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Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Qualification :B.E. (EEE) M.E. (POWER SYS.) PH.D.(POWER SYS.)
Experience :27.0 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Research Work4
Paper Publication (International)23
Paper Publication (National)7
Resource Person9
Paper Presentation 1

Research Work
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Research Funding from DST - IDP11-08-201611-08-20193 yearsResearch fund of Rs.19,75,800/- has been sanctioned by Instrument Development Programme - Department of Science and Technology for the project titled, "Smart Meter for measuring power quality disturbances using GSM Technology"
2. Funded Research01-07-201628-02-2017One yearProject titled, "Prototype Hardware Implementation of FACTS Controller Using STATCOM Device for Voltage regulation and compensation" is funded by QC-ARD
3. "DC and AC Power Distribution for the house and commercial buildings"06-01-201605-01-2017One YearRs.1,10,000/- has been sanctioned for the project titled,through the Research funding Scheme of KLNCE - QCARD - 2015-2016
4. Students Project - IEI Fund01-04-201430-09-20146 monthsGuided the project funded by Institution of Engineers (India) - Rs.25,000/-

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Optimal Location and Sizing of DG in Distribution System Using Moth Swarm Optimization (MSO)30-04-201730-04-2017-International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering, ISSN:2349-784X, Vol:3, Iss:10, pp 103-107
2. Anomaly Detection Using Support Vector Clustering31-12-201631-12-2016-International Journal of Printing , Packaging & Allied Sciences, ISSN:2320-4387, Vol:4 Iss:2, pp.717-724
3. Design and Implementation of PID Controller to Enhance Power System Stability using DE and PSO Algorithms31-12-201631-12-2016-International Journal of Printing , Packaging & Allied Sciences, ISSN:2320-4387, Vol:4 Iss:2, 1291-1307
4. Evolutionary algorithms based optimum scheduling of processing units in rice industry to reduce peak demand06-04-201606-04-2016-"Energy" - Print ISSN: 0360-5442 ; e- ISSN : 1873-6785;
5. Capacity and Location Effects of Photo Voltaic Power Generators on Power systems stability25-03-201625-03-2016-Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, ISSN:1995-0772.
6. Optimal Allocation of Phasor Measurement unit in the power system network using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization14-05-201516-05-20153 daysInternational Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering & Technology-2015 held at Syed Ammal Engineering College
7. Optimal Design of PID controller in load frequency control system14-05-201516-05-20153 daysInternational Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering & Technology-2015 held at Syed Ammal Engineering College - Published in the 'International Journal of Applied Engineering Research' -
8. Optimal Design of PID controller in load frequency control system14-05-201516-05-20153 daysInternational Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering & Technology-2015 held at Syed Ammal Engineering College
9. Improving Loadability limit using FACTS devices by Hybrid ABC Algorithm13-03-201514-03-20152 daysInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology held at Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering College
10. Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Unit02-01-201503-01-20152 daysInternational Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation & Communication Engineering Recent Trends and Research Issues-2015 held at Sri Krishna Institution
11. Optimum Design of Fractional Order PID controller in Automatic Voltage Regulator system using DE02-01-201503-01-20152 daysOptimum Design of Fractional Order PID controller in Automatic Voltage Regulator system using DE, held at Srikrishna Institution
12. FFBPNN Approach for deduction and classification of short duration power quality event04-12-201405-12-20142 daysInternational Conference on Emerging Electrical Systems and Control-ICEESC 2014 held at Sethu Institute of Technology
13. Modelling of Solar Photo Voltaic Power Generator and the issues of Integration with Radial Distribution network15-11-201415-11-2014-- Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences - Vol.8,Issue 20, pp-54-60
14. Optimization of operating schedule of machines in granite industry using evolutionary algorithm05-07-201405-07-2014- - Energy Conversion and Management - Vol.86, pp 809 - 817 - DOI -
15. Optimal selection of harmonic filter branch parameters using PSO and differential evolution algorithm05-08-201305-08-2013-International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems - Volume 24, Issue 10 Pages 1434–1449, DOI: 10.1002/etep.1784
16. Power System Voltage Stability Assessment using Artificial Neural Network04-04-201204-04-20124th April 2012First International Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Controls ICON3C’12, held at Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli - 7
17. Modeling and Simulation of Microturbine based Smartgrid System09-03-201210-03-20129th & 10th March 2012International Conference on Advanced Computing Technology ‘ICACT 2012’ held at J.K.K.Nattraja College of Engineering & Technology, Erode
18. Optimal Power Flow using Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm09-03-201210-03-20129th & 10th March 2012International Conference on Advanced Computing Technology ‘ICACT 2012’, J.K.K.Nattraja College of Engineering & Technology, Erode.
19. International Conference on Computer,Communication and Electrical Technology18-03-201119-03-201118th and 19th March 2011Power System Voltage Stability Analysis using Modified Differential Evolution held at National College of Engineering, Published in IEEE Explorer
20. Load Flow Solution Using PSO Trained Neural Network27-08-200729-08-200727.08.07 to 29.08.07International Conference - CIT , Coimbatore
21. International Journal--2010published a paper titled "A Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm to solve Power Flow Problem in Rectangular Coordinate" in Journal of Electrical Systems - Vol-6; Issue-3; Year- 2010; pages-395 to 406
22. International Journal--2011Published paper on "Three-phase power flow analysis in sequence component frame using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization" in ASOC, Vol -11; (2011); pp 1727–1734
23. International Journal--2012"Maximum lodability limit of power system using hybrid differential evolution with particle swarm optimization'', Electrical Power and Energy System (elsevier), Vol.No.43, pp.150-155.

Paper Publication (National)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Optimal Allocation and Sizing of DG in a Distribution System Using Moth Swarm Optimization27-03-201727-03-20171 dayNational Conference on Recent Trends in Networking, Computing and Communication(RTN2C 17), PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
2. Maximum Load ability Limit Evaluation Using Flower Pollination Algorithm24-03-201724-03-20171 dayNational Conference in Advanced Signal Processing , Communication & Networking(ASPCN’17), PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
3. Mitigation of Power Quality Events Using Deadbeat Predictive Controller Based Distribution Static Compensator16-03-201718-03-20173 daysIEEE International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,
4. Energy Efficient Processing System25-02-201725-02-20172 daysNational Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore
5. National Conference on Innovations in Emerging Technologies17-02-201118-02-201117.2.2011 and 18.2.2011Published paper titled "Power System Voltage Stability analysis using Differential Evolution" held at Kongu Engineering College (published in IEEE explore)
6. National Conference11-02-201111-02-201111.02.2011Paper titled "Optimal Power Flow using Differential Evolution Algorithm" Published in the proceedings of National Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Systems held at Pondichery Engineering College
7. Maximum Loadability Limit using Hybrid Differential Evolution27-03-201027-03-201027.03.2010Second National Conference held at M.A.M.College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli

Resource Person
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Control Systems11-05-201613-05-20163 daysFDP
2. One Day FDP on “Optimization Techniques in Recent Research”19-09-201519-09-20151 dayDelivered lecture at Latha Mathavan Engineering College, Madurai.
3. “MATLAB software"28-08-201529-08-20152 daysDelivered Lecture in the two days workshop on MatLAB software at GCE Tirunelveli
4. FDTP15-06-201521-06-2015One week ProgramDelivered Lecture in one session in the FDTP titled “ EE6303- Linear integrated Circuits and Applications”
5. Control System09-12-201315-12-2013One week ProgramDelivered Guest Lecture during one session in the one week Anna University Sponsored FDTP on “Control System” conducted by EIE Department, KLNCE
6. “Evolutionary Programming and its applications”30-11-201330-11-20131 dayDelivered lecture at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal.
7. “Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Techniques”06-11-201320-11-201314 days programDelivered lecture on the topic Differential Evolution during one session
8. “Hands on training on Power System Software”21-09-201221-09-2012One dayDelivered Lecture on “Hands on training on Power System Software” at KLNCE
9. FDP conducted in KLNIT29-09-201129-09-201129-09-2011Delivered lecture and Chief guest for the valedictory session

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Phase coordinated three phase load flow analysis using hybrid particle swarm optimization08-01-200910-01-200908.01.2009-10.01.2009International Conference on Sensors, Security and Intelligent Systems held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Workshop16-02-201717-02-20172 days“MATLAB Applications to Engineering Problems”, 25 students have particpated.
2. Control Systems11-05-201613-05-20163 daysFDP
3. FDP05-05-201509-05-20155 daysOrganized FDP on “Recent Trends in Power Systems and Power Electronics” and delivered a lecture during one session
4. Workshop on "ANN, PSO and DE Applications for Optimization Problems"23-09-201124-09-201123-09-2011 and 24-09-2011Coordinator
5. FDP sponsored by AUT Madurai25-03-201126-03-201125th and 26th March 2011Applications of Soft Computing Techniques to Power Systems
6. Women's day celebration13-03-201013-03-201013.03.2010Coordinator
7. Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems05-11-200906-11-20095.11.2009 & 6.11.2009Coordinator- FDP
8. Electrical Machines - II03-12-200715-12-20073.12.2007 to 15.12.2007Organizing Secretary 'Anna University sponsored SDP'

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Effective Teaching14-03-201614-03-2016one dayWorkshop conducted by QC- QE
2. Intellectual Property Rights04-03-201604-03-2016one dayWorkshop is organized in association with Anna University, held at KLNCE
3. Smart Grid22-01-201623-01-20162 daysIEI sponsored workshop held at K.L.N. College of Engineering.
4. Outcome Based Education and Accreditation - NBA03-10-201503-10-20151 dayAttended the awareness workshop at Anna University Chennai
5. FDP30-01-201530-01-20151 dayOne day FDP on “Autodesk Tools on Electrical and Electronics Engineering” at KLNCE
6. Training of Evaluators / Resource Persons on Outcome based Accreditation Phase– I and Phas -II14-03-201416-03-20144 daysAttended phase -I at 5th March 2014 and Phase-II at National Engineering College Kovilpatti
7. Seminar on funding proposals for research & development26-10-201326-10-20131 dayAttended at KLNCE
8. R&D and International Publications19-12-200819-12-200819.12.2008Workshop Organized by Department of Information Technology, K.L.N.College of Engineering

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Industrial Visit14-01-201614-01-2016One dayVisited EID-Parry Ltd, Distillery Unit, Sivagangai.
2. Industrial Visit16-09-201516-09-2015One dayVisited Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bengaluru - for project proposal.
3. International Conference - Session Chair07-02-201307-02-201307.02.2013Acted as chair person in the International Conference 'ICPEC' held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology
4. Session Chair22-12-201222-12-201222.12.12Acted as session chair in the International Conference "ICDASDC" held at KLNCIT
5. Guest Lecture19-02-201119-02-201119.2.2011Delivered lecture on Frequency Domain Analysis using MATLAB at ULTRA college of Engg and Tech., for womenb
6. Guest Lecture26-12-201026-12-201026.12.2010delivered guest lecture on Linear and Non linear System Theory at Anna University of Technology Tiruchirappalli
7. Guest lecture on State Variable Analysis and Digital Control Systems12-04-201012-04-201012.04.2010at Sree Sowdambika College of Engineering, Aruppukottai
8. Chief guest for one day engineering symposium-ELIXA EXHIBIT'1008-03-201008-03-201008.03.2010organized by Department of EEE, Bharath Niketan Engineering College, Theni
9. Guest Lecture on Linear and Non linear system Theory27-12-200927-12-200927.12.2009at Anna University Tiruchirappalli-Main Campus
10. session judge-National Conference on Advanced Technologies in Electrical Engineering18-03-200918-03-200918.03.2009held at Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology
11. judge for project presentation contest19-09-200819-09-200819.09.2008organized by department of EEE, K.L.N.College of Information Technology

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