S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details |
1. | Entrepreneurship Awareness Program | 09-04-2019 | 09-04-2019 | 1 day | Entreprenurship Awareness Program for the Ist Year Students. |
2. | How to do good Ph.D.? | 28-02-2019 | 01-03-2019 | 2 days | Seminar on " How to do good Ph.D", organized by Centre for Reasearch, Anna University, Chennai. |
3. | IEEE Xplorer Digital Library for Technical Research | 11-10-2018 | 11-10-2018 | 1 day | Complete Reference on IEEE Xplorer |
4. | Opportunities and challenges in Internet of Things | 27-11-2017 | 01-12-2017 | 5 Days | Short Term Course under Quality Improvement Program on "Opportunities and challenges in Internet of Things" |
5. | Research Problem Identification and Technical Paper writing | 22-09-2017 | 23-09-2017 | Two Days | IIPC sponsored workshop on Research Problem Identification and Technical Paper writing |
6. | Academia Meet 2016 - Emerging Trends in IT | 17-09-2016 | 17-09-2016 | Half Day | Attended Academia Meet 2016- Emerging Trends in IT organized by NIIT,Madurai on 17-09-16 at Hotel North Gate. |
7. | Internet of Things(IOT) for Emerging Engineering Applications | 28-07-2016 | 30-07-2016 | 3 Days | TEQIP II Sponsored Faculty Development Program on "Internet of Things(IOT) for Emerging Engineering Applications" organised by the department of Information Technology,PSG Technology, Coimbatore |
8. | Entrepreneurship Orientation Program | 16-07-2016 | 17-07-2016 | 2 Days | Entrepreneurship Orientation Program organised by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India(EDII), Ahmadabad in association with Wales Academy, Madurai. |
9. | Automotive Embedded System and Communication Protocols | 09-07-2016 | 09-07-2016 | 1 Day | Attended a workshop on "Automotive Embedded System and Communication Protocols" at P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
10. | Two Days Workshop on Internet of Things | 22-06-2016 | 23-06-2016 | 2 days | TEQIP II Sponsored Twodays Workshop on "Internet of Things" conducted by Dept of CSE, ACTech, Karaikudi. |
11. | Machine Learning and Internet of Things | 08-05-2015 | 09-05-2015 | Two days | Attendend a TEQIP and IEEE Sponsered Twoday seminar on "Machine Learning and Internet of Things" at Thiagarajar college of Engg, Madurai |
12. | WBAN Sensing and Signal processing Challenges | 23-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 to 24-03-2015 | UGC Sponsored Seminar on WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) - Sensing and Signal processing Challenges |
13. | WBAN Sensing and Signal processing Challenges | 23-03-2015 | 24-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 to 24-03-2015 | UGC Sponsored Seminar on WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) - Sensing and Signal processing Challenges organized by Dept. of ECE, College of Engg, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai - 25. |
14. | Strategic Planning on Institutional Development | 28-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 | Industry Institute Partnership Cell sponsored Seminar on "Strategic Planning on Institutional Development" conducted by Dr.D.Brahadeeswaran, Vice-president, SEED, Chennai |
15. | NS2, Qualnet 5.0 & EXata | 03-03-2014 | 04-03-2014 | 3-3-14 & 4-3-14 | Attended a workshop on Network Simulator2, Qualnet 5.0, & Network Emulator EXata |
16. | IOT:The future world will be | 28-02-2014 | 01-03-2014 | 28-2-14 & 1-3-14 | Attended seminar on Internet of things(IOT) at Mepco Engg college for 2 days |
17. | Research Issues and Challenges in WSN` | 26-07-2013 | 27-07-2013 | 26-7-13 to 27-7-13 | National Seminar on Reaearch Isssues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks at Kongu Engg College,Perundurai,Erode. |
18. | Research Issues and Challenges in WSN` | 26-07-2013 | 27-07-2013 | 26-7-13 to 27-7-13 | National Seminar on Reaearch Isssues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks at Kongu Engg College,Perundurai,Erode. |
19. | Research Issues and Challenges in WSN` | 26-07-2013 | 27-07-2013 | 26-7-13 to 27-7-13 | National Seminar on Reaearch Isssues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks at Kongu Engg College,Perundurai,Erode. |
20. | Wipro Mission 10X Advance workshop | 21-03-2012 | 22-03-2012 | 21-03-2012 to 22-03-201 | Wipro Mission 10X and Cambridge university Sponsored Twoday Advance workshop at vickram college of Engg |
21. | Wipro Mission 10X | 05-12-2011 | 09-12-2011 | 5-12-11 to 9-12-11 | ISTE Sponsered Mission10X Workshop conducted at Vickram College of Engg,Enathi |
22. | Wipro Mission 10X | 05-12-2011 | 06-12-2011 | 5-12-11 to 6-12-11 | DALE CARNEGIE Sponsered workshop on High Impact Teaching Skills at vickram college of Engg |
23. | Research Issues in Bio Medical Imaging | 21-07-2011 | 22-07-2011 | 21-07-2011 To 22-07-2011 | National Seminar on Research Issues in Bio Medical Imaging sponsered by CSIR held in PSNA College of Engg,Dindigul. |
24. | Digital Image processing Applications and Challenges | 07-01-2011 | 08-01-2011 | 07-01-11 & 08-01-11 | Conducted by the Dept of ECE,KLNCE
25. | Capacity Building in Project Management | 28-12-2010 | 28-12-2010 | 28-12-2010 | Workshop on Capacity Building in Project Management organized by CII,Madurai and resources from Project Management India(PMI),held at Hotel Sangam. |
26. | CII FACULTY MISSION TO FENNER AND SUNDARAM INDUSTRIES | 12-11-2010 | 12-11-2010 | 12-11-10 | Confederation of Indian Industry organized a Program on FACULTY MISSION TO FENNER AND SUNDARAM INDUSTRIES |
27. | CAN Architecture & Programming | 29-10-2010 | 29-10-2010 | 29-10-2010 | Anna university of Technology,Coimbatore conducted CAN Architecture & Programming workshop in association with ISM,Bangalore. |
28. | Workshop on Embedded and VLSI Technology | 30-04-2010 | - | 30-04-10 | Attended a workshop ON EMBEDDED AND VLSI TECHNOLOGY -PRACTICAL COURSE in Sudharson Engg College,Trichy |
29. | Bio-Telematics | 29-01-2010 | 30-01-2010 | 29-01-2010 to 30-01-2010 | CSIR Sponsered Seminar at K.S.R College of Engg,Thirechengodu,Namakkal Dt conducted by Dept of Mechatronics. |
30. | Educators Day '09-NICE | 05-11-2009 | 05-11-2009 | 05-11-09 | National Instruments Bangalore organized a workshop on Nurturing Innovation and Creativity in Engineering(NICE) at Chennai Trade Centre,Chennai. |
31. | Mobile Computing and Communication | 29-01-2009 | 30-01-2009 | 29-01-09 to 30-01-09 | Sri.Venkateshwara College of Engineering,Chennai. |
32. | Educators Day '08 | 21-11-2008 | 21-11-2008 | 21-11-08 | National Instruments,Bangalore organized a workshop on NI Products for Educators at Leela Palace,Bangalore. |
33. | Wireless Communication | 02-08-2008 | 02-08-2008 | 02-08-08 | Micro Village Global Solution,Bangalore organized a workshop at Madurai Branch. |
34. | Software Quality | 08-05-2008 | 09-05-2008 | 08-05-08 to 09-05-08 | Anna University,Coimbatore. |
35. | Design Trends in Deep Submicron CMOS VLSI | 28-03-2008 | 29-03-2008 | 28-03-08 to 29-03-08 | Anna University,Chennai |
36. | IBM Rational tools | 26-12-2007 | 29-12-2007 | 26-12-07 to 29-12-07 | K.L.N College of Engg |
37. | Advanced Networking and Security Issues(ANSI'07) | 10-03-2007 | 10-03-2007 | 10-03-07 | Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore. |
38. | VLSI and Networking | 24-01-2007 | 25-01-2007 | 24-01-07 to 25-01-07 | K.L.N College of Engg |
39. | Advancement in Computer Networks | 14-11-2006 | 14-11-2006 | 14-11-06 | Anna Unversity,Chennai. |
40. | Advances in Communication and Networks | 04-08-2006 | 05-08-2006 | 04-08-06 to 05-08-06 | SSN College of Engg,Chennai |
41. | Electronics Circuits II | 26-07-2006 | 07-08-2006 | 26-07-06 to 07-08-06 | K.L.N College of Engg |
42. | Electromagnetic Field Theory Course (EC1253) | 08-12-2005 | 10-12-2005 | 08-12-2005 to 10-12-2005 | K.L.N College of Engg |
43. | Orientation Programme on Teaching Methodologies | 06-12-2005 | 07-12-2005 | 06-12-2005 to 07-12-2005 | K.L.N College of Engg |
44. | Lesson Plan and Class Notes Preparation | 14-11-2005 | 18-11-2005 | 14-11-2005 to 18-11-2005 | K.L.N College of Engg |
45. | Advancement in Optical Communication | 12-06-2004 | 13-06-2004 | 12-06-04 to 13-06-04 | Gained Knowledge in Recent improvements in Optics and Network simulation Software (NS2) at National Engineering College,Kovilpatti. |