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Scholarships And Loans
Name Govt. of India National scholarship scheme
Value For Day scholars Rs.120/- per month for Hostellers Rs.300/- per month
Eligibility etc. Should have received the scholarship during Hr.Sec. Course (No fresh onwards) should pass with at least 60% in the aggregate, for renewal.
Name Govt. of India Merit scholarship children of primary and secondary school teachers
Value For Day scholars Rs.125/- per month for Hostellers Rs.170/- per month
Eligibility etc. Should have received the scholarship during Hr.Sec. Course (No fresh onwards) should pass with at least 60% in the aggregate, for renewal.
Name Govt. of India Post – Matric Scholarship to SC & ST students
Value For Day scholars Rs.330/- per month plus Examination fees and Special fees for Hostellers Rs.740/- per month plus Exam Fees & Special fees.
Eligibility etc. Parent’s Income not to exceed Rs.2,50,000/- per annum
Name State Govt. Scholarship to BC, MBC
Post Matric. BC, MBC – For Days scholars Rs.320/- and Exam Fees per year.  BC – For Hostelers Rs.550/- per year and Exam Fees. MBC/DNC – For Hosteler Rs.1400/- per year and exam fees.
Free Education BC, MBC – For Days Scholars Rs.2600/- and Exam Fees per year. BC – For Hostelers Rs.3150/- per year and Exam Fees. MBC /  DNC – For Hosteler Rs.4000/- per year and exam Fees
Eligibility Etc., Parents income not to exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum
Name Tamil Nadu Educational Loan
Value Tuition Fees, Special Fees, Cost of test bookx & Instruments, Maintenance allowance
Eligibility etc. Children of N.G.O.’s and Teachers in elementary or secondary school. Parent’s annual income not to exceed Rs.30,000/-
Name Tamil Nadu Adi – Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Dept., Loan scholarship
Value Rs.8,000/- per annum
Eligibility etc. To execute a bond with the Govt. only by Hostellers
Name National Scholarship Portal
Value Tuition Fees, Special Fees, Cost of test bookx & Instruments, Maintenance allowance
Eligibility Parent’s Income depends upon the scheme displayed in the scholarship portal (
Name Central Sector Scholarship Scheme
Value Tuition Fees, Special Fees, Cost of test bookx & Instruments, Maintenance allowance
Eligibility Parent’s Income not to exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum
Name Merit Cum Means Scholarship For For Professional and Technical Courses CS
Value Tuition Fees, Special Fees, Cost of test bookx & Instruments, Maintenance allowance
Eligibility Parent’s Income depends upon the scheme displayed in the scholarship portal (
Name Pragathi-saksham scholarship (only for Female student/Physically challenged student)
Value Tuition Fees, Special Fees, Cost of test bookx & Instruments, Maintenance allowance
Eligibility Parent’s Income depends upon the scheme displayed in the scholarship portal (
M/s. S.J. Jindal Trust Scholarship
Besides the Government Scholarship, M/s. S.J. Jindal Trust of Bangalore is giving attractive scholarship to the meritorious students of our college.
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