| DR. D.PRADEEP KANNAN [10709003] Professor & MR Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering |  | |
Paper Publication (International) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Design and modeling of Fractional order PI controller for a coupled spherical tank MIMO System | 11-05-2015 | 11-05-2015 | one day | PradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2015, ‘Design and modeling of Fractional order PI controller for a coupled spherical tank MIMO System’, Published on line in Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol.9, no.5, pp. 477- 485. (Annexure II, ISSN 1991-8178) | 2. | Control of a non-linear coupled spherical tank process using GA tuned PID controller | 15-09-2014 | 15-09-2014 | one day | PradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2014, ‘Control of a non-linear coupled spherical tank process using GA tuned PID controller’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, Special Issue 3, pp. 580-586. ISSN (Online 2319-8753) | 3. | Implementation of gain scheduled PID controller for a nonlinear coupled spherical tank process | 10-07-2014 | 10-07-2014 | one day | 1. PradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2014, ‘Implementation of gain scheduled PID controller for a nonlinear coupled spherical tank process’, Published on line International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 93-98 (Annexure II, ISSN 2077124X). | 4. | Particle Swarm Optimization tuned Fractional order PID controller for a Non-linear MIMO Spherical tank system | 12-03-2012 | 12-03-2012 | one day | PradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2012, ‘Particle Swarm Optimization tuned Fractional order PID controller for a Non-linear MIMO Spherical tank system’, Published on line in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. (Annexure II, ISSN 0973-4562) | 5. | Design and modelling of state feedback with integral controller for a non-linear spherical tank process | 12-03-2012 | 12-03-2012 | one day | PradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2012, ‘Design and modelling of state feedback with integral controller for a non-linear spherical tank process’, Published on line in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 668-672. ISSN (Online 2250–2459) | 6. | MRAC Based PI Controller for a Coupled Conical Tank Process | 20-12-2010 | 21-12-2010 | 20-12-2010 To 21-12-2010 | First International Conference on Modeling, Control, Automation and Communication ( ICMCAC 2010), Organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering , Velammal Engineering College, Chennai |
Paper Publication (National) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | robust biometric image watermarking using tms320c6711 | 20-03-2008 | 21-03-2008 | 20.03.08 to 21.03.08 | presented a paper titled "Robust Biometric image watermarking using TMS320C6711" in the National Conference on Electrical Engineering & Embedded system NCEEE'08,organised by dept of EEE,CEG at Anna University Chennai. |
Paper Presentation |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Implementation of PID control for level control using PLC | 19-03-2008 | 19-03-2008 | 19.03.2008 | Presented a paper titled "Implementation of PID control for level control using PLC" in the national Conference "Intellegent Computing and Automation -INSTRUVISION 2K8" Organised by the department of Electronics and Instrumentation of Kamaraj College of Eingineering and Technology |
Conference |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Research Issues in Process Control | 20-04-2011 | 21-04-2011 | 20-04-2011 to21-04-2011 | Organized a Anna University of Technology Madurai sponsored faculty development program titled “Research Issues in Process Control” during 20th & 21st April 2011 as co-coordinator. | 2. | Process Automation using SCADA & PLC | 04-03-2011 | 06-03-2011 | 4-3-2011 to 6-03-11 | Organised a 3 day training program on “Process Automation using SCADA & PLC” to our III year students during 4-6 March 2011, as coordinator of the program | 3. | MODERN CONTROL SYSTEM | 02-02-2011 | 04-02-2011 | 2-02-2011 TO 4-02-2011 | Organised a 3 day FTP on MODERN CONTROL SYSTEM during 2-4Febraury 2011 as a co coordinator | 4. | Automation using PLC | 04-03-2008 | 05-03-2008 | 04.03.08 -05.03.08 | Delivered a lecture in Introduction to PLC & Programming using PLC in the two day workshop on automation using PLC conducted by the dept of EIE of our college. | 5. | two day workshop on labview basics and its applications in process control | 24-08-2007 | 25-08-2007 | 24-08-07 to 25-08-07 | A two day workshop on labview basics &its applicatrions in process control has been organised for faculty members of near by colleges as coordinator |
Seminars |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Design and implementation of Advanced controllers for Non-linear systems using Labview | 23-06-2011 | 25-06-2011 | 23.06-11 to 25.06.11 | Attended a national workshop on Design and implementation of Advanced controllers for Non-linear systems using Lab view at Velammal Engineering College-Chennai | 2. | Electronic Circuits System Design Using Virtual Instrumentation | 25-04-2011 | 26-04-2011 | 25.04.11 to 26.04.11 | Two Day workshop on Electronic Circuits System Design Using Virtual Instrumentation at Anna University of Technology-Madurai. | 3. | Mobile Robots and Sensor Networks | 28-03-2011 | 01-04-2011 | 28.03.11 to 01.04.11 | Short term Training Programme on Mobile Robots and Sensor Networks at IIT-Madras | 4. | Soft computing using Matlab | 12-02-2011 | 13-02-2011 | 12-02-2011 to 13-02-2011 | Attended a 2 day workshop on “Soft computing using Matlab” organized by Kongu College of Engg., Perundurai during February 2011. | 5. | SoftComputing Using MATLAB | 28-01-2011 | 29-01-2011 | 28.01.11 to 29.01.11 | Two Day National workshop on Soft Computing Using MAT LAB at Kongu Engg.College-Erode | 6. | A National level workshop on Industrial Automation | 13-03-2008 | 14-03-2008 | 13.03.08 -14.03.08 | Participated in two day workshop on Industrial Automation conducted by Deccan college of Engineering & Technology. | 7. | NI APPLICATIONS IN BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION USING LAB VIEW | 06-07-2007 | 07-07-2007 | 06-07-07 TO 07-07-07 | Attended a work shop on NI applications in bio medical applications at SRM deemed University chennai |