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Electronics and Communication Engineering
Qualification :B.E. (ECE), M.E.(MICROWAVE & OPTICAL ENGG.), PH.D.
Experience :33.5 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Paper Publication (International)3
Resource Person2
Paper Presentation 5

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Design of wide band power divider15-07-201515-07-2015-International Journal of applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10 No. 55
2. A comparison of Multiband Rectangular patch antenna with asymmetrical Slotted lines using RF tools15-07-201515-07-2015-International Journal of applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10 No. 55
3. Design of compact coupled line wide band power divider with open stubs08-05-201508-05-2015-APRN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Resource Person
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Microwave Engineering29-07-201629-07-2016Half dayLaatha Mathavan Engineering College, Madurai
2. Anna University approved 7 days FDTP on RF and Microwave engineering24-06-201624-06-2016Half dayVelammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Size reduction of UWB power divider using double tapered transmission line31-03-201601-04-20161 DayA.C.College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
2. Bandwidth enhancement of folded coupled line power divider using metamaterials18-03-201619-03-20161 Day3rd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science held at Muthayammal Engineering Institutions, Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu
3. A Comparison of Multiband Rectangular patch Antenna with asymmetrical sloted lines using RF tools14-05-201516-05-2015one dayInternational conference on Advances in applied Engineering & Technology at Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram
4. Design of wide band power divider14-05-201516-05-20151 DayInternational conference on Advances in applied Engineering & Technology at Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram
5. Design of compact coupled line wide band power divider with open stubs19-03-201520-03-20151 DayDRDO Sponsored 2nd IEEE International conference on Innovations in information, Embedded and Communication Systems at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Simplified H-shaped Fractal antenna for 5G Application25-03-201925-03-2019one dayTEQIP Sponsored National Conference on Microwave and Optical Communication
2. Multiband Microstrip rectangular Loop antenna08-03-201909-03-2019two day7th international conference on Design and applications of structures, drives, Communicational and computing systems
3. Judge25-04-201825-04-2018one dayNational conference on Microwave and Optical communication
4. Quad frequencymicrostrip patch antenna for GPS carriers, SIRIUS XM and Amature applications04-04-201804-04-2018one dayNational conference on Innovative Technologies in computer and communication
5. Design and implementation of a dualband loop antenna for radio frequency identification23-03-201823-03-2018one day2nd International Conference on resent trends in Engineering, Computers, Information Technology and Applications
6. Triangular folded coupled line power divider using open stub30-03-201731-03-2017one day4 th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science
7. Microstrip antenna for footwear of medical applications15-03-201715-03-2017one dayNational Conference on Research advances in smart computing and communication systems
8. IAW 2016 Pre Conference workshop on Microstrip Antennas05-06-201605-06-2016one dayPre Conference workshop on Microstrip Antennas
9. Advances in Microwave and Optical Communication Technologies29-04-201312-05-2013two weeksAICTE Sponsored Two Week FDP. Sanctioned Amount Rs. 5.5 Lakhs
10. Workshop on microwave lab28-07-201129-07-201128.07.2011 To 29.07.2011Experts from scientec, Gaziabad and MI Measuring instruments gave lecture on microwave experiments and servicing. Prof. S.C.Sivaprakash and prof. S.Murugan gave lecture on fundamentals of microwave engineering. 30 participants from various engineering colleges had attended the course.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Effective Teaching14-03-201614-03-20161 Dayby quality circle- Quality Education, at KLNCE
2. Intelectual Property Rigths and Innovations04-03-201604-03-20161 DayBy Quality Circle- Advanced Research and Development, KLNCE
3. Key Electromagnetic concepts20-01-201622-01-20163 DaysSSN College of Engineering, Chennai
4. Design, Simulation and research Applications of Advanced Wireless Standards using EEsof23-07-201525-07-20153 Dayssupported by Keysight technologies at NIT, Trichy
5. VLSI and Embedded Design using Xilinx using 7-Series FPGA05-03-201506-03-2015Two daysKLNCE
6. Computational Electromagnetics and Antennas05-03-201405-03-2014One dayThagarajar College oc Engg., Madurai
7. Antenna simulation and measurement using ADS and Vector network Analyser27-02-201428-02-2014Two daysKLNCE
8. Electromagnetics11-11-201313-11-2013three daysSSN College of Engineering, Chennai organised by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Madras chapter
9. Recent issues in antenna design and testing24-09-201325-09-2013Two daysMEPCO Schlenk Engg. College, Sivakasi
10. RF Design using ANSYS Ansoft HF package28-09-201229-09-2012Two daysKongu Engg. College, Erode
11. Digital Image processing applications07-01-201108-01-2011Two daysKLNNCE
12. RF, Wireless Systems and Antennas13-07-200918-07-2009one weekNational Engg., College, Kovilpatti
13. R&D and International Publications19-12-200819-12-2008One dayKLNCE
14. High intensive training on RF and Microwave measurement equipments28-09-200729-09-2007Two daysA.C.College of Engg. and Tech., Karaikudi
15. Design and simulation of RF devices using EMPIRE EM simulator21-07-200722-07-2007Two daysThiagarajar College Of Engg,Madurai
16. Fabrication of flexible microwave frequency circuits and antennas and their applications02-09-200602-09-2006One daySri Ramakrishna Engg.College,Coimbatore.
17. Digital Signal Processors15-10-200515-10-2005One dayK.L.N College of Information Technology
18. ORCAD- PSPICE18-12-200418-12-2004One daySethu Institute of Technology, Kariyapatti

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Machineleatning algorithms using MATLAB23-01-201923-01-2019one daynil
2. Hands on Workshop on Software Defined Radio and MSO11-01-201911-01-2019One DayTheoretical and hands on training of SDR and MSO
3. Effective use of ICT tools in engineering education09-11-201810-11-2018two dayorganized by Quality circle- Quality Education
4. CAD of Microwave Integrated Circuits09-06-201810-06-2018Two daysTwo days workshop on CAD of Microwave Integrated Circuits

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Enhancement of smart grid to smart cities06-05-201910-05-20195 daysAICTE-ISTE approved Induction / Resfresher programme
2. EC672 Optical and Microwave Lab04-08-201605-08-20162 daysTwo day workshop - Self supporting

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Member DAC Committee02-02-201902-02-2019One DayMember DAC Committee
2. Chair person07-04-201607-04-20161 Day2nd International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology at KLNCE
3. Judge02-03-201202-03-20121National Level Technical Symposium at KLNCE

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