foundation programme for the students of B.E/B.Tech & MCA from 2010 to 2013 held at K.L.N.College of Engineering
3. Outstanding Contribution to Campus Connect Program--Jan'2011 to Dec'2011In Recognition of his Outstanding Contribution to Infosys Campus Connect Program during Jan'2011 to DEC'2011

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. National Conference15-03-201915-03-2019One dayPresented a paper titled "Preventing packet tracing attack by improving location privacy in wireless sensor " in National conference on Smart Computing and Advanced Communication organized by Dept of ECE on 15/3/19 at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
2. National Conference15-03-201915-03-2019One dayPresented a paper titled " Performance improvement in detection of sink hole attack using PRDSA scheme" in National conference on SCAC'19 organized by dept of ECE on 15/3/19 at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology Dindigul
3. Threshold optimization algorithm (TOA) for jammer selection in HETNETS to improve physical layer security23-03-201823-03-2018One dayPresented the paper on Threshold optimization algorithm (TOA) for jammer selection in HETNETS to improve physical layer security at 2nd international conference on recent trnds in engineering, computers, IT and application at PSNA, Dindigul
4. NS2 Workshop22-02-201622-02-2016One DayOrganized one day NS2 Workshop on 22-2-2016 for Third year and Final year ECE students. (Resource Person - Mr.Rajasekaran M/s.PASS, Madurai)
5. Two Day Workshop on Antenna Simulation & Simulation & Measurement Using ADS and Vector Network Analyzer27-02-201428-02-201427-02-2014 to 28-02-2014Organized Two Day Workshop on Antenna Simulation & Simulation & Measurement Using ADS and Vector Network Analyzer in association with M/s.Agilent Technologies for Faculties and Research Scholar at K.L.N.College of Engineering
6. One day Hands on Design & Configuration of Campus Technology Using Cisco Devices26-02-201326-02-201326-02-2013Organized One day Hands on Design & Configuration of Campus Technology Using Cisco Devices in association with M/s. Pandiyan Systems and Solution Pvt Ltd. for Students at K.L.N.College of Engineering
7. Mobile Communication and intensive training on Technical Presentation skills30-11-200906-12-200930-11-2009 to 06-12-2009One Week training program on Mobile Communication and intensive training on Technical Presentation skills from 30-11-2009 to 06-12-2009 in association with Anna University, Chennai - Centre for University-Industry Collaboration and BSNL, TamilNadu Circle held at K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
8. TPO Conference--June2010Attended one day TPO Conference at bangalore

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. System Design flow on Zynq using Xilinx SDSoc28-06-201729-06-20172 daysTwo days Workshop on the topic "System Design flow on Zynq using Xilinx SDSoc" in association with CG Corel Technologies, Bangalore
2. Network Simulator30-08-201631-08-20162 daysAttended Two days Workshop on "Network Simulator" organized by Department of CSE Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi on 30-8-2016 and 31-8-2016
3. Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations04-03-201604-03-2016One DayAttended one day workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations" conducted by Quality Circle - Advanced Research and Development, K.L.N.College of Engineering in association with Anna University, Chennai on 4th March,2016
4. Xilinx Vivado Design Flow & High Level Synthesis Flow Using Zynq11-02-201612-02-20162 DaysAttended two days hands-on training workshop on "Xilinx Vivado Design Flow & High Level Synthesis Flow Using Zynq" organized by Dept of ECE , KLNCE in association with CG-CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore on 11th and 12th Feb'2016
5. Embedded System and Sensor Technologies11-09-201512-09-2015Two daysAttended Two days workshop on "Embedded System and Sensor Technologies" organized by Tamilnadu Science and Technology Centre, Chennai and K.L.N.College of Engineering, on 11-9-2015 and 12-9-2015
6. Embedded Systems with ARM Microcontrollers08-09-201509-09-2015Two DaysAttended Two days National Workshop on "Embedded Systems with ARM Microcontrollers" conducted by Dept. of ECE in collaboration with "Pantech ProEd Private Ltd, Chennai at K.L.N.College of Engineering on 8-9-2015 and 9-9-2015
7. Network Simulation Using NS307-08-201508-08-2015Two daysAttended Two days TEQIP Sponsored Workshop on "Network Simulation Using NS3" organized by Dept of CSE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 7-8-2015 and 8-8-2015
8. Two days FDP/Workshop on " VLSI and Embedded design using Xilink 7 - Series FPGA"05-03-201506-03-201505-03-2015 to 06-03-2015Attended Two days FDP/Workshop on " VLSI and Embedded design using Xilink 7 - Series FPGA" in association with CG Core EL, Bangalore at K.L.N.College of Engineering
9. Digital Custom IC Design using Cadence Systems Custom Design Flow19-02-201520-02-201519-02-2015 to 20-02-2015Attended Two day FDP/Workshop on "Digital Custom IC Design using Cadence Systems Custom Design Flow" in association with M/s.Entuple Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore at K.L.N.College of Engineering
10. Embedded System eith mc/OS-II and Keil RTX RTOS for Researchers18-09-201419-09-2014Two daysAttended Two days Workshop on "Embedded System eith mc/OS-II and Keil RTX RTOS for Researchers" in association with M/s.Pantech solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai on 18-9-2014 and 19-9-2014 by department of ECE, K.L.N.College of engineering
11. From NANAVOLTS to GIGAHERTZ05-09-201305-09-201305-09-2013One day Hands on Technical Seminar on "From NANAVOLTS to GIGAHERTZ" on 5th Sept'2013 organized by Sinetec Automation, Coimbatore in association with Tektronix & Keithley, USA at Hotel Park Plaza , Madurai.
12. Two days Workshop on Network Simulators(NS-2)24-01-201325-01-201324-1-2013 to 25-1-2013Attended Two days Workshop on Network Simulators(NS-2) organized by Department of ECE, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti
13. Orientation Programme for Placement Officers26-05-201227-05-201226-5-2012 to 27-5-2012Two days workshop on "Orientation Programme for Placement Officers" organized by Centre for University-Industry Collaboration, Anna University, Chennai
14. Effective Communicative English Teaching25-03-201125-03-201125-3-2011One day Workshop on "Effective Communicative English Teaching" ECET'11 organized by Anna University of Technology Madurai.
15. Employment Opportunities22-10-201022-10-201022-10-2010Employment opportunities - Workshop conducted by Anna University of Technology, Madurai
16. Introduction to NBA - New Forms and New Forms01-10-200901-10-20091-10-09One day workshop conducted by association of Self Financing Engineering Colleges under Anna University - Trichy
17. R&D and International Publications19-12-200819-12-200819-12-2008Attended One day workshop on "R&D and International Publications" on 19-12-2008 organized by Department of Information Technology, K.L.N.College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
18. Soft Skill Workshop25-08-2008-25-08-08 to 29-08-09Infosys Campus Connect - Soft Skills Workshop
19. Teaching Methodologies21-04-200825-04-200821-04-08 to 25-04-08Teaching Methodologies conducted by Wipro mission 10x
20. Mission 10X Workshop21-04-200825-04-200821-04-2008 to 25-04-2008Participated in a Mission 10X Workshop from 21st April to 25th April 2008 conducted at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai in associated with M/s. WIPRO
21. Digital signal processing15-10-200515-10-200515th Oct’05K.L.N. College of Information Technology
22. Application of DSP in wireless communication10-02-200511-02-200510th and 11th Feb’05K.L.N. College of Engineering
23. Student Guidance counseling27-08-200429-08-200427th to 29th Aug’04K.L.N. College of Engineering
24. Team Building31-07-200431-07-200431st July’04K.L.N. College of Engineering
25. Professional Ethics10-06-200412-06-200410th to 12th Jun’04K.L.N. College of Engineering
26. Environmental science and engineering03-06-200404-06-20043rd and 4th Jun’04K.L.N. College of Engineering
27. Teaching Methodologies11-05-200416-05-200411th to 16th May’04K.L.N. College of Engineering
28. Effective Teaching07-04-200408-04-20047-4-2004 to 8-4-2004K.L.N. College of Engineering

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Workshop27-06-201928-06-2019Two DaysParticipated in the two day hands on training workshop "EC6711 - Embedded systems Laboratory" on 27th and 28th june 2019 -organized by Dept of ECE, KLNCE.
2. Machine Learning algorithms using Matlab23-01-201923-01-2019one dayOne day hands-on training workshop "Machine Learning algorithms using Matlab" in association with ISTE students chapter on 23rd Jan'2019
3. Workshop09-11-201810-11-2018Two DaysParticipated in 2 days workshop titled "Effective Use of ICT Tools in Engineering Education" organized by Quality circle - Quality Education on 9th and 10th Nov 2018at KLNCE.
4. Xilinx Vivado Design Flow & High level Flow using Zynq25-09-201826-09-20182 daysTwo days hands on training workshop on "Xilinx Vivado Design Flow & High level Flow using Zynq"
5. Keysight Education Symposium 201820-09-201820-09-2018One dayAttended one day workshop on "Keysight Education Symposium 2018" organized by Keysight Technologies, Bangalore at Fortune Pandiyan Hotel, Madurai
6. Recent advancement in Digital Signal Processing23-02-201724-02-20172 daysRecent advancement in Digital Signal Processing

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. IOT using Texas Instruments TIVA boards19-01-201820-01-20182 Days2 days FDP on IOT using Texas Instruments TIVA boards

Short Term Course
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. ISTE Sponsored STTP06-05-201910-05-2019One WeekParticipated in the one week AICTE - ISTE refresher program, STTP on " Enhancement of Smart Grid to smart Cities " organized by Dept of EEE, KLNCE from 6th to 10th May 2019

Project Contest
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. VAULT OPENER USING VOICE AUTHENTICATION24-10-201731-10-20177 daysProject proposal for DST & Texas Instruments Inc. India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2017 Anchored by NSRCEL, IIM Bangalore

Industrial Visit
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. KKNPP03-02-201703-02-2017One dayIndustrial Visit

Value Added Course
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Pre-Requiste Course for DSP and Microprocessor04-06-201806-06-20183 DaysFor 2nd Year Students - Pre-Requiste Course for DSP and Microprocessor - 3 days
2. Arduino Training24-05-201826-05-20183 DaysFor II year ECE students - Arduino Training - 3 days
3. Ardunino Training21-05-201823-05-20183 DaysFor II year ECE Students for Arduino Training for 3 days
4. Android App Development Course19-01-201802-02-201840 Hours40 Hours for the value added course for Android App Development for 2nd year students

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Texas Instruments online examinations on LIC21-12-201723-12-20172 Daysonline examinations on LIC
2. Texas Instruments online examinations on MSP43009-08-201709-08-20171 Dayonline examinations on MSP430
3. Interview Preparation15-02-201115-02-201115-2-2011Guest Lecture to the NSS Students of K.L.N.College of Engineering at Thoppur.
4. Career Guidance for Final year ECE27-09-200427-09-200427-9-2004KLN Information Technology

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