Department of English
*2020-2021 - English - Syllabus - Sem 1. Click here...
*2020-2021 - English - Syllabus - Sem 2. Click here...
*2020-2021 - English - Syllabus - Sem 2-COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB. Click here...
Lab DetailsOrganized EventsIIPC - IDCAFaculty ListDepartment Library
English Communication Lab
Server- 1 ,Client Systems - 66 No’s
Audio Card & Headphone – 66
Handicam Video Camera, TV, Collar mike, Cordless Mike, DVD Player / Reader, LCD Projector with Audio/
Video Facility
Software : Teacher Console Software Consisting of English Language Lab, Career Lab
Organized Events
S.No |
Name of the Event/ FDP / Symposium / Achievements / Topic |
Date |
Resource Person/ Chief Guest |
Details of Student / Staff Participated |
Other details like Paper Presentation |
No. of External candidates participated |
1. |
Science and Humanities Association Inaugural Function] |
23.10.11 |
Dr.L.R.Govardhanan, Dean, KLNCIT |
I Year
Paper Presented by I B.E/B.Tech students |
Nil |
2. |
English Quiz |
14.10.11 |
- |
I yr B.E[EIE] Deepthy.M
Swathivyas.G.D |
- |
- |
3. |
Two Days Workshop on “Current Needs of English in Employability Skills”. |
26.11.11 |
Chief guest,Dr.E.B.Perumal Pillai,Registrar,AUT-Madurai]
Dr.R.Subramania Pillai, [Director, AUT Madurai]
Dr.M.Lawrence [Asst.Prof. English, The American College]
Dr.S.Geetha [ Associate Prof. English, Fatima College]
[Advisor,Subbulakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation,Madurai.] |
I Yr B.E/B.Tech/M.B.A& M.C.A |
_ |
3 |
Industry Department Collaboration Activities (IDCA)
Sl.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification | Date of Joining | Exp. (Y.M) | |
1 | DR. A. RAVIEKKUMAR [18409002]
| Professor & Head | M.A., M.PHIL., PH.D. | 04-10-2000 | 25.2 |  | 2 | KARTHICK KUMAR S S [18435018]
| Assistant Professor 2 | M.A. (ENGLISH), M.PHIL (ENGLISH) | 01-07-2013 | 15.2 |  | 3 | SARANGAN K [18435046]
| Assistant Professor 2 | M.A. (ENGLISH)., (M.PHIL) (ENGLISH)., | 01-08-2018 | 6.7 |  | 4 | VIDHYA J [18435055]
| Assistant Professor 2 | M.A.(ENGLISH), M.PHIL.(ENGLISH) | 17-08-2022 | 9.2 |  | 5 | DR. A. SASIKALA [18435058]
| Assistant Professor 2 | B.A.M.A.M.PHIL.(ENGLISH)., PH.D., | 04-09-2024 | 13.6 |  | 6 | ANNAPOORANI K [18435059]
| Assistant Professor 1 | B.A.(ENGLISH), M.A.(ENGLISH), B.ED.(ENGLISH) | 04-03-2024 | 1.0 |  |
Total No of Books received from the UG Library : 45
S.No |
Description |
Title and Author |
No. of Volumes |
No. of Books |
Physical Stock of Books in the Department |
1.Spoken English-Part-2 (with CD)- Kamlesh Sadanand Susheela Punitha |
Part-2 |
3 |
2.Professional Presentations(with CD)- Malcolm Goodale |
- |
1 |
3. How to Prepare for GD and Interview 2nd Edition(With DVD)- Hari mohan Prasad and Rajnish Mohan |
2nd edition |
4 |
4. Practice tests for IELTS (with CD)- Vanessa Jakeman and Clare Mcdorwell |
- |
4 |
5. BEC Preliminary- 3and 4 (with CD)- Vanessa Jakeman and Clare Mcdorwell |
Vol 3& 4 |
2 |
6. Essential Telephoning in English (photocopy) teacher's book - Babora Garside and Tomy Garside |
- |
2 |
7. Know your English vol- 1&2 S.Upendran |
Vol 1&2 |
6 |
8. How to write Essays(to compile wirte-ups on different topics on your own)- Staff and Contributors Asha p. Kumar, Ravindran Nair k, Dr. Aranmula |
- |
1 |
9. A Modern Approach to verbal Reasoning- Dr. R. S. Agarwal |
- |
2 |
10. Common Errors in English- R.V Baskar |
- |
2 |
11.Model letters for all occasions- R. Sundaresan |
- |
2 |
12. Communicate or collapse A Handbook of Effective public Speaking, Group discussions and Interviews- Pushpalata and Sanjay Kumar |
- |
2 |
13. English Language Laboratories- A comprehensive manual- Nira Konar |
- |
2 |
14. Grammar for Communication- V. Saraswathi, Leena Anil and Manjula Rajan |
- |
2 |
15. Communication skills for professionals (II Edition)- Nira Kona |
II Edition |
2 |
16. A Practical course for Developing writing skills in English- J.K. Gangal |
- |
2 |
17.Emerald English Grammar and Composition- R.G. Radhakrishna Pilla |
- |
2 |
18. Teaching Vocabulary- Jeanne Mc Carten |
- |
2 |
19. BEC- Examinations support & Preparation materials [2015- 2016] |
- |
1 |
20. IELTSS Past Papers with Answers |
- |
1 |
2. |
Books with the Staff members |
Technical English 1 and 2 |
- |
19 |
3. |
Books with the Students |
- |