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   Department of Mechanical Engineering (6th time Accredited)

The DepartmentVision & MissionCOMMITTEEAcademicsUniversity Rank HoldersPlacementSurveyStaff Deputed for Higher StudyEvents OrganizedEvents AttendedAcademic ResearchNPTELCertification CoursesStudent ChapterC S R ActivitiesAwards & AchievementsIndustrial ActivitiesContent Beyond SyllabusFunded ProgrammesLab DetailsLab ManualStudent ProjectFaculty as Resource PersonMagazineCultural ActivityAlumni DetailsSportsMoU SignedTesting/ConsultancyInnovative Teaching by FacultyGroup PhotoIIPC - IDCAFaculty ListStudent ListLibrary Books For Mech.Department Library Books
Course Outcome (CO) for I - VIII Semester Subjects (R2020)
Course Outcome(CO) for I-VIII Semester Subjects(R2017)
Course Outcome(CO) for I-VIII Semester Subjects(R2013)

Salient Features of the Department

History of the Department

Programme of Study
Intake Description
NBA Accreditation
B.E. Mechanical Engineering*
Accredited by NBA in March 2004 for THREE years (F.No: NBA/ACCR-242/2003 dt:24-03-04.
Accredited by NBA in July 2008 for THREE years (F.No: NBA/ACCR-242/2003 dt:19-07-08.
Accredited by NBA in August 2013 for TWO years – 05.08.2013 to 04.08.2015 (F.No: NBA/ACCR-242/2003 dt:14-08-13)
Accredited by NBA in October 2016 for THREE YEARS upto 30.06.2019 (Vide F.No: 33-01/2010-NBA  dt:04.02.2017)
Accredited by NBA in February 2019 for THREE YEARS upto 30.06.2022 (Vide F.No: 33-01/2010-NBA  dt:22.03.2019)
Accredited by NBA in February 2019 for THREE YEARS upto 30.06.2025 (Vide F.No: 33-01/2010-NBA  dt:09.10.2023)
*Permanent Affiliation from Anna University Chennai

  • Well Equipped Laboratories such as CAD Lab, CAM Lab, Machine shop, Mechatronics Lab, Dynamics Lab, Strength of Materials Lab, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab, Metrology and Measurement Lab, Internal Combustion Engines Lab, Steam Lab, Heat Transfer Lab, Industrial Practices Lab, Research & Development Lab and ISHRAE Showcase Lab.
  • Latest Software’s such as WITNESS, CREO 3, ANSYS CFD 18.0, ANSYS FEA 18.0, ANSYS 12.0, Solid edge V16.0, Autodesk Inventor Series 5.0, Edge CAM 2013 R1, AutoCAD 2017etc.
  • Smart Class rooms and Seminar Hall.
  • Exclusive Department Library for more than 2,000 books.
  • National Journals and ASME e-Journals.
  • Utility of online open source tutorials like NPTEL, MOOC, Spoken Tutorial etc.
  • Signed MoU With Crown University and Riyaasa Lab, ISHRAE, ATPDC-CIPET, Madurai and 3D CADD Academy, Madurai.
  • Dedicated and Industry experienced faculties.
  • Ph.D- 9  No’s, Pursuing Ph.D- 2 No’s, M.E.- 6 No’s
  • Faculty members are deputed for Guest Lecture / Expert Talk / Judges / Resource Person for FDP / Workshop / Seminar /   Paper reviewer for Journals / Conferences etc.
  • Faculty members awarded NPTEL Certification Courses periodically.
  • Industrial Visits at INTEC Trade Fair, Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Firestone TVS Pvt Ltd, TVS Rubber Industries, JK Fenner, CIPET etc.
  • Membership in The Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Indian Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE).

  • Students Admission and Successful Graduation are well performed every year.
  • Tutorial and Counselling facilities to promote lifelong learning skills.
  • Symposium, National / International Conference, Project Contest, Workshop, Seminar conducted for getting recent exposures.
  • Industry Visits at TVS SrichakraTyres, SNP Diary Milk, VVV & Sons Edible Oils Limited, Jasmin Towels Pvt Ltd, Madras Cements, EID Parry Ltd, Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation Limited etc.
  • Periodical Industrial Expo Visit at CODISSIA INTEC, Coimbatore, Indexpo, Madurai etc.
  • Selected Final Year Students undergone one month Internship atAshok Leyland, TAFE, G-Plast, Southern Railways,Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Ltd etc.
  • Inplant Training at Wheels India Ltd, TVS SriChakraTyres, NLC, BHEL, Tuticorin Thermal Power Plant, Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bharat Rubbers etc.
  • Industrial Projects at Motherson Automotive Technologies &Engg, Fenner India Ltd, Brakes India Ltd, Bimetal Bearings, BMW Carborundum, MosimaEngg Resources, NCR Corporation etc.
  • Innovative Projects like Shrub Popper, Deep Borewell Rescue Equipment, Threshing Machine, Grey Water Treatment Plant Project of our students awarded as one of the Best Innovative Project.
  • Special attention given to learn beyond the syllabus such as Co-ordinate Measuring Machine, Wire Cut EDM, CNC Lathe, Capstan and Turret Lathe, Single Spindle Automatic Lathe, Computerized Engine Test Rig etc.
  • Undergone Value added courses such as HVAC, Labview, AutoCAD Certification Courses, Lean Manufacturing, etc.
  • Our Department Students participated and won prizes in various National Level Competitions, Conferences and Symposiums at Higher Level Institutions.
  • Students are placed in Core companies such as Delphi TVS, TVS Wheels India Ltd, TVS Sundaram Industries, TVS Brakes India Ltd, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Renault Nissan, VST Motors, LOESCHE, AURO Lab, G-Plast, Shanthi Gears Ltd, Delphi TVS, Indaid Engineers, Datapattern, TCS, Infosys, CTS, ZOHO, Chainsys, Vaken Technologies etc.
  • Membership in The Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE).
Research and Development
  • Recognized as Research Centre (4490417) by Anna University Chennai.
  • Six Faculty Members are recognized as Supervisors for guiding Ph.D / M.S. scholars in Anna University Chennai
Name of the Faculty
Reference Number
Dr. P. Udhayakumar
Prof & Head / Mech.Engg.
Dr. M.R.Thansekhar
Professor / Mech.Engg.
Dr. V.Sivaramkumar
Associate Prof / Mech. Engg.
Dr. A. Hemalatha
Associate Prof / Mech. Engg.
Dr. C.Anbumeenakshi
Associate Prof / Mech. Engg.
Dr. J. Rajesh Babu
Associate Prof / Mech. Engg.

  • 19 Research Scholars are awarded Ph.D from our Department Research Centre.
  • Google Citations of our Department Research Centre as on 04.05.2024 as below:
  • Received R&D financial assistance from DST, IISc MSME Centre for Excellence, Bangalore, ISHRAE, IEI (India), TNSCST, QC- ARD Cell – KLNCE etc.
  • Received Grant-in-aids from various agencies such as AICTE, TNSCST, CSIR, IEI, Anna University Chennai for MODROBS, conducting FDP, Workshop/Seminar in the area of 3D Printing, Optimization, Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, Heat and Mass Transfer, Teaching Methodologies in Machine Design, Research Methodology etc.