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Mechanical Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(MECH.) M.E.(CAD/CAM),MBA.,PH.D.(MECH.), FIE
Experience :22.9 (Y.M)
Email ID

Academic Profile
Research Work9
Paper Publication (International)13
Paper Publication (National)2
Book Publication2
Resource Person35
Awards / Achievements19
Paper Presentation 46
Expert Talk1
Industrial Visit1

Research Work
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Utilization of Agro Waste as a Reinforcing Material in Polymer Composites01-01-202231-12-2025Three YearsMrs. B.Devi, Part Time Research Scholar, Anna University Chennai
2. Property and Micro Structural Evaluation of Friction Stir Welded Disimilar Metals01-01-202231-12-2025Three YearsMr. T.L. Vijayakumar, Part Time Research Scholar, Anna University Chennai
3. Impact of Additive Manufacturing in Supply Chain Management01-01-201831-12-2019Two YearsMr. S. Sabarish, Full Time Research Scholar, Anna University Chennai
4. Experimental Investigation of ABS Matrix and Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Materials in Additive Manufacturing01-01-201818-01-2023Five YearsAWARDED Ph.D. Degree - Mr. S. Ponsuriyaprakash, Full Time Research Scholar, Anna University Chennai
5. Development and Implementation of Additive Manufacturing in Medical Industry28-07-201627-07-2019Three YearsMr. S. Arumugam, Part Time Research Scholar, Anna University Chennai
6. Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing System through Modification in Design and Selection Process01-07-201413-11-2018Four Years & Four MonthsAWARDED Ph.D. Degree - Mr. K. Madan Shankar, Part Time Research Scholar, Anna University Chennai
7. Multi Disciplinary approach for DIP based thermal analysis of automobiles through temperature sensing chemicals01-04-201331-10-201301-04-2013 To 31-10-2013Received R & D Grant-in-aid of Rs.50,000/- from the Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkatta
8. SUPERVISOR RECOGNITION31-01-201331-01-2013From 31-01-2013 onwardsRecognized as a SUPERVISOR (Ref. No. 2020513) for guiding Ph.D. and M.S. (By Research) of ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI under the faculty of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING.
9. Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing System using Metaheuristics13-06-201213-06-201213-06-2012Awarded Ph.D Degree in the faculty of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING in Anna University Chennai. Received Ph.D Degree (Mech. Engg) from Prof. Ved. Prakash, Chairman, University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi in the 33rd Convocation held at Vivekanda Auditorium, Anna University Chennai on 08-03-2013 (Friday).

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Additive manufacturing of customized automotive components using novel cellulose fiber reinforced ABS polymer filament25-03-202325-03-20232023S. Ponsuriyaprakash, P. Udhayakumar, A. Hemalatha and S. Sabarish, Additive manufacturing of customized automotive components using novel cellulose fiber reinforced ABS polymer filament, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM),
2. Experimental Investigation on Influence of Process Parameters on Properties of Powder Synthesized Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites by Taguchi’s Analysis20-05-202220-05-20222022A.Hemalatha and P. Udhayakumar, "Experimental Investigation on Influence of Process Parameters on Properties of Powder Synthesized Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites by Taguchi’s Analysis", Materials Research: Ibero-american Journal of Materials, Vol. No. 25, Supplement 2, 2022, pp. 1-6. ISSN: 1516-1439.
3. Mechanical characterization and morphological behavior of a novel composite of ABS polymer strengthened by cellulose18-03-202218-03-20222022S. Ponsuriyaprakash, P. Udhayakumar and R.Pandiayarajan, "Mechanical characterization and morphological behavior of a novel composite of ABS polymer strengthened by cellulose", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 255-265, ISSN: 0253-3839, Impact Factor: 1.144, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2022. 2034055.
4. Additive manufacturing for customized hearing aid parts production: an empirical study14-10-202114-10-20212021S. Sabarish and P. Udhayakumar, “Additive manufacturing for customized hearing aid parts production: an empirical study", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol.44, no.7,2021, pp 704-717, ISSN:0253-3839
5. Optimization and analysis of dry sliding wear process parameters on cellulose reinforced ABS polymer composite material15-05-202115-05-20212021S. Ponsuriyaprakash, P. Udhayakumar, R. Pandiayarajan, "Optimization and analysis of dry sliding wear process parameters on cellulose reinforced ABS polymer composite material", Journal of Pigment and Resin Technology,
6. Experimental Investigation of ABS Matrix and Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Material11-11-202011-11-20202020S. Ponsuriyaprakash, P. Udhayakumar, R. Pandiayarajan,"Experimental Investigation of ABS Matrix and Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Material", Journal of Natural Fibers.
7. Analyzing Sustainable Manufacturing Practices - A Case Study in Indian Context13-05-201713-05-20172017K. Madan Shankar, P. Udhayakumar and Devika Kannan, "Analyzing Sustainable Manufacturing Practices - A Case Study in Indian Context", Journal of Cleaner Production. ACCEPTED for Publication ELSEVIER (Impact Factor:4.959),(ISSN 0959-6526; CODEN: 1520-0442)
8. Analyzing the Drivers of Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing System using AHP approach22-08-201622-08-20162016K. Madan Shankar, P. Udhayakumar and Devika Kannan, "Analyzing the Drivers of Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing System using AHP approach", Journal of Sustainability, Vol. 8(8), 824, doi:10.3390/su8080824. (Impact Factor:1.343),(ISSN 2071-1050; CODEN: SUSTDE) - CITATIONS : 17
9. Integrated scheduling of flexible manufacturing system using evolutionary algorithms14-10-201214-10-20122012P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “Integrated scheduling of flexible manufacturing system using evolutionary algorithms”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.61, No.5, pp.621-635. CITATIONS: 20
10. Some metaheuristic approaches for optimising tardiness of job and tool in a flexible manufacturing system04-06-201204-06-20122012P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “Some metaheuristic approaches for optimising tardiness of job and tool in a flexible manufacturing system”, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, Vol.4, No.3, pp.219-252. CITATIONS:2
11. Task Scheduling of AGV in FMS using non-traditional optimization techniques10-11-201010-11-20102010P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “Task Scheduling of AGV in FMS using non-traditional optimization techniques”, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, Vol:9, No(1), pp.28-39,2010. CITATIONS: 37
12. Sequencing and scheduling of job and tool in a flexible manufacturing system using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm10-02-201010-02-20102010P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “Sequencing and scheduling of job and tool in a flexible manufacturing system using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol:50, No.9-12, pp.1075-1084. CITATIONS: 44
13. Job and Tool Sequencing in Flexible Manufacturing systems using particle swarm optimization techniques--2007P. Udhayakumar, S. Kumanan and P. Asokan, “Job and Tool Sequencing in Flexible Manufacturing systems using particle swarm optimization techniques”, International Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol: 9, No(2), pp.55-66, 2007.

Paper Publication (National)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Routing and Dispatching of Automated Guided Vehicles in a Flexible Manufacturing Systems using Simulated Annealing Algorithm--2006P. Udhayakumar, S. Kumanan and P. Asokan, “Routing and Dispatching of Automated Guided Vehicles in a Flexible Manufacturing Systems using Simulated Annealing Algorithm”, National Journal of Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol: 5, pp5-8, 2006.
2. Multi-disciplinary Approach for DIP based Thermal Analysis of Automobiles through Temperature-sensing Chemicals--2014P. Udhayakumar, K. Aswin Gowtham and Vigneshwar, "Multi-disciplinary Approach for DIP based Thermal Analysis of Automobiles through Temperature-sensing Chemicals", Compendium on R & D Projects under Grant-in-Aid Scheme, The Institution of Engineers (India), Vol:3, pp.40-41, 2014.

Book Publication
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Testing of Materials10-08-202210-08-20222022Authors: Dr. P. Udhayakumar, Dr. A. Hemalatha, Dr. N. Srinivasan Arunsankar and Mr.R. Venkateswara Rao ISBN No"978-93-95331-02-9
2. Short Questions & Answers 2 Marks for Production Technology--1999Short Questions & Answers 2 Marks for Production Technology, J.J. Publications, Madurai.

Resource Person
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Soft Skills for HVAC Technician08-12-202208-12-2022Half DayDelivered ISHRAE Week Talk entitled "Soft Skills for HVAC Technician" organized by ISHRAE Madurai Chapter
2. Boiler Manual Operations23-01-201823-01-2018Half a DayDelivered Guest Lecture on "Boiler Manual Operations" at E.I.D. Parry India Pvt. Ltd., Sivagangai
3. Orientation Programme about ISHRAE Student Chapter11-10-201711-10-2017Half a DayGuest Lecture to ISHRAE Student Members at Vaigai College of Engineering, Madurai
4. Job Opportunities in HVAC Industries05-10-201705-10-2017Half a DayGuest Lecture to ISHRAE Student Members at St. Xavier Catholic College of Engineering, Nagerkoil
5. World Ozone Day Awareness and HVAC Practices in Industries16-09-201716-09-2017Half a DayGuest Lecture to ISHRAE Student Members at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindugul
6. Installation of ISHRAE Student Chapter30-08-201730-08-2017Half a DayStudent Chair - Installation of ISHRAE Student Chapter for the academic year 2017-18 at PSNA College of Engineering & Technology, Dindugul
7. Installation of ISHRAE Student Chapter23-08-201723-08-2017Half a DayStudent Chair - Installation of ISHRAE Student Chapter for the academic year 2017-18 at Sethu Institute of Technology, Pullor
8. Mathematical Modeling of Finite Element Analysis01-12-201601-12-2016Half a DayDelivered a Guest Lecture in Faculty Development Training Programme ME 6603 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University - University College of Engineering, Ramanathapuram - 625 513 sponsored by Centre for Faculty Development, Anna University Chennai during 1 - 7 Dec 2016.
9. Syllabus Sub Committee Member - Anna University Chennai19-11-201619-11-2016One DayMember of the Syllabus Sub Committee for framing the Curricula and Syllabi (R2017) for Post Graduate Courses offered by the Engineering Colleges under Affiliation to Anna University Chennai under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering held at Anna University, Chennai.
10. Applications of Engineering Mechanics in Civil Engineering14-11-201614-11-2016Half a DayGuest Lecture to I Year B.E. (Civil Engg.) Students at K.L.N. College of Information Technology, Pottapalayam - 630 612.
11. Installation of ISHRAE Student Chapter Members04-08-201604-08-2016Half a DayGuest of Honor for Installation of ISHRAE Student Chapter Members for the academic year 2016-17 at Sethu Institute of Technology, Pullor
12. Two Dimensional Vector Variable Problems and Iso Parametric Formulation26-04-201626-04-2016Half a DayDelivered a Guest Lecture to IV Year B.E. (Mech. Engg.) Students at R.V. S. Educational Trust’s Group of Institutions, Dindugul – 624 005
13. Optimization Techniques30-03-201630-03-2016Half a DayDelivered a Guest Lecture on the topic "Optimization Techniques" at Regional Centre- Madurai Campus, Anna University Chennai
14. Family Connect and Safety Day Celebrations06-03-201606-03-2016Half a DayResource Person for TVS Srichakra Tyres, Family Connect and Safety Day Celebrations at TVS Lakshmi Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Madurai.
15. General Plane Motion of Cylinder, Disc/Wheel and Sphere06-12-201506-12-2015Half DayDelivered a Guest Lecture in the Anna University Chennai approved Faculty Development Training Programme on ENGINEERING MECHANICS organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology during 30th Nov - 6th Dec 2015.
16. Expert Member27-05-201527-05-2015One DayExpert member of Staff Selection Committee at k.L.N. Polytechnic College, Madurai.
17. School Annual Day08-04-201508-04-201508-04-2015Chief Guest for Annual Day at Government Elementary School, Kattamankottai, Sivagangai District.
18. 12th School Annual Day03-04-201503-04-201503-04-2015Chief Guest for 12th School Annual Day at Lakshmi Nursery & Primary School, Kalligudi, Virudhunagar District.
19. Introduction about Finite Element Analysis, Methods and its Applications10-12-201410-12-201410-12-2014Delivered a Guest Lecture in Seven Days Faculty Development Training Programme approved by Anna University Chennai organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.S. School of Engineering and Technology, RVS Nagar, Dindugul - 624 005.
20. GATEWAY TO FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS25-09-201425-09-201425-09-2014Delivered a Guest Lecture in One Day National Level Workshop AUTO FERMOGENZ'14 organized by Department of Automobile Engineering, Infant Jesus College of Engineering and Technology, Keelavallanadu, Thoothukudi District - 628 851.
21. How to Write Good Research Article09-12-201309-12-201309-12-2013Delivered a Guest Lecture in AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics in Green Technology" from 02-12-13 to 14-12-2013 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Pullor, Kariapatti - 626 115, Virudhunagar District.
22. Chair Person for the National Conference RIET-201330-08-201330-08-201330-08-2013Chair Person for the National Conference on "Robust Innovations in Engineering and Technology (RIET - 2013)" on 30-08-2013 at P.A.C. Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College, Rajapalayam.
23. RESEARCH ISSUES IN ROBOT APPLICATIONS28-03-201328-03-201328-03-2013Delivered a Guest Lecture in TEQIP-II sponsored Faculty Development Programme on "Futuristic Autonomous Intelligent Robots" (FAIR'13) from 25-03-13 to 31-03-2013 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, A.C. College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi - 630 004.
24. Syllabus Sub Committee Member - Anna University Chennai16-03-201316-03-2013One DayMember of the Syllabus Sub Committee for framing the Curricula and Syllabi (R2013) for Post Graduate Courses offered by the Engineering Colleges under Affiliation to Anna University Chennai under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering held at Henry Maudsly Hall, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
25. Judge for Technical Events20-02-201320-02-201320-02-2013Judge for Technical Events (such as Robo War, Robo Rumble, Innovative Projects and Paper Presentation) of South Indian Robo Championship League organized by FABMAX held at Gandhi Museum, Madurai.
26. Technical Review Committe Member04-01-201305-01-201304-01-2013 To 05-01-2013Technical Review Committee Member for the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control ISCO 2013 during 4-5 Jan 2013.
27. Dynamic Analysis using Finite Element Method08-12-201208-12-201208-12-12Guest Lecture Delivered - Faculty Development Programme on Finite Element Analysis from 03-12-12 to 09-12-12 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar sponsored by Centre for Faculty Development, Anna University Chennai
28. Time Management03-11-201203-11-201203-11-2012Guest Lecture Delivered - SOFT SKILL Training program for India Post Officials at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
29. Chief Guest09-03-201209-03-201209-03-2012Inaugurate the Worshop function ceremony and delivered the guest lecture on the topic "Metaheuristics: An Overview" at Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering, Kanyakumari
30. Judge for Paper Presentation31-01-201231-01-201231-01-2012Judge for Paper Presentation of Mechanical Engineering Session on 31-01-2012 in State Level Paper Presentation Contest GLITTERS 2012 at K.L.Nagasamy Memorial Polytechnic College, Madurai
31. Judge for Paper Presentation21-01-201121-01-201121-01-2011Judge for Paper Presentation of Mechanical Engineering Session on 21-01-2011 in State Level Paper Presentation Contest KLN FEST 2011 at K.L.Nagasamy Memorial Polytechnic College, Madurai
32. Chief Guest13-10-201013-10-201013-10-2010Inaugurate the Mechanical Engineering Association at Chandy Engineering College,Tuticorin.
33. Judge for Paper Presentation12-01-201012-01-201012-01-2010Judge for Paper Presentation of Mechanical Engineering Session on 12-01-2010 in State Level Paper Presentation Contest KLN Shines 2010 at K.L.Nagasamy Memorial Polytechnic College, Madurai
34. Basic Manufacturing Engineering19-09-200919-09-200919-09-2009Guest Lecture Delivered to II Year Mech. Engg. Students at Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal Polytechnic College, Sivakasi
35. Judge for Paper Presentation28-02-200828-02-200828-02-2008Judge for Paper Presentation of Mechanical Engineering Session in State Level Student Technical Symposium SACSTECH 2008 at SACS MAVMM Engineering College, Madurai

Awards / Achievements
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. COMMITTEE MEMBER - IEI, Madurai Local Centre01-11-201831-10-2020Two YearsSelected as COMMITTEE MEMBER - MECHANICAL DIVISION, The Institution of Engineers (India), Madurai Local Centre during the year 2018-20.
2. ZONAL CHAIR - STUDENTS ACTIVITY, ISHRAE01-04-201831-03-2019One YearSelected as ZONAL CHAIR - STUDENTS ACTIVITY, ISHRAE during the society year 2018-19.
3. APPRECIATION AWARD01-04-201801-04-2018One DayReceived an Appreciation Award - Student Chair (SY 2017-18) from ISHRAE National President Mr. C. Subramanian during the Installation Ceremony of Officers and CWC Members ISHRAE Madurai held at Hotel Fortune Pandian, Madurai on 01-04-2018
4. CWC Member- ISHRAE Madurai01-04-201831-03-2019One YearSelected as COURSE WORKING COMMITTEE (CWC) MEMBER, ISHRAE Madurai during the society year 2018-19.
5. Innovative Technological Researcher & Dedicated Academician Award25-03-201825-03-2018one DayReceived Innovative Technological Researcher & Dedicated Academician Award from The Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional, Chennai Accredited with Innovative Scientific Research Professional. Malaysia held at Hotel Le Meridien, Coimbatore.
6. IEI Best Faculty Advisor Award23-03-201824-03-2018Two DaysReceived Best Faculty Advisor Award - Mechanical Engineering Division in IEI Students Chapter during the academic year 2017-18 from IEI Students Chapter - Tamilnadu State Centre held at Adiyaman College of Engineering, Hosur.
7. Appreciation Award03-02-201803-02-2018One DayReceived an Appreciation Award from ISHRAE Madurai contribution towards ISHRAE MADURAI STUDENT CHAIR Activities during the Financial Year 2017-18
8. Certificate of Appreciation -2017, KLNCE Management17-01-201817-01-2018Half a DayReceived Certificate of Appreciation -2017, KLNCE Management for the Contribution to receive 3rd Best Engineering Division Award - IEI Kolkata during the calendar year 2017.
9. STUDENT CHAIR - ISHRAE MADURAI01-04-201731-03-2018One YearSelected as STUDENT CHAIR - ISHRAE MADURAI during the Society Year 2017-18.
10. IEI Faculty Advisor Award17-03-201718-03-2017Two DaysReceived IEI Faculty Advisor Award - Mechanical Engineering Division in IEI Students Chapter during the academic year 2016-17 from IEI Students Chapter - Tamilnadu State Centre held at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
11. Student Project of the Year 2016-1701-12-201628-04-20176 Months"Design and Development of Pattern Making in 3D Printing" is awarded "Student Project of the Year 2016-17 under IEAE Student Project Programme - 2017 (SPP) and its is indexed in IEAE Digital Library of Academic Projects (DLAP)
12. Certificate of Appreciation - Best IEI Faculty Advisor15-09-201615-09-2016Half a DayReceived Certificate of Appreciation - Best Faculty Advisor Award - Mechanical Engineering Division in IEI Students Chapter during the academic year 2015-16 in 49th Engineers Day Celebration held at The Institution of Engineers (India), Madurai Local Centre.
13. Best Training and Placement Officer Award21-07-201622-07-20162 DaysReceived Best Training & Placement Officer Award for recognizing his contribution for effective Institute-Industry Linkages presented at 4th National Summit on Sustainable Institute Industry Partnership (SIIP) organized by Society for Educational and Entrepreneurship Development (SEED) held at India International Centre, New Delhi
14. IEI Best Faculty Advisor Award18-03-201619-03-2016Two DaysReceived Best Faculty Advisor Award - Mechanical Engineering Division in IEI Students Chapter during the academic year 2015-16 from IEI Students Chapter - Tamilnadu State Centre held at Adiyaman College of Engineering, Hosur.
15. Young Faculty Award05-07-201505-07-2015Half DayReceived Young Faculty Award from Dr. A. Kalanidhi, Former Vice Chancellor, Anna University Chennai for the contribution and achievement in the field of Mechanical Engineering at Centre for Advanced Research and Design, Venus International Foundation, Chennai
16. RAJIV GANDHI EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD24-07-201324-07-201324-07-2013Received "RAJIV GANDHI EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD" from Former Governor of Punjab for outstanding achievements in the field of Education at New Delhi.
17. MOTHER TERASA SADBHAVANA AWARD28-05-201328-05-201328-05-2013Received "MOTHER TERASA SADBHAVANA AWARD" from His Excellency Shri. Bhisma Narayan Singh, Former Governor of Tamilnadu for outstanding achievements in the field of Education at New Delhi.
18. RASHTRIYA VIDYA GAURAV GOLD MEDAL AWARD28-05-201328-05-201328-05-2013Received "RASHTRIYA VIDYA GAURAV GOLD MEDAL AWARD" from Shri. Johinder Singh, Former CBI Director for outstanding achievements in the field of Education at New Delhi.
19. Long Service Certificate04-01-201304-01-2013Half a DayReceived a Long Service Certificate in appreciation of 10 years of good services with K.L.N. College of Engineering during 12th Founder President Day Celebration held at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Prototyping and Analysis of Knee Implant by Rapid Prototyping05-05-201705-05-2017One DayS. Sabarish and P. Udhayakumar, “JPrototyping and Analysis of Knee Implant by Rapid Prototyping”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Humanities & Science (ICEHS-2017), at Tamilnadu Engineering College, Coimbatore.
2. Prototyping and Analysis of Hip Implant by Rapid Prototyping05-05-201705-05-2017One DayS. Ponsuriya Prakash and P. Udhayakumar, “JPrototyping and Analysis of Knee Implant by Rapid Prototyping”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Humanities & Science (ICEHS-2017), at Tamilnadu Engineering College, Coimbatore.
3. Modificationof Hold Down Plate in Entry Shear of Coil Build Up Line30-03-201630-03-2016One DayK. Anna Lakshmi and P. Udhayakumar, "Modificationof Hold Down Plate in Entry Shear of Coil Build Up Line", Proceedings of the First National Conference on Intelligent Automation in Science Engineering and Technology” held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 30th March 2016.
4. Job and tool scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system using Sheep flock heredity algorithm16-12-201118-12-201116-12-2011 To 18-12-2011P. Udhayakumar, “Job and tool scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system using Sheep flock heredity algorithm”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management (ICASCMM 2011), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 2011.
5. Scheduling products in agile manufacturing system using particle swarm optimization algorithm16-12-201118-12-201116-12-2011 To 18-12-2011P. Udhayakumar and P.G. Gurusamy Pandian “Scheduling products in agile manufacturing system using particle swarm optimization algorithm”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management (ICASCMM 2011), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 2011.
6. Modeling and Analysis of piston using Pro-E and Ansys09-04-201109-04-201109-04-2011J. Sathiyaprakash and P. Udhayakumar, “Modeling and Analysis of piston using Pro-E and Ansys”, Proceedings of the First National Conference on Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Sciences (OPTIMS 2011), Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar, 2011, pp.63-68.
7. Modeling and Analysis of gear plate assembly using Pro-E and Ansys09-04-201109-04-201109-04-2011R. Selvaganesh and P. Udhayakumar, “Modeling and Analysis of gear plate assembly using Pro-E and Ansys”, Proceedings of the First National Conference on Optimization Techniques in Mechanical Sciences (OPTIMS 2011), Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar, 2011, pp.69-75.
8. Design and Fabrication of multi tool holder07-04-201107-04-201107-04-2011K.J. Karthik and P. Udhayakumar, “Design and Fabrication of Multitool holder”, Abstract book of the National Conference on Modern Trends on Automobile Engineering (MTAE 2011), K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, 2011, pp.35.
9. Solar Wax Casting07-04-201107-04-201107-04-2011K. Murugusundaram, P.L. Ravichandran, C. Sundrapandy and P. Udhayakumar, “Solar Wax Casting”, Abstract book of the National Conference on Modern Trends on Automobile Engineering (MTAE 2011), K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, 2011, pp.36.
10. Design and Fabrication of pocket milling in drilling machine07-04-201107-04-201107-04-2011A. Nelson, J. Rajkumar, L. Regis Chella Kumar and P. Udhayakumar, “Design and Fabrication of pocket milling in drilling machine”, Abstract book of the National Conference on Modern Trends on Automobile Engineering (MTAE 2011), K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, 2011, pp.37.
11. Improvement of efficiency in regenerative air pre heater at thermal station07-04-201107-04-201107-04-2011S.R. Sairam, M.S. Dinesh Kumar, K.G. Balaji and P. Udhayakumar, “Improvement of efficiency in regenerative air pre heater at thermal station”, Abstract book of the National Conference on Modern Trends on Automobile Engineering (MTAE 2011), K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, 2011, pp.40.
12. Optimizing total weighted tardiness of single machine scheduling problem15-12-201017-12-201015-12-2010 To 17-12-2010P. Udhayakumar and P.G. Gurusamy Pandian, “Optimizing total weighted tardiness of single machine scheduling problem”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Operational Research for urban and rural development ORSI 2010-ORURD”, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2010, pp.20.
13. Optimizing completion time of FMS Scheduling by Genetic Algorithm15-12-201017-12-201015-12-2010 To 17-12-2010A. Hemalatha and P. Udhayakumar, “Optimizing completion time of FMS Scheduling by Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Operational Research for urban and rural development ORSI 2010 -ORURD”, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2010, pp.137.
14. Design and analysis of chassis frame used in Tata sumo vehicle24-09-201025-09-201024-09-2010 To 25-09-2010P. Udhayakumar, J. Vairamuthu and K. Karthick Balaji, “Design and analysis of chassis frame used in Tata sumo vehicle”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NAME 2010), JNN College of Engineering, Shimoga, Karnataka, 2010, pp.169-174.
15. Improving the weld quality by optimizing the process parameters by using taguchi method30-04-201030-04-201030-04-2010T. Rajalingam and P. Udhayakumar, "Improving the weld quality by optimizing the process parameters by using taguchi method", National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NCAME 10), Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram (W),Tiruchengode (Tk), Namakkal District
16. A simulated annealing algorithm for Flow shop scheduling problem21-04-201021-04-201021-04-2010K. Thiruppathi and P. Udhayakumar, "A simulated annealing algorithm for Flow shop scheduling problem", Book of Abstracts of the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 10), Sengunthar Engineering College, Tiruchengode, pp.4.
17. An ant colony optimization for single row layout problem19-04-201020-04-201019-04-2010 To 20-04-2010P. Udhayakumar and P.G. Gurusamy Pandian, "An ant colony optimization for single row layout problem", Book of Abstracts of the National Conference on Advances in Design and Manufacturing, ADAM 2010, V.L.B. Janakiammal College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, pp.1.
18. Upgradation of the pole screw tightening special purpose machine used in Automobile Industry26-03-201027-03-201026-03-2010 To 27-03-2010K. Vijay, K.R. Kannan and P. Udhayakumar, "Upgradation of the pole screw tightening special purpose machine used in Automobile Industry", Book of Abstracts of the 4th National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering RAIME 2010, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, pp.4.
19. Active schedule generation for lean manufacturing using priority dispatching rule algorithm25-03-201026-03-201025-03-2010 To 26-03-2010S.Solairaj and P. Udhayakumar, "Active schedule generation for lean manufacturing using priority dispatching rule algorithm", Book of Abstracts of the National Conference on Advance and Challenges in Mechanical Engineering (ACME2010), Sengunthar Engineering College, Thudupathi, Erode, pp.4.
20. Solving linear single row layout problem in FMS using simulated annealing algorithm25-03-201026-03-201025-03-2010 To 26-03-2010P.G. Gurusamy Pandian and P. Udhayakumar, "Solving linear single row layout problem in FMS using simulated annealing algorithm", Book of Abstracts of the National Conference on Optimization Techniques in Engineering Sciences and Technologies OPTEST 2010, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp.1.
21. Analysis of Pin Modification in Vertical Roller Mill Pre Grinder in Cement Industry20-03-201020-03-201020-03-2010V. Murugavel and P. Udhayakumar, "Analysis of Pin Modification in Vertical Roller Mill Pre Grinder in Cement Industry", Proceedings of the National Conference on Preferment in Mechanical Engineering PIME 2010, Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, pp.39-43.
22. Automatic jewel fixing unit used in watch industry19-03-201020-03-201019-03-2010 To 20-03-2010M. Elangovan, P. Vijayarajan and P. Udhayakumar, "Automatic Jewel Fixing Unit used in Watch Industry", National Conference on Research Trends in Design and Manufacturing for sustainability (RTDMS-2010), Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore. (Proceedings available in CD)
23. Optimization of cell formation in cellular manufacturing using Memetic algorithm12-03-201012-03-201012-03-2010T. Ramanathan and P. Udhayakumar, "Optimization of cell formation in cellular manufacturing using Memetic algorithm", Proceedings of the National Conference on National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, ITME-2010, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram,2010, pp.82-90.
24. Optimization of scheduling products in agile manufacturing using ant colony optimization algorithm03-03-201003-03-201003-03-2010T. Albert Anand and P. Udhayakumar, "Optimization of scheduling products in agile manufacturing using ant colony optimization algorithm",Book of Abstracts of the National Conference on Optimization Techniques, NCOT’10, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp.8-9.
25. Solving flow shop scheduling problem using Genetic algorithm30-01-201030-01-201030-01-2010K. Thiruppathi and P. Udhayakumar, “Solving flow shop scheduling problem using Genetic algorithm”, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on “Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering-2010 (RAME 2010)”, K.S. Rengasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, 2010, pp.10.
26. Optimizing Tardiness of Job and Tool in a FMS using Genetic and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm06-01-201008-01-201006-01-2010 To 08-01-2010P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “Optimizing Tardiness of Job and Tool in a FMS using Genetic and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm”, Souvenir of the International Conference on “Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications (ICAIEA 2010)”, Anna University Chennai, Chennai, 2010, pp.27.
27. Optimizing tardiness of job and tool in a FMS using Genetic algorithm17-12-200919-12-200917-12-2009 To 19-12-2009P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “Optimizing tardiness of job and tool in a FMS using Genetic algorithm”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Latest Trends in Simulation Modeling and Analysis (COSMA 2009)”, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, 2009, pp.15-18.
28. Multi objective task scheduling of AGV in flexible manufacturing system using GA and PSO algorithm17-12-200919-12-200917-12-2009 To 19-12-2009P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “Multi objective task scheduling of AGV in flexible manufacturing system using GA and PSO algorithm”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Latest Trends in Simulation Modeling and Analysis (COSMA 2009)”, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, 2009, pp.37-41.
29. Sequencing and Scheduling of Job and Tool in a FMS using Particle Swarm Optimization05-11-200906-11-200905-11-2009 to 06-11-2009P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, "Sequencing and Scheudling of Job and Tool in a FMs using Particle Swarm Optimization", 9th International Consortium of Students in Management Research, COSMAR 2009 organized by Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2009.
30. A Study on Marketing of Amway Products in Madurai City25-09-200925-09-200925-09-2009P. Udhayakumar, “A Study on Marketing of Amway Products in Madurai City”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Organizational Strategies for Current Economic Scenario 2009” organized by Department of Management Studies, K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, 2009.
31. Reclamation of Casting tyre failure by welding13-03-200914-03-200913-03-2009 To 14-03-2009N. Devaraja, V. Murugavel and P. Udhayakumar, “Reclamation of Casting tyre failure by welding”, Book of Abstracts of the 3rd National Conference on “Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering”, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, pp.6
32. Genetic Algorithm for Flexible Manufacturing System – A Comparison of different crossover operators--2004P. Udhayakumar and T. Prabaharan, “Genetic Algorithm for Flexible Manufacturing System – A Comparison of different crossover operators”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Total Engineering, Analysis and Manufacturing Technologies”, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2004, pp.61-62.
33. Joint Operation and Tool Schedule in an Automated Manufacturing System / FMC using GA--2004T. Prabaharan, P.R. Nakeeran, N. Jawahar and P. Udhayakumar, “Joint Operation and Tool Schedule in an Automated Manufacturing System / FMC using GA”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management”, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, 2004, pp.281-286.
34. A Heuristic Approach for Routing and Dispatching of Automated Guided Vehicles--2005P. Udhayakumar, A. Asha and S. Kumanan, “A Heuristic Approach for Routing and Dispatching of Automated Guided Vehicles”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Advances in Materials, Product Design and Manufacturing Systems”, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, 2005, pp.601-607.
35. AGV Task Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems using Genetic Algorithm--2006P. Udhayakumar and S. Kumanan, “AGV Task Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems using Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Total Engineering, Analysis and Manufacturing Technologies”, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2006, pp.83.
36. Energy Audit and Energy Conservation in Domestic Sector--2003P. Udhayakumar, “Energy Audit and Energy Conservation in Domestic Sector”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Recent Trends in Energy Engineering”, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, 2003, pp.96-105.
37. A Metaheuristic Approach to Flexible Manufacturing Systems--2004P. Udhayakumar and T. Prabaharan, “A Metaheuristic Approach to Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Development and Challenges in Manufacturing Engineering”, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, 2004, pp.842-850.
38. A Genetic Algorithm using Job Based Order Crossover for Flexible Manufacturing Cell Scheduling Problems--2005P. Udhayakumar, T. Prabaharan, K. Dhivya Dhurga and J. Shalini “A Genetic Algorithm using Job Based Order Crossover for Flexible Manufacturing Cell Scheduling Problems”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Competitive Manufacturing Technology and Management for Global Marketing”, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, 2005, pp.149-154.
39. Memetic Algorithm for Flexible Manufacturing System--2005P. Udhayakumar, A. Asha, N. Rajkumar and S. Venkateshkumar, “Memetic Algorithm for Flexible Manufacturing System”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Advances in Manufacturing Technology in the Era of Globalization”, Pune Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pune, 2005, pp.277-282.
40. Tabu Search Algorithm for Scheduling--2005A. Asha, P. Udhayakumar, M.R.S. Kubendranath and T.R. Dineshbabu, “Tabu Search Algorithm for Scheduling”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Thermal Engineering, Competitive Manufacturing and Management”, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, 2005.
41. A Genetic Algorithm using Subsequence Exchange Crossover for Flexible Manufacturing System Scheduling Problems--2005N. Rajkumar, P. Udhayakumar, A. Asha and S. Ganapathy, “A Genetic Algorithm using Subsequence Exchange Crossover for Flexible Manufacturing System Scheduling Problems”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “A Emerging Technologies in Advanced Manufacturing”, K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, 2005, pp.60-65.
42. Design and Fabrication of Non Intelligent Automated Guided Vehicle for Flexible Manufacturing System--2005Ka. Vinodhan, P. Udhayakumar, A.Asha and T.R. Kannan, “Design and Fabrication of Non Intelligent Automated Guided Vehicle for Flexible Manufacturing System”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Contemporary Approaches in Design and manufacturing”, A.C. College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, 2005, pp.5.48-5.51.
43. Simultaneous Scheduling of Job and Tool in a Tool Constraint Flexible Manufacturing System using Ant Colony Algorithm--2005S. Venkateshkumar, P. Udhayakumar, A.Asha and S. Ganapathy, “Simultaneous Scheduling of Job and Tool in a Tool Constraint Flexible Manufacturing System using Ant Colony Algorithm”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Contemporary Approaches in Design and Manufacturing”, A.C. College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, 2005, pp.5.22-5.25.
44. A Comparative Study of Tool Constraint Flexible Manufacturing System using GA and ACO--2006A. Asha and P. Udhayakumar, “A Comparative Study of Tool Constraint Flexible Manufacturing System using GA and ACO”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering”, B.M.S College of Engineering, Bangalore, 2006, pp.61.
45. A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Tool Constraint Flexible Manufacturing System--2006S. Threshkumar, P. Udhayakumar, A.Asha and S. Ganapathy, “A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Tool Constraint Flexible Manufacturing System”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Contemporary Approaches in Design and Manufacturing”, A.C. College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, 2006, pp.1.79-1.82.
46. Optimization of Single Row Facility Layout using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm--2006S. Arunkumar, A.Asha, P. Udhayakumar, and S. Ganapathy, “Optimization of Single Row Facility Layout using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Contemporary Approaches in Design and Manufacturing”, A.C. College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, 2006, pp.1.75-1.78.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. 37th Indian Engineering Congress16-12-202218-12-2022Three DaysTheme: Role of Engineers for creating a sustainable & Self Reliant India held at Hotel Le Royal Meridian, Chennai
2. Convener - Mini Project Contest08-04-201508-04-2015One DayMini Project Contest - III Year Mechanical Engineering Students Chief Guest: Mr. G. Bhagawathi Perumal, Technical Manager, Firestone TVS Private Limited, Madurai.
3. Convener - Basics of Labview and Applications12-03-201513-03-201312-03-2015 To 13-03-2015Two Day Workshop on Basics of Labview and Applications. (Self Supporting Programme) Total No. of participants attended: 38
4. Co-Ordinator - Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Techniques06-11-201320-11-201306-11-2013 To 20-11-2013AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Techniques. Total amount sanctioned from AICTE: Rs.6,20,000/-. Total Number of Participants:54
5. Co-ordinator - Research Methodology24-09-201025-09-201024-09-2010 To 25-09-2010TNSCST sponsored Two Day Workshop on Research Methodology. Total amount sanctioned from TNSCST: Rs.10,000/- Total No. of participants attended: 68
6. Co-ordinator IMPELZ 201008-09-201008-09-201008-09-2010National Level Students Technical Symposium IMPELZ 2010
7. Co-ordinator - Optimization Techniques03-04-200904-04-200903-04-2009 To 04-04-2009Two Day Workshop on Optimization Technqiues (Self Supporting Course) Total No. of Participants Attended: 46
8. Co-Ordinator - Finite Element Analysis Using ANSYS10-09-200814-09-200810-09-2008 To 14-09-2008Short Term Course on Finite Element Analysis Using ANSYS (Self Supporting Course)
9. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized08-04-200608-04-200608-04-2006College campus & Hotel Fortune Pandiyan, Madurai No. of Alumni attended : 50
10. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized19-03-200619-03-200619-03-2006Hotel St.Marks, Bangalore No. of Alumni attended : 59
11. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized19-02-200619-02-200619-02-2006Hotel The Residency, Chennai No. of Alumni attended : 83
12. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized02-11-200502-11-200502-11-2005College Campus No. of Alumni attended : 67
13. Co-ordinator - Workshop on CAD/CAM14-08-200514-08-200514-08-2005One Day Workshop on CAD/CAM organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in collaboration with K.L.N College of Engineering and R.V.S College of Engineering and Technology conducted by Mechanical Engineering. Department (KLNCE).
14. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized13-11-200413-11-200413-11-2004Hotel Madurai Residency, Madurai No. of Alumni attended : 120
15. Co-ordinator - C Programming Course09-09-200429-10-200409-09-2004 To 29-10-2004C Programming Course conducted by Mechanical Engineering Department
16. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized04-06-200404-06-200404-06-2004College Campus No. of Alumni attended : 27
17. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized10-01-200410-01-200410-01-2004KLNCE campus & Hotel Fortune Pandiyan, Madurai No. of Alumni attended : 120
18. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized30-11-200330-11-200330-11-2003Hotel The Residency, Chennai No. of Alumni attended : 89
19. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized16-11-200316-11-200316-11-2003Hotel St.Marks, Bangalore No. of Alumni attended : 36
20. Alumni President - Alumni Meeting Organized14-11-200314-11-200314-11-2003Hotel Duke, Madurai No. of Alumni attended : 36

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. ISHRAE South RCC Meeting 217-09-201717-09-2017One DayParticipated in ISHRAE South RCC Meeting 2 held at Hotel Zone by the Park, Coimbatore.
2. CONCLAVE20-05-201720-05-2017One DayParticipated in One Day Conclave on Creating Competent Engineers for a New India, with Innovative Minds and Entrepreneurial Capabilities organized by Consortium of Self - Financing Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in Tamilnadu at The Raintree Hotel, Chennai
3. HR SUMMIT ICTACT Bridge 201616-11-201616-11-2016One DayParticipated in HR Summit ICTACT Bridge 2016 held at Hotel Fortune Pandian, Madurai
4. Placement Officer Meeting04-11-201604-11-2016Half a DayParticipated in the Placement Officer Meeting at HCL Talent Care, Sholinganallur, Chennai
5. National Summit21-07-201622-07-20162 DaysParticipated in the 4th National Summit on Sustainable Institute Industry Partnership organized by Society for Educational and Entrepreneurship Development (SEED) held at India International Centre, New Delhi
6. Leadership Meet organized by ICT Academy06-03-201606-03-2016Half a DayParticipated in Leadership Meet organized by ICTACT held at Hotel The Gate Way, Madurai.
7. Orientation Programme for Placement and Training Officers05-01-201606-01-2016Two DaysParticipated in the 2-day Orientation Programme for Placement and Training Officers organized by Centre for University Industry Collaboration, Anna University Chennai.
8. NIDays 201519-11-201519-11-2015One DayParticipated in NIDays 2015 organized by National Instruments held at Hotel Leela Palace, Bangalore
9. HR SUMMIT ICTACT Bridge 201528-10-201528-10-2015One DayParticipated in HR Summit ICTACT Bridge 2015 held at Hotel Fortune Pandian, Madurai
10. Outcome Based NBA03-10-201503-10-2015One DayParticipated in One Day Workshop on OUTCOME BASED NBA at Anna University Chennai.
11. Placement Officer Meeting14-07-201515-07-2015Two DaysParticipated in the Placement Officer Meeting (SPARSH 15) Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) at Hotel Gate Way, Madurai
12. Campus Connect Progamme02-03-201502-03-201502-03-2015Campus Connect Programme Principal's Meet 2015 organized by INFOSYS Limited, Mahendra City DC, Chennai.
13. Strategic Planning on Institutional Development28-02-201528-02-201528-02-2015Seminar on "Strategic Planning on Institutional Development" organized by Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC), K.L.N. College of Engineering. Resource Person: Dr. D. Brahadeeswaran, Vice-President, SEED, Chennai.
14. HR SUMMIT ICTACT Bridge 201415-10-201415-10-2014One DayParticipated in HR Summit ICTACT Bridge 2014 held at Hotel Fortune Pandian, Madurai
15. Placement Officer Meeting18-07-201418-07-201418-07-2014Participated in the Placement Officer Meeting at TECH MAHINDRA, Sholinganalur, Chennai.
16. Placement Officer Meeting02-07-201403-07-201402-07-2014 to 03-07-2014Participated in the Placement Officer Meeting (SPARSH 14) at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Siruseri, Chennai.
17. Campus Connect Progamme24-02-201424-02-201424-02-2014Campus Connect Programme Principal's Meet 2014 organized by INFOSYS Limited, Mahendra City DC, Chennai.
18. Latest Development in CAD/CAM26-08-201306-09-201326-08-2013 To 06-09-2013Two Weeks AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Program on "Latest Development in CAD/CAM" organized by Advance Tooling and Plastics Product Development Centre (ATPDC) - CIPET, Madurai.
19. Analytical Hierarchy Process12-02-201312-02-201312-02-2013One Day Workshop on "Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Introduction, Overview and Application to Measure Service Quality held at Madurai School of Management, T. Vadipatti, Madurai. Course Faculty: Dr. Ramakrishnan Ramanathan, Professor of Operations Management, University of Bedfordshire Business School, Luton, UK.
20. Advanced Engineering Optimization through Intelligent Techniques07-01-201311-01-201307-01-2013 To 11-01-2013One week short term training program on Advanced Engineering Optimization through Intelligent Techniques organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat. Course Faculty: Dr. R. Venkata Rao.
21. Finite Element Method12-12-201215-12-201212-12-2012 To 15-12-2012Four Days short course on Finite Element Method organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering, SRM University, Chennai. Course Faculty: Dr. J.N. REDDY, Distinguished Professor in Mech. Engg., Texas A&M University, College Station USA.
22. Multi Criteria Decision Making Models10-08-201211-08-201210-08-2012 To 11-08-2012Two Days National Workshop on Optimization Techniques for Multi Criteria Decision Making Models (OTMCDM ) held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
23. Solar Energy and its Applications19-04-201219-04-201219-04-2012One Day Seminar on Solar Energy and its Applications organized by Anna University of Technology Madurai in association with CSIR - Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CECRI) at Anna University of Technology Madurai.
24. Finite Element Method and Practical Stress Analysis12-12-201113-12-201112-12-2011 To 13-12-2011Pre Conference Workshop on Finite Element Method and Practical Stress Analysis organized by NAFEMS held at Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore.
25. Evolutionary Algorithms in Research06-07-201106-07-201106-07-2011Staff Development Programme on "Evolutionary algorithms in research" organized by the Department of Information Technology, K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
26. Multi Criteria Decision Making14-12-201014-12-201014-12-2010Pre-Conference Tutorial and One Day Workshop on "Multi Criteria Decision Making" held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai and ORSI - Madurai Chapter.
27. 3D Modeling and Design Validation using Solidworks06-03-201006-03-201006-03-2010One day workshop on "3D Modeling and Design Validation using Solidworks" held at Anna University Tiruchirappalli
28. Modeling and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems using WITNESS04-02-201025-02-201004-02-2010 To 05-02-2010Two Day Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems using WITNESS held at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
29. Nobel Laureate Lecture Series23-09-200923-09-200923-09-2009Stone Cold Science: Bose-Einstein Condensation, A Lecture by Dr. Eric A. Cornell, Nobel Laureate in Physics organized by Honeywell-Nobel Laureate Lecture Series in association with Thiagarajar College of Engineering at TCE, Madurai.
30. Integrated 5S Activities20-03-200920-03-200920-03-2009One Day Training Programme on Integrated 5S Activities organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Southern Region, at Hotel Metropole, Madurai
31. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design using ANSYS28-08-200701-09-200728-08-2007 To 01-09-2007Continuing Education Programme on Finite Elements in Analysis and Design using ANSYS held at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
32. Recent Trends in Manufacturing Management Systems11-06-200715-06-200711-06-2007 To 15-06-2007AICTE sponsored short term course on Recent Trends in Manufacturing Management Systems organized by the Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
33. Optimization Algorithms for Manufacturing Techniques09-06-200610-06-200609-06-2006 To 10-06-2006Two Day workshop on Optimization algorithms for Manufacturing Techniques held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
34. Rapid Manufacturing Technologies28-02-200602-03-200628-02-2006 To 02-03-2006Workshop on Rapid Manufacturing Technologies held at IISc, Bangalore
35. Excel for Scientists and Engineers20-01-200621-01-200620-01-2006 To 21-01-2006Two Days Workshop on Excel for Scientists and Engineers held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
36. Lesson Plan and Class Notes Preparation07-12-200502-01-200607-12-2005 to 02-01-2006Workshop on Lesson Plan and Class Notes Preparation organized by ISTE Chapter held at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
37. Optimization Techniques for Engineering Applications10-03-200511-03-200510-03-2005 To 11-03-2005Seminar on Optimization Techniques for Engineering Applications held at R.V.S. College of Engineering & Technology, Dindugul
38. Advances in Composites Manufacturing Techniques22-11-200427-11-200422-11-2004 To 27-11-2004AICTE-ISTE Short Term Training Programme on Advances in Composites Manufacturing Techniques held at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
39. Students Guidance and Counseling27-08-200429-08-200427-08-2004 To 29-08-2004Quality Improvement programme on Students guidance and Counseling organized by NITTR, Chennai held at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
40. Team Building31-07-200431-07-200431-07-2004One Day Programme on Team Building organized by ISTE Staff Chapter held at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
41. Teaching Methodologies11-05-200416-05-200411-05-2004 To 16-05-2004Quality Improvement programme on Teaching Methodologies organized by NITTR, Chennai held at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
42. Teaching Methodologies12-12-200313-12-200312-12-2003 To 13-12-2003Two Day training programme on Teaching Methodologies held at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
43. Computational Fluid Dynamics08-12-200308-12-200308-12-2003One Day Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
44. Global Trends in Manufacturing Technology25-07-200325-07-200325-07-2003 To 25-07-2003National Seminar on Global Trends in Manufacturing Technology held at Anna University, Chennai
45. CAD/CAM09-06-200313-06-200309-06-2003 To 13-06-2003Centre for Faculty Development Programme, Anna University on CAD/CAM at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
46. CAD/CAM/CAE01-09-200101-09-200101-09-2001One Day Workshop on CAD/CAM/CAE held at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Commercial, Domestic Air Conditioners Installation & Trouble Shooting13-04-201813-04-2018Half DayOrganized by ISHRAE MADURAI CHAPTER
2. STUDENT DAY03-02-201803-02-2018One DayOrganized ISHRAE Student Day in association with ISHRAE Madurai
3. OBE - National & International Accreditation07-01-201807-01-2018One DayAttended One Day Pre Conference Workshop on "Outcome Based Education - National and International Accreditation" held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.

Expert Talk
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Outcome Based Education04-04-201904-04-2019Half DayDelivered an expert talk on "Outcome Based Education" in lieu of NBA Accreditation for the benefit of the faculties of CIPET:CSTS, Madurai

Industrial Visit
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Industrial Training28-05-201802-06-2018One WeekUndergone Industrial Training at SPM Design, Madurai to acquire practical experience

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Member in Board of Studies22-09-201922-09-2022Three YearsMember in the Board of Studies of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University Chennai
2. Syllabus Sub Committee Member - PG Degree Programmes19-11-201619-11-2016One DayAppointed as a Member of the Syllabus Sub Committee for framing the Curriculum and Syllabi for M.E. Computer Aided Design, M.E. Engineering Design, M.E. CAD / CAM and M.E. Product Design and Development to be offered in PG Degree Programmes underR-2017 by the Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Institutions of Anna University Chennai under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
3. FELLOW MEMBER30-06-201630-06-2016Life MemberFellow Member (F-1213586) in The Institution of Engineers (India)

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Defense Recruitment Exam15-03-201515-03-201515-03-2015CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Defense Recruitment Written Exam for the Chargemen Posts at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 2000
2. Online 2015 GATE Exam07-02-201507-02-201507.02.2015Acted as a DEPUTY PRESIDING OFFICER for conducting Online GATE 2015 Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
3. Online 2015 GATE Exam31-01-201501-02-201531.01.15 & 01.02.15Acted as a DEPUTY PRESIDING OFFICER for conducting Online GATE 2015 Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
4. Marquis Who's who in the world, USA01-01-201531-12-20152015My Biography was included in 33rd Pearl Anniversary Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the World, USA in 2015.
5. TOP 100 ENGINEERS 201501-01-201531-12-20152015My name was recognized in TOP 100 ENGINEERS 2015 by the International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England.
6. Tamilnadu Postal Circle - Postman / Mail Guard Exam28-12-201428-12-201428-12-2014Chief Examiner for conducting Department of Postal Exam, Recruitment for Postman / Mail Guard Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 3000.
7. Defense Recruitment Exam07-12-201407-12-201407-12-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Defense Recruitment Written Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 2160
8. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam30-11-201430-11-201430-11-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block -A, at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
9. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam30-11-201430-11-201430-11-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block -A, at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
10. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam30-11-201430-11-201430-11-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block -A, at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
11. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam30-11-201430-11-201430-11-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block -A, at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
12. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam23-11-201423-11-201423-11-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block -A, at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
13. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam16-11-201416-11-201416-11-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block - C at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
14. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam09-11-201409-11-201409-11-2014CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block - C at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
15. Department of Post - Recruitment - Offline Exam01-06-201401-06-201401-06-2014Chief Superintendent for conducting Department of Postal Exam, Recruitment of Multi Tasking Staff - OFFLINE Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 2700
16. Department of Post - Recruitment - Offline Exam11-05-201411-05-201411-05-2014Chief Superintendent for conducting Department of Postal Exam, Recruitment OFFLINE Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 2700
17. Online GATE 2014 Exam01-03-201402-03-201401-03-2014 & 02-03-2014Acted as a DEPUTY PRESIDING OFFICER for conducting Online GATE 2014 Exam for CENTER - 2 at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
18. Online GATE 2014 Exam15-02-201416-02-201415-02-2014 & 16-02-2014Acted as a DEPUTY PRESIDING OFFICER for conducting Online GATE 2014 Exam for CENTER - 2 at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
19. JIPMER Recruitment Offline Exam09-02-201409-02-201409-02-2014CO-CONVENER for conducting Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicheery Recruitment OFFLINE Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 2080
20. Online GATE 2014 Exam02-02-201402-02-201402-02-2014Acted as a DEPUTY PRESIDING OFFICER for conducting Online GATE 2014 Exam for CENTER - 2 at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
21. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam01-12-201301-12-201301-12-2013CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block -A at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
22. Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam17-11-201317-11-201317-11-2013CO-ORDINATOR for conducting Railway Recruitment Cell Written Exam for Block -A, at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 1000
23. National Insurance Corporation Limited Written Exam14-07-201314-07-201314-07-2013CO-ORDINATOR for conducting National Insurance Corporation Limited Written Exam at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam. Total Number of Students: 5400
24. Syllabus Sub Committee Member- Anna University, Chennai16-03-201316-03-201316-03-2013Member of the Syllabus Sub Committee for framing the Curricula and Syllabi (R2013) for Post Graduate Courses offered by the Engineering Colleges under Affiliation to Anna University Chennai under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering held at Henry Maudsly Hall, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
25. Launch of Engineering Design Skill Contest for Integrated Product Development07-02-201307-02-201307-02-2013Participated in the Launch of Engineering Design Skill Contest for Integrated Product Development organized by Innovent Engineering in association with NAFEMS-India and ANSYS-India held at the Hotel CAG-Pride, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore.
26. Online GATE 2013 Exam20-01-201320-01-201320-01-2013Acted as a DEPUTY PRESIDING OFFICER for conducting Online GATE 2013 Exam for CENTER - 2 at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
27. Long Service Certificate04-01-201304-01-201304-01-2013Received a Long Service Certificate in appreciation of 10 years of good services with K.L.N. College of Engineering during 12th Founder President Day Celebration held at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam.
28. REVIEWER20-09-2012-From 20-09-2012 OnwardsREVIEWER for the Universal Journal of Marketing and Business Research (ISSN: 2315-5000).
30. REVIEWER12-07-2012-12-07-2012 OnwardsREVIEWER for the International Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences.
31. Workshop on Lesson Plan30-05-201230-05-201230-05-2012Guest Lecture delivered - How to Prepare Lesson Plan at K.L.N. College of Engineering
32. REVIEWER19-07-201019-07-2010From 19-07-2010 onwardsREVIEWER for the International Journal of Automation in Construction (Elsevier Editorial System).
33. Overview of FEM and its applications14-09-200814-09-200814-09-2008Guest Lecture Delivered - Short term course on Finite Element Analysis Using ANSYS at K.L.N College of Engineering
34. Overview of ANSYS14-09-200814-09-200814-09-2008Guest Lecture Delivered - Short term course on Finite Element Analysis Using ANSYS at K.L.N College of Engineering
35. Finite Element Method - Direct Stiffness Method13-09-200813-09-200813-09-2008Guest Lecture Delivered - Short term course on Finite Element Analysis Using ANSYS at K.L.N College of Engineering
36. Introduction to the Finite Element Analysis10-09-200810-09-200810-09-2008Guest Lecture Delivered - Short term course on Finite Element Analysis Using ANSYS at K.L.N College of Engineering
37. One Dimensional Heat Transfer Problem in FEA10-09-200810-09-200810-09-2008Guest Lecture Delivered - Short term course on Finite Element Analysis Using ANSYS at K.L.N College of Engineering
38. Vetriyin Rakasiyam15-02-200815-02-200815-02-2008Guest Lecture Delivered at NSS Camp, Sakkudi Village
39. Hydraulic Valves05-12-200510-12-200505-12-2005 to 10-12-2005Guest Lecture Delivered - Faculty Development Programme at K.L.N College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
40. Genetic Algorithm30-10-200430-10-200430-10-2004Guest Lecture Delivered - Faculty Development Forum at K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
41. CNC Programming14-08-200414-08-200414-08-2004Guest Lecture delivered - One Day Workshop on CAD/CAM organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in collaboration with K.L.N College of Engineering and R.V.S College of Engineering and Technology conducted by Mechanical Engineering. Department (KLNCE).
42. Marquis Who's who in the world, USA--November 2012My Biography was included in 30th Pearl Anniversary Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the World, USA in November 2012.
43. TOP 100 Engineers 2013--2013My name was recognized in TOP 100 ENGINEERS 2013 by the International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England.
44. Who's who in the world, USA--2014My Biography was included in 32nd Pearl Anniversary Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the World, USA in 2014.

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Four Wheeled Two-Seaters in Campus Electric Vehicle08-03-202323-05-202310 WeeksDesign No: 381066-001 Received Certificate of Registration of Design
2. Experiments on ABS Cellulose Composite26-11-202223-12-2022Five WeeksApplication No: 202241068099 - Institutional Patent Filled and Published
3. Machine Learning and IoT approaches for probabilistic method in applied mathematics for agricultural tracking farming system16-11-202223-12-2022Six WeeksApplication No:202241065762 - Indian Patent Filled and Published
4. Conveyor System for Assembling and Stacking Sliced Food Products12-11-202218-11-2022One WeekApplication No:202241064838 - Indian Patent Filled and Published

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