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Assistant Professor 2
Experience :6.1 (Y.M)
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Academic Profile
Awards / Achievements1
Training Course2

Awards / Achievements
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Inernational Women's Day Excellence Awards08-03-201808-03-20181 DayInernational Women's Day Excellence Awards at KLNCE

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. National Confrerence on Frontier Areas in Chemistry26-02-201527-02-201522 DaysNational Confrerence on Frontier Areas in Chemistry

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Seminar Lean Management on Supplies16-06-202316-06-20231 DaySeminar Lean Management on Supplies organised by SRM MIET
2. Seminar on Two Wheeler Safty System06-06-202306-06-20231 DaySeminar on Two Wheeler Safty System organised by SRM-MCET
3. Online Webinar on "Modernization and its Environmental Concerns"29-05-202329-05-20231 DayOnline Webinar on "Modernization and its Environmental Concerns" organised by SRM-MCET
4. Seminar on Solar Eruptions Engineering and Technology12-05-202312-05-20231 DaySeminar on Solar Eruptions Engineering and Technology organised by SRM-MICET
5. Seminar The Rising Startup Ecosystem in Tier 2 and Tiet 3 cities and its Opportunities20-04-202320-04-20231 DaySeminar The Rising Startup Ecosystem in Tier 2 and Tiet 3 cities and its Opportunities organised by SRM-MIET
6. Seminar on Thozhil Seya Virunbu08-03-202308-03-20231 DaySeminar on Thozhil Seya Virunbu
7. "IEEE Xplore"09-09-202209-09-20221 DayWebinar on "IEEE Xplore" at KLNCE
8. State Level Workshop on Chromatograpy Techniques (CT-2017)23-09-201723-09-20171 DayDepartment of Chemistry KLNCE organised State Level Workshop on Chromatograpy Techniques (CT-2017)
9. National Semiar on Nanomaterials in Environmental and Energy Applocations15-09-201716-09-20172 DaysNational Semiar on Nanomaterials in Environmental and Energy Applocations sponsered by Science and Engineering Research Board and organised by S.B.K college, Aruppukottai

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. One Day Workshop on Energy Conservation and Management in Industries by using Solar Power Plant26-08-202226-08-20221DayISTE Staff & Students Chapter - KLNCE Organized One Day Workshop on Energy Conservation and Management in Industries by using Solar Power Plant
2. One Day Workshop on Innovation and Importance of Inveter Air Conditioner and Refrigrator22-06-202222-06-20221 DayOne Day Workshop on Innovation and Importance of Inveter Air Conditioner and Refrigrator at ISTE Staff & Students Chapter- KLNCE
3. Workshop on CO-PO Mapping & ICT Tools09-12-202109-12-20211 DayQC-QE KLNCE Sponsered One Day Workshop on CO-PO Mapping & ICT Tools at KLNCE
4. Workshop on Silk Thread Jewellery01-02-201801-02-20181 DayWomen Empowerment Cell KLNCE organised One Day Workshop on Silk Thread Jewellery
5. One Day Workshop on The Essential Traits of Teaching Methadologies06-09-201606-09-20161 DayStaff Development Cell- KLNCE organised One Day Workshop on The Essential Traits of Teaching Methadologies

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Emerging Trends in Chemistry13-12-202115-12-20213 DaysFDP on Emerging Trends in Chemistry at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode.

Training Course
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. IP Awarness/ Training Program on National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission11-02-202111-02-20211 DayIP Awarness/ Training Program on National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission at KLNCE
2. Employability Skill Development Programe in "Banking Financial Services and Insurence"(BSFI)24-06-201515-07-201522 DaysTamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation Organised and ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu conducted Employability Skill development Training in "Banking Financial Services and Insurence"(BSFI)

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. "You are not sick, You are thirst!"26-05-202326-05-20231 DaySRM-MCET organised program on "You are not sick, You are thirst!"
2. ISHRAE Student Chapter - An awareness to Faculty Members13-05-202313-05-20231 DayISHRAE Student Chapter - An awareness to Faculty Members organised by SRM-MITE
3. Awareness Program on ISTE13-04-202313-04-20231 DayAwareness Program on ISTE organised by SRM-Madurai Institute of Engineering and Technilogy
4. One Day Awareness Program an Outcome Based NBA Accreditation24-09-202224-09-20221 DayOne Day Awareness Program an Outcome Based NBA Accreditation organised by KLNCE
5. AKAM-ANU-YATRA 2022o on "Atoms in the service of the Nation"29-07-202230-07-20222 DaysKLNCE in association with Indra Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam on AKAM-ANU-YATRA 2022o on "Atoms in the service of the Nation"

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