Now Students can pay their Fees of all nature directly into KLNCE Bank Account through all Branches of State Bank of India ( SBI ) viz.
All Education related fees such as Tuition Fees, Caution Deposit,
University Fees,
Transport Charges,
Hostel related Fees,
And other Fees.
All these Payments can be made in a single Challan captioned “CHALLAN FOR PAYMENT OF FEES “, which is in Triplicate portions consisting of Remitter, College & Bank Copy.
Remitter Copy : To be retained by the Student for his records.
College Copy : To be submitted in Accounts Section of KLNCE.
Bank Copy : will be retained by the Collecting Branch concerned.
Students need to fill the SBI Branch Name, where Fees to be paid ( Collecting Branch ) Students need to fill the Amount of Prescribed Fees in appropriate columns such as A, B, C etc. uniformly in all three portions of the Triplicate Challan .
After accepting the prescribed Fees, Collecting Branch will retain their Bank Copy and return Remitter & College Copy duly stamped by them.
Students need to submit the Stamped “College Copy “ Challan portion in the Accounts Section of KLNCE and obtain official RECEIPT for the relevant Fees paid by them.
Students can pay their Fees by Cash, Demand Draft or by Transfer Cheque facility. (Separate Challan to be used for Cash / DD / Transfer Cheque ).
Collecting Bank will charge Rs.50/- towards collecting charges and this has to be paid by the Student in normal Bank challan available with the Branch, where they are paying their Fees.
This Procedure will enable the Students’ to pay their Fees conveniently from their nearby SBI Branches Safely, Quickly and in an economic manner.