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Professor & MR
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Qualification :B.E.(ICE) M.E.(I.E.), PH.D.
Experience :23.5 (Y.M)
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Academic Profile
Paper Publication (International)6
Paper Publication (National)1
Paper Presentation 1

Paper Publication (International)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Design and modeling of Fractional order PI controller for a coupled spherical tank MIMO System11-05-201511-05-2015one day PradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2015, ‘Design and modeling of Fractional order PI controller for a coupled spherical tank MIMO System’, Published on line in Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol.9, no.5, pp. 477- 485. (Annexure II, ISSN 1991-8178)
2. Control of a non-linear coupled spherical tank process using GA tuned PID controller15-09-201415-09-2014one dayPradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2014, ‘Control of a non-linear coupled spherical tank process using GA tuned PID controller’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, Special Issue 3, pp. 580-586. ISSN (Online 2319-8753)
3. Implementation of gain scheduled PID controller for a nonlinear coupled spherical tank process10-07-201410-07-2014one day1. PradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2014, ‘Implementation of gain scheduled PID controller for a nonlinear coupled spherical tank process’, Published on line International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 93-98 (Annexure II, ISSN 2077124X).
4. Particle Swarm Optimization tuned Fractional order PID controller for a Non-linear MIMO Spherical tank system12-03-201212-03-2012one dayPradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2012, ‘Particle Swarm Optimization tuned Fractional order PID controller for a Non-linear MIMO Spherical tank system’, Published on line in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. (Annexure II, ISSN 0973-4562)
5. Design and modelling of state feedback with integral controller for a non-linear spherical tank process12-03-201212-03-2012one dayPradeepKannan, D & Sathiyamoorthy, S 2012, ‘Design and modelling of state feedback with integral controller for a non-linear spherical tank process’, Published on line in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 668-672. ISSN (Online 2250–2459)
6. MRAC Based PI Controller for a Coupled Conical Tank Process20-12-201021-12-201020-12-2010 To 21-12-2010First International Conference on Modeling, Control, Automation and Communication ( ICMCAC 2010), Organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering , Velammal Engineering College, Chennai

Paper Publication (National)
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. robust biometric image watermarking using tms320c671120-03-200821-03-200820.03.08 to 21.03.08presented a paper titled "Robust Biometric image watermarking using TMS320C6711" in the National Conference on Electrical Engineering & Embedded system NCEEE'08,organised by dept of EEE,CEG at Anna University Chennai.

Paper Presentation
S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Implementation of PID control for level control using PLC19-03-200819-03-200819.03.2008Presented a paper titled "Implementation of PID control for level control using PLC" in the national Conference "Intellegent Computing and Automation -INSTRUVISION 2K8" Organised by the department of Electronics and Instrumentation of Kamaraj College of Eingineering and Technology

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Research Issues in Process Control20-04-201121-04-201120-04-2011 to21-04-2011Organized a Anna University of Technology Madurai sponsored faculty development program titled “Research Issues in Process Control” during 20th & 21st April 2011 as co-coordinator.
2. Process Automation using SCADA & PLC04-03-201106-03-20114-3-2011 to 6-03-11Organised a 3 day training program on “Process Automation using SCADA & PLC” to our III year students during 4-6 March 2011, as coordinator of the program
3. MODERN CONTROL SYSTEM02-02-201104-02-20112-02-2011 TO 4-02-2011Organised a 3 day FTP on MODERN CONTROL SYSTEM during 2-4Febraury 2011 as a co coordinator
4. Automation using PLC04-03-200805-03-200804.03.08 -05.03.08Delivered a lecture in Introduction to PLC & Programming using PLC in the two day workshop on automation using PLC conducted by the dept of EIE of our college.
5. two day workshop on labview basics and its applications in process control24-08-200725-08-200724-08-07 to 25-08-07A two day workshop on labview basics &its applicatrions in process control has been organised for faculty members of near by colleges as coordinator

S.No.TitleFrom DateTo DatePeriodDetails
1. Design and implementation of Advanced controllers for Non-linear systems using Labview23-06-201125-06-201123.06-11 to 25.06.11Attended a national workshop on Design and implementation of Advanced controllers for Non-linear systems using Lab view at Velammal Engineering College-Chennai
2. Electronic Circuits System Design Using Virtual Instrumentation25-04-201126-04-201125.04.11 to 26.04.11Two Day workshop on Electronic Circuits System Design Using Virtual Instrumentation at Anna University of Technology-Madurai.
3. Mobile Robots and Sensor Networks28-03-201101-04-201128.03.11 to 01.04.11Short term Training Programme on Mobile Robots and Sensor Networks at IIT-Madras
4. Soft computing using Matlab12-02-201113-02-201112-02-2011 to 13-02-2011 Attended a 2 day workshop on “Soft computing using Matlab” organized by Kongu College of Engg., Perundurai during February 2011.
5. SoftComputing Using MATLAB28-01-201129-01-201128.01.11 to 29.01.11Two Day National workshop on Soft Computing Using MAT LAB at Kongu Engg.College-Erode
6. A National level workshop on Industrial Automation13-03-200814-03-200813.03.08 -14.03.08Participated in two day workshop on Industrial Automation conducted by Deccan college of Engineering & Technology.
7. NI APPLICATIONS IN BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION USING LAB VIEW06-07-200707-07-200706-07-07 TO 07-07-07Attended a work shop on NI applications in bio medical applications at SRM deemed University chennai

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