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Associate Professor 1
Computer Science and Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(ECE).,M.E.(DIG.COMMN.&N/W ENGG),M.B.A.,(PH.D)
Experience :19.8 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Paper Publication (International)2
Paper Publication (National)1
Paper Presentation 3
Training Course1

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. A Survey on Friend Recommendation for online Social Network06-04-201607-04-20162 daysPaper Published in an International Journal of Advanced Research trends in Engineering and Technology(IJARTET), ISSN-2394 3777/ Vol 3/ Sp. Issue16/ March 2016.
2. Survey of DOS attacks, detection & prevention frameworks for SIP Proxy server22-03-201422-03-201422-03-2014Published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science , Engineering and Technology - IJIRSET,Volume 3,Special Issue 3, March 2014.

Paper Publication (National)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Solving Sparse MR Imaging using Compressed Sensing04-02-201005-02-201004-02-10 to 05-02-10Presented a paper in National Conference on EMERGING TRENDS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY organized by Depat o IT,KLNCIT.

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. A Time Efficient RFID Mutual Authentication protocol for Healthcare Environment using HECC06-04-201607-04-20162 daysInternational Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET ’16),KLNCE.
2. An Automated system for 24hr cough monitoring28-03-200928-03-200928.03.09National conference on emerging trends in communication and information Technology 2009(NCETCIT '09) at Srinivasa college of Engg and Technology,Chennai.
3. Data Mining with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm02-03-200502-03-20052-03-2005Awarded Best Paper in National Conference on Recent Advancement in Networking '05(RAIN '05) at Noorul Islam College of Engg,Kumarakoil.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Embedded Systems11-08-201611-08-2016Half DayExpert Talk on "Embedded Systems" organised for the III Year Students its an IIPC Sponsored Expert Talk, the resource person is Mr.Amarnath of Embuzz Technology, Madurai.
2. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp29-03-201631-03-20163 DaysDepartment of Science and Technology and in association with Centre for Entrepreneurship Development institute, Tamilnadu Sponsored Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp for the students of IInd,IIIrd & final Year of KLNCE
3. Entrepreneurship Awareness Talk09-03-201609-03-2016One Day1. Organized Awareness Talk on “Entrepreneurship Development & Promotion of Diploma course in Entrepreneurship and Business Management” on 09/03/2016(Wednesday) at 2.05 pm in P.G Conference Hall.
4. An awareness Campaign on Entrepreneurship, Buisness Incubator and Recent trends in Information Technology07-10-201507-10-2015One dayAn awareness Campaign on Entrepreneurship, Buisness Incubator and Recent trends in Information Technology for the Final year students of KLNCE, Resourse person:Mr.Sathish Kumar, Deputy Director – MSME, Chennai.
5. Expert Talk on Entrepreneurship29-09-201529-09-2015Half DayExpert Talk on Entrepreneurship development in Micro and Small business. Resourse Person : Mr.Abineeth Jain, CEO – Vinita’s Beauty Saloon & Spa, Madurai.
6. Goal Settings28-09-201528-09-2015One daySoft Skill Development Program in Association with IIPC for the CSE/first year students in P.G. Conference Hall. Resourse Person: JC.Prathap, Soft Skill Trainer, Junior Chamber, Madurai.
7. Entrepreneurship and Challenges for Startups04-09-201504-09-2015One dayEntrepreneurship and Challenges for Start-ups, for the final year students of KLNCE, Resource person - Mr.K.V.Omprakash,Corporate Lawyer,Concentia Law Associates, Concentia Consultancy Pvt Ltd., Bangalore.
8. expert talk on “Goal Setting”31-08-201531-08-2015One dayexpert talk on “Goal Setting” by Rtn.Chithra, Rotaract Club - Madurai for the final year students on 31-08-2015(Monday) in P.G Conference Hall
9. Industrial Visit02-03-201502-03-2015One dayAll HOD's, IIPC Executive Commitee members, and TPO gone for Industrial Visit to Kudankulum, with the financial support from IIPC,KLNCE on 2/3/2015.
10. Avenues in Public Sector Unit Opportunities for Indian Administrative service15-03-201415-03-201415-03014Avenues in Public Sector Unit Opportunities for Indian Administrative service through Linchpin students cahapter.
11. APPDHOOM Phase 1 workshop13-02-201414-02-201413-02-14 & 14-2-14Intercollegiate mobile Application contest was organized for students of various college like Vickram, PSYCE, Lady Dock college and, KLNCE.
12. Womens Empowerment Program05-01-201205-01-201205-01-12Women's Empowerment Program for "Founders day" was organized and the participants are from Samanatham Hr,Sec.,School,Samanatham.
13. Embedded and DSP design flow in Xilinx for Researchers29-07-201030-07-201029-07-10 to 30-07-10This workshop brings experienced FPGA designers up to speed on the capabilities and characteristics of Xilinx processors. Time will be spent learning the steps of the Xilinx embedded design flow from system design to bitstream generation, and how the various tools in the Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) encompass these steps. Attendees will get the chance to learn these steps through a series of hands-on lab exercises, as well as perform on-chip hardware/software verification. This course provides Professors with an introduction to FPGA-based DSP design using the Mathworks MATLAB®/Simulink® and Xilinx System Generator for DSP tools.
14. RESEARCH FUNDING & PATENT METHODOLOGIST IN ENGG ANDT TECHNOLOGY04-03-200905-03-200904-03-2009 & 05-03-2009This workshop is Organized to give awareness to the Staff about the Research,Funding and Patent in the Engineering and Technology.
15. Reflechir '0924-02-200924-02-200924-02-2009Co Ordinator for National Level Technical Symposium - Reflechir '09
16. Electronics Circuits- I26-07-200607-08-200626.07.06 - 07.08.06Co-Coordinator Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development Program

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Entrepreneurship Awareness Program09-04-201909-04-20191 dayEntreprenurship Awareness Program for the Ist Year Students.
2. How to do good Ph.D.?28-02-201901-03-20192 daysSeminar on " How to do good Ph.D", organized by Centre for Reasearch, Anna University, Chennai.
3. IEEE Xplorer Digital Library for Technical Research11-10-201811-10-20181 dayComplete Reference on IEEE Xplorer
4. Opportunities and challenges in Internet of Things27-11-201701-12-20175 DaysShort Term Course under Quality Improvement Program on "Opportunities and challenges in Internet of Things"
5. Research Problem Identification and Technical Paper writing22-09-201723-09-2017Two DaysIIPC sponsored workshop on Research Problem Identification and Technical Paper writing
6. Academia Meet 2016 - Emerging Trends in IT17-09-201617-09-2016Half DayAttended Academia Meet 2016- Emerging Trends in IT organized by NIIT,Madurai on 17-09-16 at Hotel North Gate.
7. Internet of Things(IOT) for Emerging Engineering Applications28-07-201630-07-20163 DaysTEQIP II Sponsored Faculty Development Program on "Internet of Things(IOT) for Emerging Engineering Applications" organised by the department of Information Technology,PSG Technology, Coimbatore
8. Entrepreneurship Orientation Program16-07-201617-07-20162 DaysEntrepreneurship Orientation Program organised by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India(EDII), Ahmadabad in association with Wales Academy, Madurai.
9. Automotive Embedded System and Communication Protocols09-07-201609-07-20161 DayAttended a workshop on "Automotive Embedded System and Communication Protocols" at P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore.
10. Two Days Workshop on Internet of Things22-06-201623-06-20162 daysTEQIP II Sponsored Twodays Workshop on "Internet of Things" conducted by Dept of CSE, ACTech, Karaikudi.
11. Machine Learning and Internet of Things08-05-201509-05-2015Two daysAttendend a TEQIP and IEEE Sponsered Twoday seminar on "Machine Learning and Internet of Things" at Thiagarajar college of Engg, Madurai
12. WBAN Sensing and Signal processing Challenges23-03-201524-03-201523-03-2015 to 24-03-2015UGC Sponsored Seminar on WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) - Sensing and Signal processing Challenges
13. WBAN Sensing and Signal processing Challenges23-03-201524-03-201523-03-2015 to 24-03-2015UGC Sponsored Seminar on WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) - Sensing and Signal processing Challenges organized by Dept. of ECE, College of Engg, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai - 25.
14. Strategic Planning on Institutional Development28-02-201528-02-201528-02-2015Industry Institute Partnership Cell sponsored Seminar on "Strategic Planning on Institutional Development" conducted by Dr.D.Brahadeeswaran, Vice-president, SEED, Chennai
15. NS2, Qualnet 5.0 & EXata03-03-201404-03-20143-3-14 & 4-3-14Attended a workshop on Network Simulator2, Qualnet 5.0, & Network Emulator EXata
16. IOT:The future world will be28-02-201401-03-201428-2-14 & 1-3-14Attended seminar on Internet of things(IOT) at Mepco Engg college for 2 days
17. Research Issues and Challenges in WSN`26-07-201327-07-201326-7-13 to 27-7-13National Seminar on Reaearch Isssues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks at Kongu Engg College,Perundurai,Erode.
18. Research Issues and Challenges in WSN`26-07-201327-07-201326-7-13 to 27-7-13National Seminar on Reaearch Isssues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks at Kongu Engg College,Perundurai,Erode.
19. Research Issues and Challenges in WSN`26-07-201327-07-201326-7-13 to 27-7-13National Seminar on Reaearch Isssues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks at Kongu Engg College,Perundurai,Erode.
20. Wipro Mission 10X Advance workshop21-03-201222-03-201221-03-2012 to 22-03-201Wipro Mission 10X and Cambridge university Sponsored Twoday Advance workshop at vickram college of Engg
21. Wipro Mission 10X05-12-201109-12-20115-12-11 to 9-12-11ISTE Sponsered Mission10X Workshop conducted at Vickram College of Engg,Enathi
22. Wipro Mission 10X05-12-201106-12-20115-12-11 to 6-12-11DALE CARNEGIE Sponsered workshop on High Impact Teaching Skills at vickram college of Engg
23. Research Issues in Bio Medical Imaging21-07-201122-07-201121-07-2011 To 22-07-2011National Seminar on Research Issues in Bio Medical Imaging sponsered by CSIR held in PSNA College of Engg,Dindigul.
24. Digital Image processing Applications and Challenges07-01-201108-01-201107-01-11 & 08-01-11Conducted by the Dept of ECE,KLNCE
25. Capacity Building in Project Management28-12-201028-12-201028-12-2010Workshop on Capacity Building in Project Management organized by CII,Madurai and resources from Project Management India(PMI),held at Hotel Sangam.
26. CII FACULTY MISSION TO FENNER AND SUNDARAM INDUSTRIES12-11-201012-11-201012-11-10Confederation of Indian Industry organized a Program on FACULTY MISSION TO FENNER AND SUNDARAM INDUSTRIES
27. CAN Architecture & Programming29-10-201029-10-201029-10-2010Anna university of Technology,Coimbatore conducted CAN Architecture & Programming workshop in association with ISM,Bangalore.
28. Workshop on Embedded and VLSI Technology30-04-2010-30-04-10Attended a workshop ON EMBEDDED AND VLSI TECHNOLOGY -PRACTICAL COURSE in Sudharson Engg College,Trichy
29. Bio-Telematics29-01-201030-01-201029-01-2010 to 30-01-2010CSIR Sponsered Seminar at K.S.R College of Engg,Thirechengodu,Namakkal Dt conducted by Dept of Mechatronics.
30. Educators Day '09-NICE05-11-200905-11-200905-11-09National Instruments Bangalore organized a workshop on Nurturing Innovation and Creativity in Engineering(NICE) at Chennai Trade Centre,Chennai.
31. Mobile Computing and Communication29-01-200930-01-200929-01-09 to 30-01-09Sri.Venkateshwara College of Engineering,Chennai.
32. Educators Day '0821-11-200821-11-200821-11-08National Instruments,Bangalore organized a workshop on NI Products for Educators at Leela Palace,Bangalore.
33. Wireless Communication02-08-200802-08-200802-08-08Micro Village Global Solution,Bangalore organized a workshop at Madurai Branch.
34. Software Quality08-05-200809-05-200808-05-08 to 09-05-08Anna University,Coimbatore.
35. Design Trends in Deep Submicron CMOS VLSI28-03-200829-03-200828-03-08 to 29-03-08Anna University,Chennai
36. IBM Rational tools26-12-200729-12-200726-12-07 to 29-12-07K.L.N College of Engg
37. Advanced Networking and Security Issues(ANSI'07)10-03-200710-03-200710-03-07Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore.
38. VLSI and Networking24-01-200725-01-200724-01-07 to 25-01-07K.L.N College of Engg
39. Advancement in Computer Networks14-11-200614-11-200614-11-06Anna Unversity,Chennai.
40. Advances in Communication and Networks04-08-200605-08-200604-08-06 to 05-08-06SSN College of Engg,Chennai
41. Electronics Circuits II26-07-200607-08-200626-07-06 to 07-08-06K.L.N College of Engg
42. Electromagnetic Field Theory Course (EC1253)08-12-200510-12-200508-12-2005 to 10-12-2005K.L.N College of Engg
43. Orientation Programme on Teaching Methodologies06-12-200507-12-200506-12-2005 to 07-12-2005K.L.N College of Engg
44. Lesson Plan and Class Notes Preparation14-11-200518-11-200514-11-2005 to 18-11-2005K.L.N College of Engg
45. Advancement in Optical Communication12-06-200413-06-200412-06-04 to 13-06-04Gained Knowledge in Recent improvements in Optics and Network simulation Software (NS2) at National Engineering College,Kovilpatti.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Internet of Things05-10-201806-10-20182 DaysIEEE Student Branch Sponsored Two days workshop on IOT.
2. Entrepreneurship Promotion in Institutions10-08-201712-08-20173 DaysWorkshop organized by ED Cell of TCE in association with Wadhwani foundation and Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Chennai. "Certification program on the orientation program on Entrepreneurship-WF100"

Training Course
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Air Traffic control & Surveillance in Airport Authority of India(AAI), Madurai19-06-201822-06-20184 DaysFour Days Industrial Training at AAI Madurai on Air Traffic control & Surveillance

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Project Lab Incharge10-06-2010-10-06-10 to till dateLab In charge for the Project Lab.
2. COLLEGE CATEEN INCHARGE20-07-2009-20-07-2009 to till dateActing as an Canteen incharge for deciding the rate and other needs which the students are in need.
3. Cultural Comittee Incharge10-08-2008-10-8-2008 to till dateActing as a Catalyst to Improve the Extra Curricular talents present in Inward Eye of the ECE students.
4. Cultural Comittee Incharge for the ECE Dept10-08-200810-08-200810-8-2008Acting as a Catalyst to Improve the Extra Curricular talents present in Inward Eye of the ECE students.
5. ALUMNI VICE PRESIDENT10-08-2007-10-08-07 to till dateALUMNI Vice President for the College and ALUMNI Incharge for the Department.
6. DSP Asst Lab In Charge10-08-200510-06-201010-08-05 - 10-06-10Asst Lab Incharge
7. Passport Incharge--From 2009Taken Initiative to get passport for the ECE Students and for staff for a total strength of around 150.
8. Delivered Lecture on Networks in HP ATA Program--July 2014Delivered Lecture on "Networks" in HP Accredited Technical Associate (ATA) Program organized by Dept. of CSE, KLNCE.

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